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Posts posted by FiddySicks

  1. 16 minutes ago, JerseyJimmy said:

    ...oh my god, the Jags are gonna win the AFC South, aren't they

    If I was an AFC team I would be pretty wary of playing them if they do make the playoffs. This team reminds me a bit of the early years of those LoB Seahawks teams. Maybe somewhere around that playoff win against Washington when RGIII got hurt. They’re not quite there yet, but they have the potential to be straight up nasty in the next few years if they can retain some of these guys and really round into form. 

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  2. 4 minutes ago, dont care said:

    Is it really though? They haven’t been competitive for over 2 decades outside of a first round exit here and there. I don’t know how you can say it more fun when they haven’t had any.

    Because I like the Dolphins and Miami is a great city. It’s not a scientific formula or anything. I feel the same way about the Raiders. 

    This is a great game! How often do we get a good, competitive game from the Dolphins and Bills? And while they’re both competing for the division? What do you want? More of the Patriots running away with it? 

    • Like 4
  3. 1 hour ago, andrewharrington said:


    In textile, however, the Reebok-era Brown would have been a brown in Ripon’s palette. Now, I’m not sure if they actually dipped a custom color or simply used their stock brown. You’d have to check out a 2005 gamer vs. a 2006 gamer to see if the color actually changed.


    All manufacturers have limited color palettes, and there are business decisions centered around factors like minimums, efficiency, waste, etc. so generally, if it’s close, a stock fabric is going to be used instead of dipping a new color that’s very similar to the existing one. My guess is that the anecdotal difference people are seeing between a Reebok jersey and a Nike jersey is simply the difference in the stock browns used by both brands’ respective manufacturers, but again, you’d have to look at two gamers to compare and/or talk to someone who worked in development on either side to know for sure.

    Back when I was doing the uniforms  for Sac Republic they had just signed a deal with Nike and basically had to adjust their entire color palette to match the swatches Nike had available. It’s funny you mention how “picky” the Eagles are probably being, because we had a similar situation. Our main design person and two of the owners were really against switching the maroon to the darker Nike shade (mainly because it requires them to have to make those color changes on the club’s end), and were basically told, look, we don’t even change our color palette for the biggest clubs in the world. Why would you expect us to alter our infrastructure for a second level American pro soccer team? And 99.999% of people didn’t even notice, even when they had the old kit and new Nike kit side by side. 

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  4. 11 hours ago, GriffinM6 said:

    I honestly never noticed how different the shades of brown were on their 2000s-2014 uniforms than now until you mentioned it. They definitely should bring back the old brown. 

    Cleveland Browns quarterback Baker Mayfield on Covid-19 reserve

    NFL combine 2013: Josh Cribbs waiting on Browns - SBNation.com

    Agreed. The old shade of almost milk chocolate-y brown was a lot more distinct. The new brown isn’t necessarily bad, but on first glance I always confuse it for black. The old shade of orange was better too, IMO. 

    I keep hearing all of this talk about how Nike has a somewhat limited color palette for their fabric swatches. I’m wondering if that’s why the Browns really decided to alter the colors. 

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    I’m not fully sure why, as he never coached a team I ever cared about, but this one has hit me kind of hard. Dude had his issues here and there (that whole Adam James thing, the recent stuff with the player side swiping him as he hit the transfer portal), but he was one of my favorite coaches of all time. A deeply eccentric man with such an odd, but great sense of humor. He always sort of reminded me of my dad. Very sad to see him go. Gonna miss hearing him on Lebatard. 

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  6. 1 hour ago, CaliforniaGlowin said:

    A root canal is necessary too. doesn't mean it's good.

    I feel like this sort of hits on all of this very well, and it’s actually a really good comparison, but it maybe isn’t making the point you’re trying to make. 

    Root canals, while extremely unpleasant in the short term, actually are good for the long term health of your teeth. If you look at it like that, ads on jerseys could sort of be seen in the same manner. Unpleasant as all :censored:, but an attempt to help guarantee the “long term viability” of the team and league.

    Now, I would argue that it’s more to line the pockets of a bunch of greedy owners, but your point about the root canal is still pretty on the nose. 

    • Like 2
  7. 1 hour ago, infrared41 said:


    And I never said he is a great QB. I think we're saying the same thing, but we're taking different sides on the matter. My point is that I don't see an available QB that's significantly better than Carr right now. You think they should cut him loose and go with someone like Mayfield or Brissett. (Neither of which are as good as Carr) I think the Raiders should ride it out with Carr until there is a clear upgrade available to them. Right now, outside the draft, that upgrade isn't available to them. 


    We both agree that he's not the QB that will get Raiders to the Super Bowl.

    FWIW, when Brady first retired the QB I wanted most for the Bucs was Carr. He’s not a world beater by any means, but is a very solid qb who has added positively to the Raiders game more than he’s hurt it. That might not be much of a compliment for a starting QB, but it still is a compliment. I would take him in a trade for Brady right now in a heartbeat. 

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  8. 4 hours ago, infrared41 said:


    There is no way I'd take current Tom Brady over Derek Carr. Pretty sure the Raiders won't either.

    Yeah I think people are still giving Brady a wide birth due to his reputation, but the dude looks absolutely cooked. Like, I get that the o line is completely decimated, but he’s routinely missing his receivers on even some really basic throws. The two interceptions he threw today looked like some rookie qb level stuff. Just duffing passes into the ground or throwing behind his targets. Bucs have used him as their workhorse and he looks like he’s actively falling apart because of it. I mean, it’s not even that surprising. He’s definitely one of the worst QBs I’ve ever seen live. 

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  9. If it’s a question of are the Niners really that good or are the Bucs just that bad, it’s absolutely that the Bucs are just that bad. This is one of the worst football teams I’ve ever seen, and are BY FAR my least favorite Bucs team since I’ve been a fan. Whole squad has completely quit. 

    If Bowles and Leftwich are back next season, I don’t think I will be. 

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