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Posts posted by FiddySicks

  1. 3 hours ago, ManillaToad said:

    It's an analogy. He's clearly not saying playing football is literally like fighting in a war.

    Right? Like, I know how much everyone hates the guy. But people sure are willing to be deliberately obtuse in order to make their weird, usually misguided, points. 

    Dude travels for work. It’s not like that’s a particularly unheard of problem. The “war” comparison is probably a bit much, but it’s not really that far off. 

    • Like 4
  2. 23 minutes ago, MJWalker45 said:

    As many idiots are already on Twitter saying that the Guardians lost because they changed the name, I'd have been happy to have that curse broken now instead of later. 


    Lol, that is a BAD take. They didn’t lose because of the name change. They lost because they’re Cleveland’s baseball team, and that’s what Cleveland’s baseball team has been doing since the 40s. 

    I still have this feeling the Phillies are gonna take it. 

    • Like 2
  3. Honestly? I’m fine with this. Houston is probably going to beat the Yankees anyway, and I can’t even imagine all the takes about Cleveland “exorcising the demons of their racist past” if they were to win in the first year of the new name. 

    • Like 1
  4. Yeah, and like I said, there have always been subtle things teams do to try and gain a slight advantage. I remember in high school we had a QB who was the fastest in our league, and teams would do things like keep the grass long or, once, even completely flood the field to slow him down. Or you can even look at baseball where teams will even go as far as modifying parts of their park in order to help out particular hitters (I believe the Rays shortened the left field wall when they had Carl Crawford, part of Oracle Park’s configuration had to do with having Barry Bonds, etc). But I think I’m with DG on this one in that it just seems like an unnecessary safety hazard. I’d probably be more willing to give this a pass if this were some small junior college that had this issue and didn’t have the resources to fix it, but this is a multi billion dollar NFL organization we’re talking about here. Plausible deniability and all, but it still seems kinda out of pocket to me. 

    • Like 2
  5. 31 minutes ago, DG_ThenNowForever said:


    I think you're underselling Tom Brady falling apart.

    And I think you may be overlooking just how bad the protection in front of him is. That being said, it’s certainly part of the “many problems” this team has, which I already mentioned. 

    Brady’s situation is weird. He’s been going through all of the :censored: he’s been very publicly going through, is a million years old, and I think fully understood what he was getting into by sticking around with this staff. For all the talk about how bad ol Bill has been without Brady, he was NEVER even close to as inept as this coaching staff is. It’s certainly a large contributing factor. All that being said, he’s still shown flashes of what he’s always been, so I’m not sure it’s just a matter of him being “cooked” or anything. 

    I dunno. Seems like just about everyone who was expected to do well struggled this week (minus your Bills). Tampa looked pretty rough early in the 2020 season, too. This just feels different. Feels like the fatigue is starting to take ahold a bit. But the Bucs are still in a mostly I’m awful division, so 🤷‍♂️ But I’m to the point where I wouldn’t be surprised if this whole thing went south and Atlanta ended up taking the South. They’re rounding into form a lot quicker than I expected, and the Bucs just look really old. 

  6. 51 minutes ago, GDAWG said:

    Tomorrow on ESPN:


    - The Bucs need Gronk back.


    Gronk said this morning on NFL Sunday Kickoff that he doesn't miss getting hit.  

    The Bucs have so SO many more problems than just not having Gronk. 

    We’re six weeks into the season and it’s already painfully apparent that Bowles/Leftwich ain’t it. Arians leaving has completely exposed that those two aren’t capable of running a :censored:ing Burger King franchise, let alone an NFL franchise.


    • Like 3
  7. 36 minutes ago, CaliforniaGlowin said:

    10 straight postseasons, 1 WS championship. 🙄 Crashed and burned again.

    It’s truly amazing to see how much money the Dodgers have put into all of this for basically zero return. Even the one title came in a severely shortened year in “the bubble”, and while I don’t want to argue too much that it “cheapened” it or anything, it definitely can’t feel as good for Dodgers fans as it should’ve otherwise. It’s like the 90s Braves but exasperated. It’s really kind of astonishing. Feels like one of the biggest organizational failures I can ever remember. I really have to wonder why more of that success just isn’t translating into more postseason success.



    For as much as I genuinely dislike the Dodgers, I sort of feel bad for that fanbase. And I have to respect how many Dodgers fans are taking this in stride rather than just constantly being such whiney bitches about it all (ahem, Yankees fans). That takes character.


    • Like 1
  8. Lol well I definitely don’t want to ever see the Pads do well, but I will absolutely take it when they knock out the team with the most annoying fanbase in the NL (yeah yeah, Cardinals. I’m from Nor Cal). Hell yeah, guys. 

    Go Phillies. 

    • Like 1
  9. 34 minutes ago, TrueYankee26 said:

    Can only imagine the scenes if this is a repeat of 1998 and they win the SEC and even a national title

    I’m a Sun Devil alum, but I grew up just about as big of a Tennessee fan as I could’ve been, but to this I’ll just say, woah there, let’s pump the brakes here a bit. They still have to get past Georgia (which would be a MUCH bigger upset), and Bama again, and I’m still not sure they don’t do something dumb and drop a game to Mizzou or Kentucky. 

  10. On 10/12/2022 at 9:24 AM, officeglenn said:


    @CC97 mentioned on Twitter last night that the Circa ads are only allowed to be worn in Las Vegas. Some kind of league rule about gambling-related ads. Thread starts here:



    I dislike basically everything about that dumb Vegas team, but one thing they got right from the beginning was the home uniforms in particular. I’m actually annoyed how much I like their original home look. This gaudy gold set, though? Complete trash. No idea why they would ever make that change. 

    • Like 8
  11. 23 hours ago, jc... said:

    The Bears looked like a :censored:ty Bengals tribute. 

    Yeah that helmet is probably one of the worst I’ve ever seen. The thing that’s cool about the Bears main helmet is that it’s somewhat minimalist. The dark helmet and mask really makes the orange and white C pop. The reverse of that just looks gaudy as all hell and the logo gets totally drowned out. Also, the numbers and player names being reverse colors of the stripes and logo looks really damn bad. It’s easy to overlook when the dark color is the base, but the orange being the base really exasperates that problem. Looks completely amateurish, almost like a high school team. Fitting really, considering that’s how they played,


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  12. 12 hours ago, the admiral said:

    That's a fair assessment, but "better than any QB they've had" might be a little ambitious. He's not better than Jay Cutler. Is he better than Kordell Stewart? Anyway, sucks for him, because the new management will probably want their own guy, and he'll come into his own someplace else.

    That’s also probably fair (but lol yes, he’s much better than Kordell. At least, by the time Kordell got to Chicago, anyway), but I’ll say this about Cutler. I don’t think he was nearly as physically gifted as Fields is, and he’s a bit of a weird situation because he sort of just fell into Chicago’s lap. He wasn’t a guy they drafted and developed, and was really already pretty well rounded by the time he left Denver. 

  13. Never thought I would ever say this, but I’m pretty firmly on the Phillies bandwagon this year. They’re super scrappy and just have that feel of a team who’s caught fire. Hopefully San Diego can keep it up and pull out a win vs the Death Star, because for as much as I usually really hate both of those teams, that would be one hell of an NLCS. 

    • Like 2
  14. 11 hours ago, the admiral said:

    #3 media market and who we thought would be a exciting young quarterback (oops, can't make throws).


    I think the Bears had national games against the Packers and Patriots in the second Marc Trestman year, too. It was that Packers game on Sunday night.

    While I understand this sentiment, I don’t think it’s really all that fair. The Bears O line has been particularly atrocious this year, even by their standards, and they have probably the most trash WR core in the entire league. It’s really difficult to get production from a guy when he’s being pressured at a damn near 50% clip and nobody can hang onto passes. 

    This shouldn’t really come as any surprise, but it’s not Justin Fields that’s the problem, it was ownership giving the old GM and coach a season longer than they should’ve. Out of total desperation, they traded a ton of assets for a guy who is probably better than any QB they’ve had in the last 30 years, but he has absolutely zero support around him. It’s just the Bears doing the typical thing of setting their young talent up to fail. 

    You can absolutely see some flashes of his potential (that late scramble that got them into the red zone being one example), but he’s already been shell shocked by having basically nothing to work with. 

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