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Posts posted by FiddySicks

  1. San Antonio won the USL championship tonight. Absolutely thrilled for my two friends Shannon Gomez and Mitchell Taintor. Bummed they couldn’t bring the cup home for Sacramento, but over the moon to see them getting to celebrate. Two of my favorite dudes I got to work with during my Sac Republic days. 

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  2. On 11/12/2022 at 10:51 AM, seasaltvanilla said:

    Beaten to it. Here's the picture as above:




    @coco1997 your wish is granted!


    Updated concept assuming the T-shirt and pennant are showing jersey accurate colors



    Really like the script.

    Ok, I actually REALLY like this. Still think the pinstripes should return, but I like the minimalism and think it works really well. 

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  3. Honestly the black helmet looks like :censored: on the Panthers. It’s disjointed without any silver, the decal itself has a weird texture to it compared to the helmets, and  even though it’s been almost a decade I’m still baffled that they just randomly decided to update that logo and nothing else. And I’m even more baffled that they decided to drop the key line. It looks like such trash. I get what they’re going for with the cat coming out of the shadows or whatever, but their execution of it is always been so miserably lazy. They made such subtle changes to that logo but they were all bad. The original logo isn’t fantastic, but it’s so much better than the current logo. 

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  4. I mean, that’s what nuked the Cardinals chances to stay in/near Tempe, and I can’t imagine the NHL having nearly the swing the NFL has on anything, so call me skeptical to seeing that happen. 

    Also, does anyone have an update on how things are going with the new park for Phoenix Rising? I haven’t heard good things, if moving out of the central corridor is ever an option. 

  5. The thing about their old set that was great was the way they used white to sort of accentuate the other two colors and make them pop so much better. It was used as a boarder between the blue and grey and it worked tremendously well. The current set is basically devoid of those white boarders, and it leaves everything looking muddy, washed out, and drab. The blue they use is great but it’s also a bit more washed out. I think that’s why putting a darker color, such as black or dark grey, doesn’t look good. 

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  6. 2 hours ago, Volt said:


    It is definitely more Charcoal than the Bronze-ish tint it used to be.   I'm not sure if that's by design but I would assume so; it's very close, if not the same, to the "Pewter" they used in their last design, so they may have made the intentional choice to carry it over.

    I seem to remember there being talk about them going darker because Nike either couldn’t or didn’t want to produce that particular color, and it ended up just being easier to darken the shade of pewter on the helmets to better match. They changed the shade when Nike turned them into the Alarm Clock Skallywags, and up until then they were just wearing the same old Reebok pants they had in storage with the Nike logo slapped on. When they first unveiled every NFL team’s Nike uniforms for 2012, they had the Bucs in white pants, even. Apparently they couldn’t do it in 2020 either so the pewter is still darker, and still just looks slightly off to me. You get so used to seeing something that it always stands out when it’s slightly modified. 

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  7. 4 hours ago, BBTV said:


    You're misunderstanding his intention there.  He's simply embodying the blue-collar worth ethic of the city and, like all of us, wants to win so bad and is so locked in that he sees and feels things differently than average folks like us.  Did he get hit?  That's not for any of us to judge, as we can't possibly understand what it's like for a world-class athlete like him. 



    Rob McElhenny, everyone. 

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  8. Well, now maybe everyone will stop incessantly whining about how “illegitimate” the Astros are. Four World Series appearances and two wins in six seasons should finally, god willing, shut everyone up. That :censored: was getting so tiresome.  Also, good for Dusty. 

    I was on the Phillies wagon, but understood it was a bit of a long shot. Nothing to feel down about for them. That’s one helluva run from a team that nobody expected to have a run like that. I earned a ton of respect for that squad, and am excited to see what they can do next season. 

    At least it’s not the damn Dodgers. 


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  9. Yup, this is about what I expected from this Tennessee Georgia game. Vols are having a great season, but just aren’t quite on par with Georgia just yet. Georgia really is just THAT good. Probably for the best. Now Tennessee doesn’t have to play Bama again, and as long as they take care of business vs Missou, they should finish the season with only one loss. Probably good enough for the final four, but even if not, they’re well on their way back to being truly competitive again. I’m happy about that. 

  10. It’s hard to really emphasize to people who weren’t around in that era just how much of a strangle hold the A’s had on the Bay Area. I was born in Castro Valley, which is just up the road from Oakland and as a kid I remember just how much buzz there was around those A’s teams. It was to the point where they nearly ran the Giants out of the west coast completely because the idea was that there was serious doubt as to wether they would ever be able to compete. The A’s even took such mercy on the Giants, they gifted the South Bay to them when they were looking for a new stadium sight (which created a ton of problems down the road). But three decades of cheap ownership and bad decision making completely eroded any of that, and frankly the A’s have nobody but themselves to blame for their struggles. It’s sad, but even moreso when you realize just how much of that struggle was self created. It’s kinda hard to believe now, but the A’s were one of the premier franchises in MLB for quite awhile back in the day. They went to three straight World Series in both the 70s and the 80s (well, last one was technically the 90s, but it was 1990), and won four of them. That’s a track record most teams would absolutely kill for. 

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  11. 4 hours ago, IceCap said:

    My point is that the NFL is actually the ideal sports tenant for Vegas. They're only around for 8 or 9 games a year, and only play once a week. Perfect for weekend trips to Vegas. The city doesn't have to support them over the course of a NHL or MLB season. 


    For as hot as the Golden Knights' start was they're going to have trouble long term. Meanwhile the Raiders are set up to succeed in Vegas as long as possible. 


    A NBA team would be like the Knights. A hot start that long term will have difficulties. Baseball would have it the worst. 


    But the Raiders... long term? They'll be alright. 

    I’m of the opinion that the only reason the Knights have worked out at all is because of the artificially inflated start they had, and I think that’s going to become more obvious over the next decade. I mean I kinda understand why they were motivated to even do that, as it was a brand new market for any team, and you really do have to hedge your bets on that a bit, but it’s still some real bull:censored: and just goes to show how dysfunctional the NHL is as a whole. It’s got to be of the most OITGDNHL moves I’ve ever seen, and really does nothing to disprove the overall troubles that the league has in finding truly viable markets, especially in the southwest. 

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