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Posts posted by FiddySicks

  1. 44 minutes ago, Gary said:

    Herm is finally gone!

    I’m mad they even waited this long. They should’ve shut off his keycard to the building somewhere around the third quarter last night. 


    Good riddance. It’s never been all that great for the Sun Devils, but these next few seasons are going to be ROUGH. With the PAC 12 disintegrating around them and them just flat out not being a worthwhile program, I’m genuinely wondering how much longer they even keep a football program. Ten years, maybe? I feel that’s a more likely route for them than them ever actually being nationally relevant. 

  2. I’d say Arizona State really needs to fire Herm Edwards, but it really doesn’t even :censored:ing matter considering they’re about to get death penalty’d due to him. They may just be better off scraping the program altogether at this point. 

  3. No, sorry. What I mean is the Chargers we’re willing to risk losing their San Diego fanbase because (I guess) they thought there would be enough to supplement those losses in the LA area. And yeah OC certainly doesn’t lack prosperity, but a lot of that has to do with their location in proximity to Los Angeles. I used to fight against this, but OC really is just a suburban extension of LA. 

  4. 46 minutes ago, DTConcepts said:

    I don’t understand how people are complaining about the Sharks keeping the orange in the logo but are also pining for these jerseys to make a return:



    How come one team gets a pass for using a color only in the logo but another team is getting chastised for it?

    Two things:


    1). The ducks yellow is IMO a much better color than the sharks “orange”. 


    2). The ducks never took that yellow and adopted it as an actual team color. It’s adding it to the triangle, and more so, to the stripes on the uniform, that make that color such trash. It gives the stick nearly as much importance as the shark itself. 

    • Yawn 1
  5. 1 hour ago, B-mer said:

    Honestly think teal is better now that we’ve seen it. 

    Yeah, that’s surprisingly where I’m at as well. The black gear just kind of gives them the same problem the Buccaneers have with their current set, in a sense. Trying to imitate the original look, but just missing the mark. Gives it sort of a dime store, discount brand vibe. The all teal was the way to go. 

    • Like 4
  6. 1 hour ago, Sport said:

    Come to think of it these are sort of like the teal version of these Hurricanes uniforms and I don't hate that at all. 

    Yes! This is EXACTLY what came to mind when I first saw these. Not sure why “Teal Hurricanes” popped into my head so hard, but that’s spot on how I feel about these. Mono in hockey is weird because unlike some other sports, it’s totally acceptable. I’m actually surprised how well the teal works as a mono color. It’s very unique, yet still dark enough to not be gaudy. Sort of how the hurricanes red or Maple Leafs blue feels to me (well, not so much the uniqueness, but more the color balance). 

    • Like 2
  7. One of my friends kinda put it best. “They’ll suck next year, but at least they’ll look cute.” 

    I like it a lot more than I thought I would. A few things could’ve made it better, such as ditching the orange from anywhere but the stick, or even changing to the new logo set they weirdly released a few years ago and then kinda didn’t use. There are still some aspects of the brand that seem sloppy, but this is the most I’ve liked their look since the update from the original logo. The all teal feels like enough of a separation from the first look to be new, rather than just trying to update their first look and kind of falling flat. 


    Hopefully they keep an all black alt and can swap out the pants and helmets occasionally. That sort of makes me afraid for a teal/black/teal option, but 🤷‍♂️

  8. That’s kind of the thing. Galaxy has always had a model that’s been sustained by throwing big money at designated players. It’s not necessarily a bad move, but that’s what I mean about throwing stuff at the wall. They took a big swing at Beckham and that broke up a lot of the stagnation they previously had (It’s hard to really emphasize how rough the Chivas USA era was for soccer in LA), and it was a smashing success. It’s been a lot more of that since. Nice if you can do it, but it’s not exactly a thing most clubs can do. 

    • Like 1
  9. I think Long Beach is kind of the perfect landing spot for them (If they can find the room), but I still think whoever buys the team may feel that the risk of alienating their OC fanbase may be worth the potential gains. I’m not sure if I agree with that line of reasoning, but I at least understand it. It’s what the Chargers thought, and while I still think it’s really dumb, they don’t seem to be suffering for fans as much as originally thought once they got out of Carson. 

    • Like 1
  10. I don’t really find that to be too terribly surprising. It’s alarming, for sure. But it also feels like LAG have been just throwing 💩 at the wall to see what sticks for awhile now. I think the extent of how bad it’s really been has been uncovered by LAFC coming into the market and challenging them, but it’s not necessarily a new development. 

  11. I’d be ok with the gross ass orange if it was just the stick. Logos often have colors that aren’t part of the scheme, and that’s ok. But adding it to the triangle outline was always a bad move. 

    Really, they should swap to those new logos they released a few years ago and have hardly used and ditch the PikaShark altogether. 

    • Like 3
  12. 18 minutes ago, DoctorWhom said:

    Yeah that's anothing thing, The Broncos gave up a haul for a QB they don't trust with the game on the line?  

    That’s the thing that gets me the most. I get swinging for the fences for a qb (even if it think it was ill advised considering that Russ isn’t the same dude he used to be) and I guess Denver kinda had to do it with how anemic their offense has been since Peyton retired, but they already don’t seem to have much faith in him. That should be a pretty alarming to Denver fans. 


    Man, I was really confused by that field goal attempt when they went for it, but the more I think about it, the dumber it seems. That was a VERY poorly coached game by Denver. Nowhere to go but up, I guess 🤷‍♂️

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