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Posts posted by FiddySicks

  1. 3 minutes ago, seasaltvanilla said:

    The Twins have been wearing RWB since 1901 and three World Series. Go pick on the Rangers (1961, 0 WS) or the Nationals (1969, 1 WS)  or the Angels (1961, 1 WS) to change their colors.

    Nationals I’ll give you, but the Rangers don’t wear navy and red, and the Angels are red with just a touch of navy. 

    Look, like I said, I don’t want the Twins to make wholesale changes. But if they change all of their logos and scripts (which sounds possible with the “M Star” rumor) yet keep the old color scheme, it’ll be a failure of a rebrand. 

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  2. 5 minutes ago, Dilbert said:

    Might as well move the A's "temporarily" to Mullett Arena.  It was built on the site of ASUs former baseball stadium. After which ASU moved its baseball to Phoenix Municipal Stadium in 2015 after the A's moved their spring training out of that stadium. The circle would be complete.


    Just to add, the A’s went from Phoenix Muni to Hohokam, which had just been abandoned by the Cubs for their new Spring Training facility just east of the ASU campus, Sloan Park. 

    God, I miss all the live baseball that the Phoenix area has to offer. 

  3. I just hope if the Twins do make wholesale changes (which I kinda hope they don’t), I hope that they actually go all the way with it and don’t do something dumb like make a bunch of changes to the logos yet keep the navy, red, and gold. Like, if you’re going to insist on making a bunch of changes, don’t half ass it. I don’t like that the Guardians did that, but I’m coming around to the idea because of the circumstance. The Twins won’t get that same kind of a pass to me if they keep the most overused color scheme in the league yet change everything else. 

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  4. 9 hours ago, Red Comet said:

    I liked that pic because of the dog. I'm a simple man. I see a picture of a dog, I click like. Anyways, here's the TV Map for tomorrow: 




    1:00 PM EST/12:00 PM CST CBS Games

    Red: Pittsburgh at Philadelphia

    Blue: New England at New York Jets

    Green: Las Vegas at New Orleans

    Orange: Miami at Detroit


    4:00 PM EST/3:00 PM CST CBS Game

    Yellow: Tennessee at Houston 

    And, as @Sec19Row53 has said, it looks like Minnesota is flipping off the country while on fire yet again. 




    1:00 PM EST/12:00 PM CST Fox Games

    Red: Chicago at Dallas

    Blue: Carolina at Atlanta

    Green: Arizona at Minnesota




    4:00 PM EST/3:00 PM CST Fox Games

    Red: San Francisco at Los Angeles Rams

    Blue: New York Giants at Seattle

    Green: Washington at Indianapolis

    Very weird that one small chunk of Oregon is getting the Panthers Falcons game. I’m assuming that’s because of Mariota. Is it common to see coverage customized to certain players like that? 

  5. I kinda don’t buy into the whole “His ego made him come back” thing, and more think it’s a “Spent a few weeks back home trying to fix a busted marriage and realized that even playing for the Bucs would be a better option” thing. 


    This makes me think that even moreso.


    I think a good handful of us have gone through something somewhat similar in relationships. You think the closeness is going to fix whatever issues the physical distance caused, but then you come to realize that the issues are WAY deeper than that (mainly that you just don’t really like each other that much anymore). Diving back headfirst into work is a relatively common thing when stuff like that happens. 

    Dude has lived an absolutely charmed life so far, and certainly doesn’t need the sympathy of any fans, but going through all of the :censored: Brady is currently going through, almost simultaneously and very publicly has got to be ROUGH. Like, it’s not shocking to see him not playing well. 


    But here’s the real rub. This is still immensely better than any alternative the Bucs could’ve had. I’ll take a year of the best to ever do it finally falling off a cliff both professionally and personally while leading my team than, like, :censored:ing Kyle Trask or some :censored:. The results wouldn’t really be any different on the field, but at least this way there’s still some attention being paid to my team, which is usually just ignored by everyone. 

    The crazy run was fun at the beginning, but I’m not gonna lie, there’s some sentimental warmth to watching this team revert back to being the same ol dumbass team I’ve always supported. Like, the transition back to this team sucking isn’t a hard one. It’s just going back home. 

    • Like 3
  6. Silver pants help that look immensely, but there are still a million things wrong with the Patriots overall look. This is probably “cleaner” than the previous set, but it’s still just using the same stripes as the Colts/Jets used to and I just wish we could get something a little more from them. I would almost like to see the oversized Pat head logos return to the shoulders. Might look not half bad on navy. 

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  7. 10 minutes ago, GDAWG said:

    So how many phone messages has Brady left for Gronk recently?

    I’m not sure why he would bother. Gronk isn’t going to help this team. 

    I knew that despite having Tom Brady, this whole thing would fall apart in typical, spectacular dysfunctional Bucs fashion. It’s really a testament to how good Brady is that he found a way to get this bottom three in the league trash organization a Super Bowl win. 

  8. Put this in the wrong thread, so I’ll repeat it here. Phillies look like a team of destiny. For as hot as the Astros have been, I think the Phil’s take em out in 5. They feel like those devil magic Giants teams from a decade ago. 

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  9. 1 hour ago, Dynasty said:

    I thought he left SF because of his health? Then again if it were the case, it shouldn't surprise me if guys like Francona and Showalter haven't called it quits yet.

    That was the excuse, but the truth was probably a lot closer to saw the writing on the wall with Farhan and how he wanted to run the team, and decided to step down before it got awkward and they ended up firing the most beloved manager in franchise history. 

  10. 3 hours ago, Dynasty said:

    I'm aware that McCaffrey is an elite talent, but it seems like a lot to give up for someone that both can't stay healthy and is on the twilight of their prime.


    Don't they also have like three other backs on their roster? Granted one is injured.

    The best chance the 49ers have at winning this year is to try and hide Jimmy G as much as they possibly can. They have a world class defense, and at least enough talent on offense to still be explosive. This is a move that not only adds to their offensive firepower, but also helps them to cover up some of the deficiencies that their QB has. Sure, it was a lot to give up, but it’s for a dude that’ll fit their system very well and is kind of exactly what they need. I don’t see how this isn’t a win for the 49ers. 

    Now watch him get hurt immediately and end up not doing anything for them just to make me look even dumber than I already am. 

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