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Posts posted by FiddySicks

  1. 8 hours ago, the admiral said:

    Oh, I'm sure even fans of those teams have some big thoughts once you get into the exurbs and off of reddit. 

    Yeah, I was gonna say, you might want to look into the history of the SFPD before assuming too much about the “thoughts” of a lot of the residents. Also, even with Portland, Oregon was originally established as a bit of a, ahem, for lack of a better phrase “whites only” state. 

    • Like 3
  2. 1 hour ago, Pigskin12 said:

    I agree it's down there. A white helmet with a red and blue color scheme isn't super creative. The helmet stripe widening in the back is the most interesting uniform element they have that I can think of. The red helmet would really help improve their identity again.

    Overall I like the Bills current look, and it’s MILES better than the nickel infused mess they had before this. But I do think the red helmet was a better look for them. I’m hoping they bring that back as the primary helmet eventually. 

    I’m assuming they probably have worn the white helmet for longer than the red, but basically all of the Bills memories I can generate came with them wearing a red helmet. 

    • Like 5
  3. I mean, that’s basically what they had to do anyway. Why not go all the way with it? Just a personal opinion. I think I would always feel conflicted with that still having such a similar feel. I’m more of a cut it loose if it’s not working kinda person, though. 

  4. The Guardians brand still irks me a bit. I don’t necessarily hate it, and have warmed up to a lot of it, but it still just feels too close to the old Indians brand, which I can understand what some may like that, but I personally don’t. I wish they had given themselves just a bit more of a separation from the past. I think the biggest issue I have is keeping the colors. They had the perfect opportunity to get away from the overused navy and red, and  really stand out from the crowd a bit. I think played it too safe, and IMO the whole thing ends up feeling kind of uninspired and derivative. I get the argument that they’ve always had those colors, but they were kind of forced to make a drastic change, and it somewhat feels half assed, in a sense. Not necessarily the worst, but could’ve been much better. 

  5. What in the world is happening with all the posts with this weird spacing? It’s like every time you type anything that needs an emoji, it spaces it out and deletes it completely if you try to edit it. 

    I’m not sure if you guys are using a new ad system or software or something, but the boards have become nearly unusable. It’s a significantly worse experience all around than it was even three months ago. 

    • Like 2
  6. 10 hours ago, Pigskin12 said:

    Forget football uniform matchups. This Eagles Cardinals game is one of the ugliest sights that can be viewed by a human eye.


    Yeah the Cardinals look terrible. They look like a dollar store version of the Vick era Falcons. And to pair that against the eagles randomly breaking out the black pants and socks? Why the hell does this league absolutely insist on looking like such dog crap so often? What a drab and boring matchup that was. 

    • Like 8
  7. 2 hours ago, Unocal said:

    The playoffs are honestly going to be a lot less exciting without the Mets

    Outside of the Mariners (who I don’t really see doing much from here on out) this is a REALLY bad final 8. None of these teams are even remotely likeable. 

    • Like 1
  8. Man, rough way for Pujols, Molina, and Wainright to go out. I know most of you here are reveling in it, but I’m bummed to see those guys go. 

    Hopefully the Phillies can get past Atlanta, but I still don’t really see anyone getting by LA this year. Dare to dream, I guess. 

  9. Giants finished at 81-81, which is the first .500 finish in their 104 year history. They also finished 26(!) games worse than last season. 

    I realize that last year they played WAY above their heads basically all year, and that they had some losses in the off season, but that’s really not a good sign for Farhan. If they don’t go out and spend some money this off season instead of just trying to build up a team on the waiver wire scrap heap, it’s probably going to be time to move on from him. 

    It sounds like they’re going to be very much in the hunt for Aaron Judge, but I can’t honestly see any way that happens. Even if he did grow up in Linden (east of Stockton, CA. Near Sacramento), the Giants have been real cheap asses, and I can’t see them pulling out a bigger deal than the Yankees will offer for him. And even if they do, I could see the Dodgers go out and overpay significantly just to troll the Giants, in a sense. 

  10. 3 hours ago, Digby said:


    Obviously the gender element is one part, but the fact that league was so shoestring and always barely hanging on... you have relatively little professionalism happening, plus an entry point for new-money grifters, plus a particular fear for victims to stay silent lest they disturb the entire thing being a house of cards...

    God, you basically just described the feelings I had the entire time I worked for Republic. It was like, I know this is really :censored:ed up, but by saying something, I risk it all. Everyone involved with will lose the security they have, and it’s on my shoulders because I spoke up. Looking back, it was a really terrible situation that I didn’t even realize was that terrible until I was out of it. Getting let go (mostly for starting to speak up about it) was probably the best thing that could’ve happened to me. 

    • Like 2
  11. I have a little bit of a different exposure to this than most (none of the sexual assault allegations, or anything) but there really isn’t anything I’ve seen with US Pro soccer in the last five years that makes me think the whole thing isn’t toxic top to bottom. Absolutely astounding for a sport that’s, what, maybe fifth or sixth in most American’s minds? So much for ever breaking into the realm of the “big four”. It absolutely does not deserve that consideration. I mean, long term, why would anyone want to follow any of this as a fan? 

    All of the toxicity of the bigger leagues with almost none of the same results. Good lord is that bleak. 

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