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Posts posted by FiddySicks

  1. On 1/24/2023 at 7:24 PM, FiddySicks said:

    The 49ers really struggled to get the running game going last week, and when Dallas was able to put pressure on Purdy, he looked kind of like a late round draft pick rookie. Philly has an even better defensive front than Dallas does, and probably a better secondary, too. Really, the Niners and Eagles are both pretty similar teams, but Philly has a better, more experienced quarterback. I don’t necessarily think the 49ers can’t win, but they’re going to have to play near perfect to do so. And add all the :censored: now going on with Omenihu, and I really wouldn’t be all that surprised to see the Niners get smoked by the Eagles. 

    Yeah, basically what I expected. 


    2 minutes ago, DoctorWhom said:

    I don't see how they wouldn't be the favorites with how their playing. 

    Chiefs might give them some trouble. 

    But you really think the Bengals injured O-line can stand up to how dominate the Eagles pass rush has been? 


  2. 18 minutes ago, DoctorWhom said:

    Shannan's 49ers are looking a lot And Reid's Eagles right now. (ironically)


    A team that has all the pieces to win a Super Bowl, but just can't get over that hump.   

    For as much as they’ve been “unlucky” and  have had calls go against them, a lot of this is on coaching. For as good at scheming up an offense Shanahan is, he’s probably one of the worst big game coaches I’ve ever seen. Like, he’s been dreadfully bad in so many big games. Like, how do you not have a better backup plan than Josh Johnson? 

    I’m so happy I haven’t wasted my life investing my fandom in the 49ers. What a frustrating franchise. 

  3. 3 hours ago, WSU151 said:


    The Diamondbacks never had a panel/regular mismatch, but they did have hats that didn't match the batting helmet in the purple/teal set.  I feel like there's a couple other teams that had similar mismatches. 


    edit: The 80s White Sox had the white panel hats with the navy blue/redbrimmed helmets. The Rockies for a stretch in the 2010s had black hats and metallic purple helmets. The 70s Pirates had yellow helmets with black hats. The Nats have held onto the red batting helmets while the home hats have shifted to the white paneled dome version. 

    Mets did the same, but swap out the purple for blue. This was when the Mets were more black heavy in their color scheme. 

    Rangers also had a batting helmet that faded from blue to red, but I’m not sure that one ever actually saw the field. I wanna say it was scrapped before they ever actually used it in a game. 

    • Like 1
  4. 10 hours ago, ManillaToad said:

    What options does Brady even have at this point? Las Vegas and... Indy? Washington? SF and Miami shoring up their QB situations really limits his choices

    Brady has two realistic options left, really. 

    1). Go back to Tampa. They still have a lot of talent, and if they can shore up the offensive line a bit they may have another shot. It’s a much longer shot than it has been, but Licht has done a pretty good job assembling this team, and I think can do it again if all things fall right 


    Or, the better option,


    2). Just retire already. Hit the ol Dusty trail and make all that money broadcasting. 

    • Like 3
  5. 20 hours ago, infrared41 said:


    All due respect, I take WAR almost as seriously as I took Tank's annual suicide threats. That aside, my point was that Williams and Rolen are essentially the same player. And neither of them are Hall of Famers.

    I say this as someone who grew up in the Carson City area and played the majority of my high school baseball games at Matt Williams Field: 


    Oh, come on. 

  6. On 1/23/2023 at 1:06 PM, Rockstar Matt said:

    I don't know if this is a hot take considering the Eagles were the best team all year, but I think they're a bad match-up for San Francisco.


    Their defense is just as capable of slowing down/stopping the 49ers offense like the Cowboys defense did last night and the 49ers have shown a surprising susceptibility to teams with QB's who can run well. No team utilized an offense with a running QB better than Philadelphia this season. Their OC created a system centered around Jalen's talents that always has a counter for whatever the opposing defense tries to take away. It puts defenses in a bind because no matter what they choose, the Eagles offense makes it the wrong choice. 


    Should be an interesting game.

    The 49ers really struggled to get the running game going last week, and when Dallas was able to put pressure on Purdy, he looked kind of like a late round draft pick rookie. Philly has an even better defensive front than Dallas does, and probably a better secondary, too. Really, the Niners and Eagles are both pretty similar teams, but Philly has a better, more experienced quarterback. I don’t necessarily think the 49ers can’t win, but they’re going to have to play near perfect to do so. And add all the :censored: now going on with Omenihu, and I really wouldn’t be all that surprised to see the Niners get smoked by the Eagles. 

  7. 7 minutes ago, ManillaToad said:

    Houston changing their uniforms is gonna be like the Titans where everyone got bored of their long-lasting set and was excited to see something new, then the redesign was a disaster and we all wish they never changed in the first place because the original was perfectly fine

    Yeah I don’t necessarily think the Texans uniforms are all that awe inspiring, but considering they picked a generic ass name like the Texans, they kinda nailed the uniforms out of the gate. 

    A lot of times uniforms stick around because they get that whole “iconic” label for representing successful eras. Just look at the Cowboys. Their uniforms are objectively a total mess, but are seen as untouchable due to the links it has to their past success. Had the Texans not been a tire fire for most of their existence, their uniforms would’ve probably been on that level, too.

    IMO, any way you slice it, the Texans just have a better, more cohesive set than the Cowboys. But because it’s linked to an era (re: their entire existence) that’s been mostly terrible play, they’re seen as “stale” and expendable. The issue with the Texans isn’t the uniforms, it’s literally everything else. The uniforms aren’t “stale”, the entire organization is. New uniforms aren’t gonna fix those problems. 

    • Like 13
  8. 2 hours ago, BBTV said:


    wasn't Kaepernick highly regarded when he was drafted, even if not a first-rounder?  IIRC they traded up for him, so I think most people expected him to do something.

    Yeah I mean I guess as far as anyone expected a mobile quarterback out of the University of Nevada to go. I watched basically every one of his games in college and was already a huge fan. I thought he might be a serviceable backup that would make a little bit of noise if he ever got the chance to start. I certainly never expected him to be the guy that got that 49ers team over the hump and to the Super Bowl. He absolutely far surpassed any real expectations I had for him. 

  9. 10 hours ago, DoctorWhom said:

    49ers winning would just be absolute hilarious chaos. After spending a #3 pick on a QB, losing him to injury, having to rely on Jimmy G (after trying so hard to shop him around) only for him to get injured, and finally winning it all with a rookie "Mr. Irrelevant"  3rd string QB, would just be hilarious not just for the team, but the whole NFL. 😄


    But seriously, what do the 49ers do if they win the Super Bowl with Brock Purdy? Do they still keep Lance as their starting QB next year? Or does he become the new Jordan Love? 


    It would really be something. Niners have been searching, mostly in vain, for a replacement for Joe Montana and Steve Young ever since Young got his head bashed in. It’s been a really miserable journey to watch (passing on Tom Brady in particular for Giovanni Carmazzi is never not going to be funny to me). 

    It feels really fitting that the Niners greatest success in all of this came with two dudes that basically nobody ever expected to do anything in Purdy and Colin Kaepernick (I’m a firm believer that Jimmy G was more of a detriment to their success than a benefit). 

  10. 10 minutes ago, PERRIN said:

    Talanoa Hufanga is such an amazing player. Haven't seen anyone with his impressive instincts since Polamalu. The similarities are uncanny, even if you factor in that Polamalu is mentoring him. Not just anyone can time snap counts like they do. Looks like he'll be a game wrecker for years to come. Easily one of my favorite defensive players to watch.

    Basically every 49ers fan I know considers him their favorite. Infectious energy. 

  11. 16 minutes ago, Rockstar Matt said:

    Burrow is so so so good, man. Really fun to watch too. He might be my favorite non-Cowboys QB in the league. 


    Cincinnati is playing very well. Buffalo is in trouble. 

    Closest QB I’ve ever seen to Joe Montana. Incredible ability, and as cool as the other side of the pillow (RIP Stu Scott). I’m a huge fan. 

    • Like 2
  12. 2 hours ago, oldschoolvikings said:

    Holy crap, dude.  If you stayed with her more than a month or two, all I can say is that sex must have been amazing. 

    Yeah, you live and you learn. Trying to build a life and a career can be tough, and sometimes you realize it’s not the right way to do it when you’re already in pretty deep. That’s usually the reason for sticking in a bad situation, I suppose. I was fortunate to get out of it without any serious financial issues and no kids. A lot of people aren’t that fortunate. 

    It’s been a lot to rebuild, and none of it has been easy (also, COVID exasperated a lot of it), but I’m in a mostly good place now. Just gotta keep marching on. 

    • Like 3
  13. 51 minutes ago, the admiral said:

    Which extreme was she: physically abused as a child, or coddled beyond belief?

    In my case, it was absolutely coddled beyond belief. Like, I had never met anyone worse in that sense. I grew up pretty well off and always got the “spoiled” label, but at least I had the awareness of how fortunate that was. She always acted aggrieved like everyone around her owed her something. She was the kinda chick who told everyone how hard she had worked to earn everything and scolded everyone else for being lazy, while living in a house that was 100% bought and paid for by her grandmother. That mixed with a side of her dad never wanting anything to do with her (can’t blame him, her mom was a similar nightmare) and a topping of total delusion on what and who she was. An embarrassing amount of “I’m a born and raised country girl” who had spent her entire life living in Arden Arcade, Sacramento. Closest she ever got to country was going into huge debt buying horses she didn’t have anywhere to house, because again, she grew up next door to a shopping mall.

    Now that I think about it, I didn’t even really leave because of the abuse. I mainly left because she started trying to shift her frivolous debt on to me. Trying to forge my signature on the loan for an $80,000 Ford F-350 was the point where I bailed. 

  14. Well, the two weakest teams left in the playoffs both lost today, so overall, today was a positive. Niners-Cowboys and Bengals-Bills should both be fantastic matchups, and all four of those teams are legit good. 


    Heart says Niners over Cowboys, head says Cowboys over Niners.


    No idea on that Bengals Bills game. I would say Bengals going away, but their line issues worry me. Bills by a field goal. 

  15. 10 hours ago, the admiral said:


    Used to be a time when "stand still while someone hits you in the face really hard" had rules. It had principles. It had a heart. It was a gentleman's pursuit, and these scoundrels ruined it for everyone.

    Oh, this has to be PotD. 

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  16. 1 hour ago, infrared41 said:


    Same here. Guess we'll know more in a few hours.

    Oof. Well, at least we can be wrong together on this one 😂


    Eagles look very good. I’m really hoping the Niners do what they’re supposed to to tomorrow because Eagles-49ers title game has the potential to be awesome. Eagles Cowboys has the potential to be real stupid. And I would have to root for the Eagles which I would appreciate being able to avoid. 

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