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Posts posted by FiddySicks

  1. Man, I expected Tampa to win, but I never expected the highest scoring offense in the league to look that inept tonight. I was very impressed with the Bucs defense, but I have to give a bit of pause because of just how bad Dallas looked. 


    Overall, I’m really stoked with how Tampa played tonight. They have some issues on the o line with pass blocking that are going to annoy me all season long, but those guys can improve as the year goes along. 

  2. 6 hours ago, BBTV said:


    Whatever job you had, you weren't being paid to be a monster that destroys people.  I'm not sure that "are you professional enough to reply to text messages from people you dislike" is part of the qualification to be a defensive lineman.


    Regardless, getting worked up over the fact that a guy you don't know didn't reply to a text from another guy you don't know, when nobody knows anything about their relationship, and then generalizing it as a systemic issue in the Browns organization seems a little overboard.


    Just out of curiosity, have you been living under a giant boulder for the past six months? 

  3. It’s just the overall lack of professionalism that’s completely unsurprising coming from Myles Garrett. I’ve had jobs where when I left I’ve gotten texts from co workers I’ve absolutely HATED, yet have been mature enough to respond with some grace.

    I think what it says more than anything is that the Browns employ a lot of worthless douchebags who are publicly really open about how big of douchebags they are. This isn’t the first incident from him, either, and it’s not surprising that the leaders on both sides of the ball are trash. Very fitting for such a trash organization. 

  4. 45 minutes ago, Gary said:

    Not defending the Coyotes, but the East Metropolitan area of Phoenix are where most of the fans are. I have no doubt that the East Valley fans are buying up the crap that is going on in the Mullett Arena. West Part of Phoenix doesn't care and never will. This is more of a football community then they are Hockey.


    And that’s the other thing to keep in mind. They’re like Vegas in that their location lends to their fanbase being about as transient as possible. It’s all a smokescreen to cover up just how few people locally give a 💩 about them. That’s probably less of a case in Vegas right now, but give it a decade. None of this is sustainable long term. Kind of like Phoenix and Vegas as cities, really 🤷‍♂️

    • Like 4
  5. Oh, these absolutely :censored:. All damn night. Best the Sharks have ever looked in the disastrous PikaShark logo era. Possibly the best they’ve ever looked full stop. I’m still not too thrilled about the mono teal look, but my hope is they drop an all black alt, and can sort of interchange the black shorts and helmet with the home sweater on occasion (games vs someone like Detroit would be perfect for this) in order to keep that classic Sharks feel around at least partially. 

    And, most importantly, no more baby 💩 yellow anywhere but the logo! That’s by far the best part. It’s still on the hangar effect, which is dumb, but if they insist on keeping it, at least  hide it as completely as you can. 

    Damn, I may have to break my rule and get a Sharks jersey this year 🤦🏼‍♂️


    EDIT: I have no idea why the boards keep spacing out the words randomly in my posts, then just deleting them altogether. That’s annoying as all hell. 

    • Like 1
  6. Gah well, that sucked. 


    The day before the match the news broke one of the guys I worked with at Republic, who was probably the nicest guy I’ve ever met, died of cancer. The team dedicated the match to his memory, and I was SO hoping that they could pull off a miracle for Crash. But the truth is, Orlando was just a more fit team, and Republic played about as well as you could hope for considering the talent gap.

    All in all I’m proud of these guys. But I have to admit that seeing Republic playing in a big match vs a MLS starting side with the crowd rocking just brings up more feelings of what could have been. I really hate that. 

    • Like 1
  7. WTF is going on with the boards today? I just had a whole post that had weird spacing between the letters and when I went to edit it, it just disappeared. 

    Anyway, the gist of my original post is that the pearl clutching everyone has done over this Astros thing has really just made me realize how unserious of an institution baseball is, and it looks really goofy to get so worked up over what’s essentially a children’s game with a bad faith capitalistic spin. No need for me to follow any of that any longer. 

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  8. 7 hours ago, Ridleylash said:

    And then they stumbled right into mono-teal for their home look while still not bringing in the silver people wanted, so it's one step forward and two steps back.

    Yeah I’m kinda torn on this one so far. Adding the hem stripe again and FINALLY ditching that god awful baby poo yellow color they use are both fantastic moves, but the addition of the teal helmet and shorts just feels like it’s way too much. The black in their set is absolutely necessary IMO. 

  9. 2 hours ago, LA Fakers+ LA Snippers said:

    I would love for the Vikes to go back to this set full-time, but my only problem would be that the home jersey would not match, If the purple jersey had white/gold/white (or gold/white/gold) UCLA stripes, it would be a top-5, maybe top-3 NFL set.

    Nah the Vikings were right to ditch the triple/Colts/LSU/UCLA stripes/whatever you wanna call that stripe set. That particular mismatch always felt like a product of it’s time but in a really dated way rather than in a reminiscent way. 

    • Like 3
  10. Yes. That 1000%. 


    The current Bucs set is pretty decent, but doesn’t hold a candle to the original super bowl set, which top to bottom is my favorite sports uniform set of all time. Them walking away from the original flag logo for this updated robo looking crap is such a bad move. Like, I’ll take the current look over the monstrosity that it replaced, but it’s still a huge downgrade from the original set. It’s like having something great that gets terribly damaged. They tried to straighten it all back out, but you can still see that it’s a little wonky and crooked, and just isn’t quite the same as it once was. 

    • Like 9
  11. I’ll just put it here that whoever buys the Angels is absolutely going to move them out of Orange County. I think a dude like Steve Balmer may be a pretty decent fit. 


    Also lol at Lacob getting them. Oakland Angels FTW. 

    Also, I have to say this much, too. For as bad as Arte was, I have to point out that part of that “Good riddance” article is just straight up inaccurate. Hamilton, I’ll give you. That was a bad signing. But Lincecum as an example of one of the Angels bad signings is kinda laughable considering how toast everyone knew he was (and so did the Angels, and that’s why they gave him a tiny deal and he started out in AAA), and Rendon wasn’t by any means thought to be “past his prime”. I’ll give you that Arte has made some really bad decisions, but some of those signings are just bum luck. Also, there’s still time for Rendon! What should be looked at as more damning than any signing is the the Skaggs nightmare. That’s the :censored: that shows the real lack of organizational control. Bad signings are one thing, but the Angels problems run WAY deeper than any of that.  

  12. I thought that they were, but had it in my head that maybe the Bears were older. Was too lazy to stop typing and look it up. 


    Either way:

    Current helmet

    plain red jersey with white numbers

    plain white pants

    reverse the colors for the road jersey


    Bingo bango bongo. Perfect set for the Cardinals. 

    • Like 1
  13. 22 hours ago, AFirestormToPurify said:

    Honestly if they started wearing those as their full time uniforms I wouldn't even be mad lol

    The Cardinals are one of the oldest franchises in the league. If they became a white and red version of the Raiders, it would be very fitting. 

    • Like 6
  14. 1 hour ago, heavybass said:

    First game as a Brown... is against Houston.

    This :censored:ing league, man. 🤦🏼‍♂️ They really can’t help themselves, can they? That’s some WWE ass :censored: right there. 

    “Yeah we’ll lengthen the suspension, therefore appeasing our dumb fans, while simultaneously building a story arch around his return we can cash in on.”


    What a :censored:ing circus. 

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