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Posts posted by FiddySicks

  1. 12 minutes ago, DG_ThenNowForever said:


    We've got the same thing going on. I just realized that.

    I’m not quite sure you’re as tepid on the Seahawks as I am on the 49ers. I mostly pull for them because of where I live, and because both my family and my wife’s family are huge fans. I mostly feel fortunate I haven’t wasted years of my life invested in them as a fan. Also, for as annoying as Seahawks fans are, they basically just took the lead from Niners fans (one of the main reasons I’ve never been a big fan). I’ll be honest with you I don’t really think there’s west coast NFL team with an actual good, not annoying as :censored: fanbase. 

    Kaepernick era was a bit different. Nevada connection (dad had season tickets for years) and my wife grew up just outside of Turlock. Plus the whole blackballing thing which only made me a bigger fan. 

    Hopefully both of our real teams can meet up in the Super Bowl. 



    Also, I’ll n an unrelated note, this game isn’t over. If any organization is capable of blowing a 20 point halftime lead, it’s the Chargers. 

    • Like 3
  2. Hawks ended up kinda falling apart there at the end, but you can’t not be impressed with what this team has done this season all things considered. I have my opinions about the fanbase, but this really is a very well run organization. I can’t imagine how Russell Wilson must be feeling about all of this. This all really couldn’t have gone any worse for him (outside of getting g paid the big bucks). 

  3. Just now, Rockstar Matt said:

    You really think Purdy is the reason why the 49ers are blowing out the Seahawks and not because of Deebo, Bosa, Kittle and McCaffery/OL making plays? 

    Here’s the thing, though. He’s not been a world beater, but he’s kept his composure, which is something you really haven’t been able to say about a 49ers QB in crunch time in ages. Kaepernick is probably the closest, and his situation was a bit different. Absolutely no chance Jimmy G would’ve done that IMO. He would’ve hucked up a few ducks for picks and that probably would’ve been it. 

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  4. I am so damn impressed with Brock Purdy today. Things could’ve gone south so fast for the Niners and him staying poised and calm kept the ship level for them. That’s something you would NEVER see with Jimmy G. Good to see the Niners finally have a QB who can close a game out. Very happy to see my skepticism end up being the wrong instinct. 

    Also, the Seahawks fanbase is the most hilariously clownish fanbase in the NFL. Just melting down now and blaming the refs for their implosion. So happy to see them go away this quickly. 

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  5. This feels like a rerun of just about every 49ers playoff loss I’ve watched for the past 20 years. Come out flat, make straight up boneheaded decisions both on the field and with your coaching, lead most of the game, and then trail at the most inopportune times. Wash rinse repeat. Niners have to make some coaching adjustments (which I’m not confident they have the ability to do), and Purdy has to outplay Geno Smith (which I have even less confidence in) or this is going to be yet another very frustrating end to a promising season for the Niners. 

    • Facepalm 1
  6. 45 minutes ago, Rockstar Matt said:

    I understand that was Purdy's first ever drive in the playoffs, but that whole series showed why he's going to be the reason that the 49ers don't win a championship this season. That should have been a pick-6 at the end of it.


    The knock on him coming out of college was that he had basically no arm talent and that was evident on that drive. What's going to happen when San Francisco finally plays a team that has a defense capable of slowing down that potent running game? When a defense is good enough to force Purdy to make plays downfield?


    I think people trying to say he'll be the starter next year are getting a little too caught up in the moment. A healthy Trey Lance would make this Niners team the runaway favorites, IMO.

    Yeah, I’m not seeing it either. It would probably stun some people, but I wouldn’t be at all surprised to see Seattle win today.  Niners D doesn’t look all that sharp (the rain isn’t helping) and Purdy has thrown some miserable looking ducks so far. I think people are overestimating what this team is capable of. 

    Edit: Aaaand now Seattle has the lead  🤦🏼‍♂️ 

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  7. 5 hours ago, WestCoastBias said:


    How about bring back the vest from the 2000's




    And wear a white hat with a red brim. NC State already has a similar look.




    Yeah, that’s pretty good. I totally forgot about those Angels vests, and I used to have one of those jerseys. 

    • Like 2
  8. On 1/11/2023 at 11:17 PM, Unocal said:


    You know who's also struggled against bad teams? Tampa.


    Got their asses kicked by SF, had an extremely close game vs Arizona, lost to Cleveland


    Tampa has come out flat way too many times this season. You can only rely on so many 4th quarter comebacks.

    I was at the game vs San Francisco and they looked worse than I’ve ever seen a team look live. Brady is the man, no doubt. But they look chronically unprepared and come out flat nearly every game they play in. I would be thrilled to see them beat Dallas, but more than that, I would be absolutely stunned. People need to realize that this Bucs team is NOT a good football team. 

  9. I’ve always had this bit of a crazy idea that has the Angels in white hats and helmets (as well as white socks and cleats) at home, at least as an alternate. I know white is a tough color for a baseball hat, but if any team is going to wear white head to toe, it might as well be a team called the Angels. 

    • Like 3
  10. 20 hours ago, Kramerica Industries said:


    I was willing to let it slide on the basis of "superstition" last year, but they lost at home, in white, during the postseason. Wearing white, at home, AT NIGHT, in the playoffs after all of that is just garbage. As a fan, I'm definitely not a fan.

    I mostly agree with this, but there’s still just something about the Bucs red jerseys that feels off, and it annoys me. Something about the old set with the new logos, colors and template doesn’t work with the red jersey, and I can’t quite put my finger on what it is. 

  11. On 1/9/2023 at 8:34 PM, DG_ThenNowForever said:



    Crazy thing is Kliff has made enough money to live in that big ol house and never work again.


    Is ASU hiring?

    No, they’re content trotting out their Pop Warner All Star cast of coaches. Much cheaper that way. 

  12. 17 minutes ago, Dynasty said:

    So I haven't been following the whole Correa debacle. Why was this such a big story? What was the issue with his physical?

    He agreed to a record deal with the Giants, who ended up backing out of the deal once they saw the physical and got absolutely ROASTED for doing so. The thought was they just got cold feet on such a huge deal, because the Mets almost immediately swooped in and agreed to a slightly smaller deal with him. They then backed out once they saw the physical as well. So this is the third deal Correa has agreed to in one off season, and ended up basically in essence losing out on $150 million in money due to that physical. 

    It’s a big deal because I don’t think that’s ever happened before. It also shows what a monumental scumbag Scott Boras is (which we already knew). 

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