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Posts posted by FiddySicks

  1. 50 minutes ago, DG_ThenNowForever said:

    Boy, Dana White really got off easy after slapping his wife.

    The Dana White thing makes me feel a little weird. It’s NEVER ok to smack a woman, but I find that being preceded by the feeling that it’s never ok to smack anyone like that. Real :censored: move on his part, but I don’t exactly have a ton of sympathy for her, either.


    This might be getting a little personal, but I had an ex who got pretty abusive like that toward the end, and she felt kind of emboldened knowing that I wasn’t going to do anything about it for a multitude of different reasons. Pretty quickly I realized that the only thing I could do was to leave. I’m a lot better off for it and am with someone now who’s the polar opposite of her, but I’m not going to lie and say there wasn’t some trauma I’ve dealt with because of it. 

    Hitting women is just about the most vile answer you can come up with, but I really do wish we had a better way of confronting abuse from all ends. 

    • Like 6
  2. 1 hour ago, Volt said:

    This uniform would be an upgrade and it's a great example of how adding subtle Red detailing really adds a nice pop.  I know the Nike haters will not agree with how it's implemented here and I understand that, but that's not how it has to be done.  Good stuff.

    One of my very favorite looks for any football team is TCU with the black, purple, and just a small splash of red on the trim to contrast the two darker colors and make everything pop. I think the Ravens could do something similar (silver and gold are a pretty easy swap in this scenario) and look fantastic. This concept you posted is a very good start. 

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  3. 22 hours ago, DG_ThenNowForever said:

    I feel like baseball is most attractive to people with disposable income who are also old.


    Is there room for more baseball in Florida and Arizona, outside of spring training? Could Phoenix house an AL team?  There are certainly enough people in Maricopa County.


    Florida, probably not given the Miami and Tampa drawing problems, though people will tell you it's just a problem with stadiums and traffic and not underlying market concerns. Though I guess an Orlando team would be hoping to capture the same visitors market a Vegas team would.

    Lol, no. There are close to five million people in the metro area, and they won’t support the team they currently have (who, mind you, is in a fantastic location in terms of access from all over the county). Phoenix as a whole is far and away the most tepid sports market I’ve ever seen. One of the reasons I chose to move there (along with school, of course) is because it’s a huge city with everything you could possibly want on a sports and entertainment front. I was shocked and disheartened to see just how poorly their teams were followed. Most of their games, in all sports, felt like funerals.  And you have leadership who constantly wants make the wrong choices, such as moving teams from the heart of downtown (who don’t even play in old facilities) to the outskirts of town on the taxpayer dollar. In Phoenix’s case, it’s not just a stadium issue. It’s just a bad market. 

    • Like 1
  4. Welp, that was… Something.


    The question I had from the very beginning of this Brady fever dream was is he going to be able to drag this sad sack franchise to glory, or would this sad sack franchise drag him down to their usually sorry level? In the end, the answer kinda ended up being both.


    I have no idea what happens next. I don’t know if Brady comes back next season (or why in the hell he would even want to), and at this point I’m not even sure the Bucs would REALLY want him back (Also, why would they even want that?), but all I know is this whole era is still hard to wrap my head around. I basically stopped watching football at one point because of Brady. I just hated the dude that much. He won so often, and I was just so over seeing it happen. That and the Bucs were just so consistently bad. Then all of the sudden he’s off the Pats, and lands in the Bucs laps in the most inexplicable move I can ever remember as a sports fan. Seriously. In my wildest dreams I never even fantasized about Brady being a Buc because it just seemed so patently absurd. Like, it even sounded dumb as a Madden fever dream. Then he goes out and wins ANOTHER Super Bowl with us. The sorry ass Bucs. Tom Brady decided of his own recognizance to sign with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, and proceeded to win a Super Bowl his first season there. Like, what? It still doesn’t quite feel real to me. It twisted every emotion I’ve ever had about this dumb league and this stupid team to the point where my brain kinda felt broken.


    I’ll always cherish this era of Bucs football. It was fast, fun, so damn stupid, exciting, satisfying and still somehow in typical Bucs fashion, really frustrating. I’m from California and have been following the Bucs since the early 90s. They were always that obscure team people made fun of me for liking. That was sort of a point of pride for me, in a way. Having this random, :censored:ty football team that nobody around me in their right mind would waste so much time rooting for. Then Brady dragged them to relevancy in a way I’m not even sure I liked all that much all the time, but I’ll always appreciate him for that. This three year stretch is the most fun I’ve had watching this stupid football team as an adult, and I’m really happy for that. I don’t really think I’ll ever get close to this level ever again with this team. It was like Michael Jordan signing with the Washington Wizards, but it was actually successful for a bit! 


    But, it really feels like it’s time to turn the page. Both for him and for the Bucs. Dude is the GOAT, and I’m glad I got to appreciate it to its fullest, even for a short time. But I’m not gonna lie, this :censored: is exhausting. And the longer we go with this and kick this weird can down the road, the longer it’s gonna take to be independently successful, which the Bucs struggle with enough as it is. I’d really like to see them simply things a bit and try to actually develop for the future for once. 

    First and foremost when it comes to the Bucs future, this coaching staff definitely needs to go. I really don’t know how people can defend some of the :censored: they did this season. They looked completely unprepared for like the last ten games. How do you do that with the best QB of all time on your roster? I don’t know how many people remember the Jets teams Bowles coached, but I’m telling you this team looked alarmingly similar most of the time. That’s just the sign of a bad coach who’s in way over his head. 

    Sounds like Leftwich is already gone, and that’s a good first step. But Bowles absolutely needs to go as well. 

    • Like 5
  5. 17 minutes ago, DG_ThenNowForever said:


    They look like they hate each other, this game, and just want to go home.

    This is what I’ve been saying. They’ve looked like this all season. They’re a bad, poorly coached, mentally weak football team and anyone who thought the “Tom Brady factor” was going to overcome it just hasn’t been watching them this season. Brady is the GOAT, but even he’s not good enough (especially at 75 years old) to overcome the deep mental rot that this organization constantly lives in. I say that as someone who has turned off more Bucs games early in disgust than almost anyone here has even  watched. This is who the Buccaneers are.

    It’s crazy because the question was will Brady be able to drag this team to glory, or would the ineptitude this organization specializes in drag him under the water. The answer ended up being both. As a fan of both this stupid ass team and this league, this has been absolutely fascinating to watch. 

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  6. Like, the Bucs won 8 games this season, and I watched every single one of their games. Outside of the opener against Dallas, even the wins weren’t any fun to watch. 


    Even if they do find some way to inexplicably come back and win (they’re not going to), I’m just so over watching this year’s version of the Buccaneers play football. They’re disjointed, uninspired, lazy, MISERABLY coached, and just so damn frustrating. Them getting absolutely waxed in this game is almost cathartic. I’ve never disliked a Buccaneers team as much as this year’s team. And this is a franchise I’ve wasted YEARS watching lose double digit games. This whole Brady fever dream has been a roller coaster ride and I’m just ready to get off the ride. 

  7. 5 minutes ago, Cujo said:


    And replace him with who, Derek Carr? 🥴

    I just don’t see how it benefits either side. Window is basically already closed. Might as well start the rebuild and let Brady do whatever weird thing he wants to do with, like, the Raiders or whoever. This has felt like the Jordan Wizards basically all season. 


    5 minutes ago, DG_ThenNowForever said:


    Definitely not the coaching staff. Why not go for it on 4th and 3rd there? Lame.


    They already said their bringing these moron coaches back for next season.

    • Like 2
    • Facepalm 1
  8. 24 minutes ago, tBBP said:

     The way things are going it'll be close to 3 million more in about 26 minutes...

    Yeah, see. That’s part of the problem. Vegas’ population growth rate is still outpacing their infrastructure growth, because the state has no money for things like that due to a lot of poor planning, and eventually something is going to give. I’m very happy I won’t be anywhere near there when it does.  Vegas has a lot of self created problems, and one is a surprisingly stagnant real estate market, even with the growth.  A lot of people moved their with the COVID issue, and now a lot of people are trying to get back out (because, as a place to live, Vegas kinda sucks, and the job market has never been known to be all that strong). I know a lot of people who have moved down there because it’s more affordable, and a bunch of them have a bit of “Buyers remorse”, if you will. Add to that the increase in mortgage rates and you’ve got a confluence of issues that don’t bode too well for Vegas’ long term future. Nevada in general is and always has been a mess, and it’s gotten progressively worse in the past five years. 

    • Like 1
  9. Man, what a fantastic weekend of football. Every game came down to the wire. You just know the Bucs are gonna ruin it by going down early and losing by four scores. 

    I was offered tickets to next weeks 49ers game (wife’s aunt is a season ticket holder), and turned them down. Not interested in watching any Cowboys game live, and I’ve already seen the 49ers crush my Bucs live at Levi’s Stadium once this season. I don’t need to sit through that nonsense again. 

    • Like 2
  10. 1 hour ago, PrimalCookie said:

    I wouldn't go as far as "worst uniform in the league", and I'm mostly fine with it on the away (although I still prefer white pants for those), but I wholeheartedly agree that the yellow pants make the home significantly worse. There has never once been a good uniform where all 3 elements were different colors and the helmet was the lightest of them. Someone will probably quote this with pictures of teams that have done that and "looked good" before, but I don't care. Every single one is ugly and would be much improved if one of those 3 colors were either in a different order or one was taken away.

    This right here is my biggest rule. Of the three elements (helmet, jersey, pants), at least two should match (preferably the helmet and pants), and if not, the helmet simply cannot be the lightest item. It makes the entire set look incredibly amateurish. Like, high school JV levels of bad.

    • Like 8
  11. This is somehow an “unpopular opinion”, but the Chargers yellow pants are awful and should die in a fire. They look really off with the white jerseys, and the home set with the yellow pants is the worst look in the entire league. It’s probably my least favorite NFL uniform of all time. I’ll never understand why people like that. White helmet, powder jersey, and yellow pants is an absolutely dreadful look. It was terrible when the Chargers first used it years ago, and it still looks awful today. 

    The entire chargers look really messes with my head. Like many others, I clamored for it for YEARS, and was very excited when they first brought it back. But there’s something about it that just doesn’t work. The shade of powder blue just feels off, and paired with a pretty washed out shade of yellow/gold the whole thing just looks drab, washed out, and stale. I can’t say for sure because I’ve never checked the pantones, but I feel like they changed the shades of powder blue and gold just enough that it just threw the entire thing out of whack. Like, I REALLY want to like the Chargers current look, but I just don’t. It’s boring and IMO, kind of hard to make out any of the detail on TV. It feels like the ultimate case of be careful what you wish for, I guess. I never thought I’d say this, but them using navy as an accent really helped, and I kind of wish it would return. 

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