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Posts posted by FiddySicks

  1. Baseball was already teetering on the brink of collapse as it was, but then they decided to bring in an actual accelerationist as commissioner. Truly stunning how bad of a job Manfred has done since he took over. The game is fundamentally a worse product than it was before he took over. There are a LOT of bad league commissioners out there, but how many can we say actually ruined the fundamentals of the product they were overseeing the way Manfred has? Shameful. 

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  2. Here’s something that might make people happy. Chiefs winning the Super Bowl made Tom Brady and the Bucs what I like to call the “ultimate playoff losers”. There’s almost always one every single season (It might always happen? I haven’t thought this one through fully and have been drinking). 

    Bucs lost to Dallas who lost to San Francisco who lost to Philly who lost to KC. Everyone point and laugh at the seven time champion. 

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  3. Pretty good game! Dumb stuff at the end there but I just can’t ever bring myself to get too overly outraged at the behest of Philly sports. 

    I just had a feeling from about mid season that nobody was going to beat the Chiefs. They slipped a bit under the radar there and just took care of business at the end, even with some of the questionable calls. They’re every bit the Patriots that the Patriots were, and I don’t say that as some veiled shot, but rather as a compliment. There’s a lot of weird talk about things being “scripted”, and while I think that’s nonsense, there certainly seems to be a bit of a blueprint to follow to be successful. Kansas City is just currently following it better than anyone else. Props to them I guess. I’ve said it before and I’ll repeat, for as boring as they may be, they’re still a thousand times more fun than any of those Pats teams. 

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  4. On 2/9/2023 at 5:12 AM, BBTV said:


    I really like CMcC and think he's an elite player (hot take, I know), but he comes off really dumb here.  They DO LET YOU HAVE A THIRD QB.  They ended the emergency QB thing, and expanded the roster to accommodate.  Teams consciously choose to not use that spot for a QB.  That's on the coach.  Maybe they should change the rule and require an OL to block a DL, then we're not having this conversation.

    Stolen from you? They lost by 24! I think I might possibly have more sympathy for the Niners had they not, like,  gotten completely dominated and tripped over their own dicks all game long. I have no idea what they’re on about when it comes to this one. 


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  5. 7 hours ago, Gary said:

    Pistons get James Wiseman, holy cow. They gave up Bey to the Hawks, but just imagine Cunningham, Ivey, Wiseman and Bogdanovic in the next few years. I’m excited for how this team might compete in the next few years.

    Warriors basically salary dumping Wiseman doesn’t bother me because he hadn’t done anything with them and it didn’t really matter anyway. What does bother me a bit though, especially with them getting GPII right back, is they essentially got nothing for that #2 overall pick. Again, can’t really complain about recent results as a fan, but it does feel like one of the very few things they’ve done recently that hasn’t been a home run. 

    As for Wiseman it’s probably good that he’s going to a weaker team where he’ll actually have the chance to develop rather than rotting on the bench surrounded by a championship roster. But even with his height and upside, he kind of already feels like a guy that’ll be out of the NBA in less than five seasons. He’s played like 60 total games since being drafted and none have been all that memorable. 

  6. 3 hours ago, See Red said:

    If we are splitting hairs, Kobe had an NBA Finals game 7 where he shot 25% from the field.  I don't really get the doubting of LeBron's clutchness. Think he just had the misfortune of dragging worse teams to the finals and playing much better teams there than Jordan ever did.

    Yeah there’s all this talk about how Jordan was so clutch and Lebron didn’t “have it” like Jordan did, and I’m just wondering why people ignore the early losses those Jordan teams had, and seem to also ignore, like, what Lebron did vs the Warriors in 2016 and to the Celtics in the ECF in 2012. It just seems like such a weird double standard. 

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  7. 40 minutes ago, DG_ThenNowForever said:


    There are a lot of people -- myself once included -- who were determined to discredit LeBron as not being worthy to Jordan ever since he joined the Cavs. There are people who will never be moved, but I was. LeBron has done more with less, will end up with basically ever individual record, and, until he entered his late 30s, was a guaranteed contender. All that, and basically a completely clean record and no off-court controversy.  Best to do it.

    This is the thing that’s so baffling to me about a lot of the Lebron hate. The dude is just about the best example of a person as you could possibly expect to be the face of the league and a role model to a ton of young kids (even if you argue that athletes shouldn’t be role models, you can still at least understand the point in this). And yet people nitpick stuff like, oh, he comes across as too arrogant or oh he’s too much of a drama Queen. Like, ok. Sure. Even if that’s true (I don’t really think it is), what do you really expect? How perfect does someone have to be to validate their achievements? That’s the real arrogance if you ask me. That stuff all comes across as so annoyingly entitled from fans.  Like, people have so little left to hold against Lebron that they’re even roasting him on his stance on stuff like China and Kyrie’s antisemitism. Basically stuff that none of us would ever care about with any other athlete. Some of that comes with the territory, no doubt about it. It’s the cost of being in that position. But this dude has been held under a microscope forever and has mostly come out clean sans a few relatively minor issues (at least for an athlete and in the context of sports). Jordan had the luxury of playing in an era when there wasn’t that constant surveillance, and Jordan was famously a douche. But because of the “mystery” or whatever, it’s celebrated rather than torn apart like it is today. It just builds his legend. I think in that sense, how can you not see Lebron as at least on the same level as Jordan? 

    That’s just my feeling, though. You’re right that some people are never gonna be swayed on this issue in either direction. 

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  8. Yeah there’s always gonna be that debate, and that’s fine. I personally don’t think it really matters all that much. I really kinda hate how the whole debate has clouded people from just sitting back and enjoying the whole Lebron era. 

    All I know is this. I got to see the final three Jordan titles and that was really awesome. I’ve also followed Lebron’s entire career, and that’s also been awesome. Pair that with guys like Steph and KD, I’m just happy basketball as a whole has been this compelling for so long. Like, Jordan vs Lebron for best ever. What a good problem to have, right? 

    • Like 6
  9. 4 hours ago, GhostOfNormMacdonald said:

    This thread is convincing me that the compass should be used on their hats full-time. Their S logo doesn't stand out, but the compass is a really strong mark. At least put it in the rotation

    Hat Club put one of these out a few years ago with the teal bill and a tonal flag (one of the very last US made Poly hats they produced, in fact), and I just had to get it. It’s part of my regular rotation. Love that hat. Would make a great primary for them. I like the S Compass logo more than most, but the S is probably unnecessary. The compass totally works well enough alone as a primary cap logo. 

    I wouldn’t even mind a team color version of their TATC caps.


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  10. 10 hours ago, Old School Fool said:


    I love this hat. The Mariners promoted the hell out of it back in the late 90's but I never saw it in action myself. Despite all the emphasis on the hat they just rarely wore it and then dropped it despite it supposedly being a favorite among people.


    The below pic is from a 1997 game.



    I still think this hat would’ve been better with a teal bill rather than a silver bill.



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  11. Good. Honestly? :censored: the A’s. If ownership is going to be this shameless about begging cities to pay for the majority of their toy while also keeping all of the profits, then they can kick rocks. Best solution for the A’s at this point? Contract them. Make it a Browns style deal where they can come back as an expansion team if someone else has the better financial ability to do so. If not? Relegate them to the past.  

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  12. Yeah sucks but maybe the Bengals should’ve put something together on that final drive. Not sad at all for them. They had their chance and didn’t make it happen. KC looked very impressive today and earned that one. Sorry. 

    I was pulling very hard for the Bengals too, if that counts for anything. 


    Eagles Chiefs is pretty boring in the sense that it just reminds me of an NBA style championship with two recent champions playing, but it should be a good game. Eagles are probably the better team, but I’m taking the Chiefs on some big plays at the end. Let’s say 27-24.  

  13. I want the Bengals to win so bad today, but the alternative would be just fine. Eagles Chiefs Super Bowl would be pretty meh, but I really don’t hate either of those teams. Go KC in that case, guess? It would mostly feel like that Broncos Panthers Super Bowl. Neither is going to upset me, but neither would really move the needle for me, either. 

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