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Posts posted by FiddySicks

  1. The NFL and particularly the Raiders are a different dog in their own right. It’s the most popular sport in the country, only has 8 home dates, and the Raiders in particular are a team that people would follow to the bottom of the Pacific Ocean if need be. People aren’t gonna do that :censored: for the booty ass A’s. 

    Just look at the Arizona Cardinals. They play in a veritable black hole of of an area of Maricopa County, but being an NFL team that only plays home games on the weekends transcends that. Vegas (in particular the area where their current AAA stadium is) is in a lot of ways even worse. And they’re gonna try to do that with 1/3 the population. Lol, ok. 

    And I even get it that the A’s aren’t drawing flies in their current location, but that has to do with how hamstrung they are by that ownership group. The potential is there, but their setting themselves up to actively fail. The potential in Vegas is a LOT less, and if they make any missteps, those problems are only going to be exasperated. 

    I’ll use the A’s and Raiders as a comparison point. At the end, the Raiders were basically intentionally kneecapping themselves to get out of the Coliseum, so their attendance slipped. But before that, even when they were absolute dog:censored:, they were selling out or close to selling out most of their games. The A’s have never had that even when they’ve been competitive, because the fans knew that the owners were too cheap to even try to keep that competitiveness long term. 

    People seem to think this ownership group is going to magically get better and more willing to spend if they move to Vegas. I mean, you can make that bet if you want, but I sure as hell wouldn’t. 

    • Like 4
  2. 8 hours ago, WestCoastBias said:


    Houston and Dallas are 3x as big as Vegas and the Twin Cities is a more unique situation. Seems like Vegas just gets the benefit of the doubt with everything even though no one knows what the market will be like in the future with likely every major pro sports league. I doubt many other expansion cities would get to keep their Triple-A team.

    This is the most baffling thing to me about Vegas. It’s one of the smaller markets in the sports world, is in the most impoverished state in the country, it’s real estate and job economy is already plateauing, and is in the middle of a desert hellscape that is actively running out of water. The hesitation on Vegas as a major sports market was led by the whole gambling thing, but it’s far from the only reason it took Vegas so long to get top level pro sports. Rushing in every single top tier sport in the US within a 10-15 year period is incredibly reckless, even with the transient tourism population they have. Eventually something is going to give, and I just can’t see the A’s not being the first team that the consequences of this lands directly on top of. I would be willing to put good money on it that if the A’s do end up moving down there, they’ll be in an even worse situation than they are now within ten years. Very little of what Vegas is doing is going to be sustainable in the long run, and I can’t believe the A’s/MLB are seemingly so willing to take that risk. 

    The A’s biggest problem is the one thing MLB seems so willing to ignore, and that’s the ownership group. It’s a group that flat out refuses to put any of their own resources into fixing the problem, and instead would rather beg for handouts from city/state governments. The Giants had many of the same issues the A’s have with getting a new stadium, but the difference is they had an ownership group that was willing and able to privately fund a new ballpark. That move has completely turned around the Giants fortunes, and instead of taking a lesson on that, the A’s just wanted to cry poor for three decades. I understand that finding the money and real estate to do these sort of things in the Bay Area is hard, but it’s been shown that it isn’t impossible. The Giants did it, the Warriors were able to get themselves a brand new building, and hell, even the 49ers found a way to do that while also pulling in public funding. 

    I think that ultimately down the line the A’s leaving the Bay Area is going to be looked at as one of the biggest failures in modern US pro sports. And it’s almost entirely based on greed.

    • Like 5
  3. I wouldn’t even mind seeing the Lions go back to the old logo, even. 

    Weird to see the argument that the old look never had enough success to keep them, when they play in the same division as the Bears. Would one Super Bowl win 40 years ago floating in an ocean of burning tires have made that Lions look more untouchable? 

    • Like 4
  4. The powder blue is whatever, I could take it or leave it. But the logo and maroon color they used is so far superior to the current look. The maroon is unique to the league (D Backs are close, but Phillies use a darker shade. At least, I think they do). And the logo with the squiggle is MUCH better. I really wish they would at least bring those aspects back. 

  5. I’m so so SO damn tired of Kyrie. Nothing that guy has ever been about has been cool in the slightest. He may be one of the most off putting pro athletes in the history of sports. Really excited for the day he just :censored:s off and disappears. He’s not even fun to hate. 

    • Like 5
  6. 2 hours ago, WestCoastBias said:

    Gonzaga going to the Big XII would be a massive L for the Pac-12 (and of course the WCC), they should have been working on adding the Zags as soon as USC and UCLA announced they were leaving.


    Meanwhile, Sports Illustrated is reporting that the Pac-12 and San Diego State have had ongoing communication. 



    Good lord 🤦🏼‍♂️ 

    They might as well just fold the PAC 12 at that point. 

  7. Well hey now we got a series on our hands! That being said, seeing that it was a combined no hitter and can’t help but think anything but meh. The whole thing of multiple pitchers not giving up a hit just doesn’t have nearly the same caché as a single pitcher no no. Still think the Phillies are winning this. Probably in six. 

    • Like 1
  8. God, that would rule to see the Phillies clinch in the powder and maroon throwbacks. 


    Only other times I can remember a Championship game/round with throwbacks are the NBA Finals when the Nets wore the throwbacks vs the Spurs, and when the Niners won the Super Bowl in the 94 throwback set. 

    • Like 2
  9. I feel like the Twins make changes to their set just about every decade, but they’re always relatively subtle. I’m assuming this’ll be similar, from what I’m seeing so far. Better than them making even bigger changes, which I was a bit worried about. 

  10. Yeah them dropping a close game to Georgia May actually be in their best interest 🤷‍♂️ It avoids them having to play Bama again in the SEC title game, and if Georgia smokes Bama that’ll leave Bama with two losses and Tennessee with just one. For some reason I had it in my head that they could lose to Georgia and still end up in the title game and lose again to Bama, which may leave them out in the cold. Probably not likely, though. 

  11. 6 hours ago, TrueYankee26 said:

    1st CFP rankings released. Tennessee Volunteers are at #1



    Uh oh. I really don’t like that for the Vols chances. Puts a target the size of Neyland on their backs. That and they still have to get past Georgia AND Bama (again) to have a shot at the playoff. Don’t get me wrong, I’m hoping like hell they can pull it off, but that’s a lot of pressure for a pretty inexperienced team. I’m just hoping this doesn’t end deflating for them. 

  12. 3 hours ago, ripall90 said:

    I did both things and I do acknowledge the other side. But sure let's change the subject. I don't like the Elf on the Browns field. Didn't they use to have the helmet logo at mid field? 

    NGL, I don’t really either. Something about it just looks “off” to me. I think it’s too big. The skin tone face also looks kinda weird to me 🤷‍♂️

  13. So really, if anything, this is a reflection on just how historically inept Dusty Baker has been at managing teams in the playoffs and World Series. Why in the world would he would let McCullers pitch long enough to give up FIVE home runs? It’s really fascinating just how many times he’s blown it in this situation. I really have a hard time wrapping my head around that. 

    I’m sure he’s probably a hall of famer at some point just based on his longevity alone. But god, I really hope not. Dude is a bum ass loser and always has been. 

    • Like 1
  14. Yes, and I understand that. But, as you said in the last part of your post, that’s not even what I was saying lol. 

    Like, I get that the Padres and Twins situations are different, and I also get that the Padres didn’t just magically pick the two colors they’re now using out of thin air.  I’m simply stating that it was a perfect refresh for them because it swapped them to a color scheme that nobody else uses from something that was over saturated. 

    Also, when it comes to brand equity, I kind of think that can really only go so far when your sharing colors with so many other teams. If anything, IMO the Twins probably use their version of R/W/B in a much weaker way than a lot of the other R/W/B teams do. I feel the real strong points for the Twins are the logos and wordmarks. I personally think they would stand out just as much in a different color scheme as they do now 🤷‍♂️

    Damn, I really never expected to get into a debate that lasted this long over the Twins colors 😂 


    But like I said, this is all probably moot anyway, and I don’t even want the Twins to change anyway outside of a few relatively minor tweaks lol.  

    • Like 1
  15.  Don’t hate the R/W/B in baseball (and since I apparently have to be this specific, I’m talking navy blue in particular), I just don’t like that there are so many teams that all use it. We’ve talked about all of the teams that use the same color scheme (or at least similar enough, Pantone values notwithstanding), and that’s crowded enough. But there are (unless I’m miscounting) thirteen teams that use navy to some extent, and that includes nine teams in the AL. That’s overkill. If you’re going to make big changes anyway, why wouldn’t you want to differentiate yourselves from the rest of the pack? And again, I get the historical argument that the colors are old, but that’s also a reflection there only being so many available colors to use for dyes in the past. It’s 2022. We don’t have those same textile issues any longer. 

    I just look at a team like the Padres, who made such a dramatic shift from being one of the most boring and forgettable teams in the league from a branding standpoint, to probably the most unique. Why wouldn’t you want to strike out on your own with your own look that’s easy to separate from the other eight teams in your league who use it? 

    On another note, I still find it baffling that there is exactly one team in MLB that uses green. The color balance is so far off in baseball. 

    • Like 4
  16. You did read the part where I said I didn’t want them to make big changes, right? That actually includes the colors. I think the Twins are a few tweaks away from having a great look. All they really need to do is reintroduce pinstripes and ditch the gold. 

    But in the hierarchy of what the twins shouldn’t change, the colors sit at the very bottom IMO. They’re the least valuable part of their package. If they’re going to insist on changing away from the TC (and again, this is all hypothetical, so don’t get your stuff in such a twist over this), they might as well do a full scale separation. It’s just a personal preference I have, that’s all. 

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