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Posts posted by FiddySicks

  1. Six finals appearances in eight years. First team since the Jordan Bulls. 


    It’s still hard to wrap my head around that this team went from being mostly an afterthought in terms of success to this in less than a decade. Never thought that was going to happen with the Warriors. The Kings would’ve somehow been less surprising to me. 

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  2. 37 minutes ago, pmoehrin said:

    The same reason Detroit and most southern cities don’t have one. Car and gas companies lobby against them with a great amount of success.


    I think the only reason we have trains at all in this country is because you can’t ship everything via truck.

    Sadly, that makes sense. I’m not sure why I ever inquire about things anymore when the answer is basically always that capitalism ruins everything. 

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  3. Yeah you’re definitely right that Chavez Revine is particularly difficult to get to and from. It makes me wonder why the city didn’t do more to build public transportation to and from the area decades ago. The stadium is sort of located in a perfect area in some ways. It’s up above the city away from the crush, which isn’t a bad plan for a stadium, as long as you have the resources to get to and from the area. Dodgers Stadium absolutely does not have that in its current form. 

    Southern California’s lack of a truly robust train system still baffles me. I get that it’s the very definition of a car city, but how that was ever overlooked is beyond me. I’m sure there are reasons, I’ve just never really heard any good ones. 

  4. Yeah but you say that with the assumption that whatever the Angels would set up wouldn’t be the mind-numbing, nerve-fraying, soul-sucking slog that is getting in and out of Chavez Ravine, and I’m pretty sure that’s the wrong assumption to make. It’s still Los Angeles, after all. If public transportation was set up better, I might buy into that line of thinking, but as it currently is, the very nature of the city is a mind-numbing, nerve-fraying, soul-sucking slog. 

  5. It still makes no sense. I don’t really understand what they’re doing down there though, anyway. Southern California is absolutely enormous, and the southern half of the region (San Diego, Orange County, parts of the IE)  is larger than most other markets just on its own. Despite that, they seem to want to keep moving everything from down there and concentrate everything around Los Angeles directly. Like, why? Why in the world would they want to basically alienate the entire southern portion of their region to try and compete for dollars with already well established franchises in their own backyards? It seems so incredibly shortsighted, and frankly, a tad bit arrogant. Which, actually, kinda fits the attitude of the region perfectly. 

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  6. Any plan that has the Angels actually leaving greater Orange County isn’t a good one imo. Especially if they move into Los Angeles proper. That’s a great way to set them up as the actual baseball Clippers. It’s like the Chargers moving from San Diego to LA. Yeah I guess it’s technically “more” fans, but, not really with any ounce of enthusiasm. That’s Dodgers territory, has always been, and it isn’t changing because the Angels move up there. 

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  7. Two wins away from their sixth finals appearance in the last eight years. Unreal. This series is really showing why experience matters so much. Being down 0-2 to the Suns is absolutely nothing like being down 0-2 to the Warriors. 

  8. Suns probably only lost to Dallas because they have loser brain. Warriors are showing them what it’s like to play a team that talented who doesn’t. Luka has been a fantastic story these playoffs, and is easily one of the best players in the league right now. That being said, I just can’t see how they’re going to win four of the next six. This Warriors team just looks like too much. 



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  9. 44 minutes ago, Rockstar Matt said:

    As much as it pains me to say, it’s probably Boston. Tatum is taking that next step currently. 

    Though it’s super wide open. Any of the remaining four legitimately have a good chance at the title. Dallas has the best player in Luka, Golden State has the best duo and coach combo, Miami has the best team without a superstar, and Boston has probably the deepest team paired with a superstar. 

    I hope it’s Dallas and Luka, but I’ll take anyone in the West over the East, especially over Boston. 

    EDIT: I’ve never seen the league’s fans and players so united over the demise of one team before. Seems like everyone hated the Suns. You have Lakers, Clippers and Celtics collectively joining forces in absolutely roasting and flaming the **** out of the Suns and their fans. 😂😂😂😂

    Suns fans got cocky and their Arizona started to really show after that whole Suns in 4 guy thing. It’s more everyone else saying sit down, Arizona sports. Know your place. 

    • Like 1
  10. 26 minutes ago, GDAWG said:

    So Golden State is winning the whole thing again aren't they?

    People kinda slept on them this year, kinda like people always seemed to sleep on the Spurs before they win a title. 

  11. 7 hours ago, CaliforniaGlowin said:

    Ain't that too close to the sharks colors?

    Yeah it’s sort of close, but honestly the Sharks shouldn’t be wearing their particular nasty shade of yellowish orange anyway. Makes no sense for a team called the sharks to have that weird crayola crayon ass looking color. They should use gray instead. 

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  12. 14 hours ago, who do you think said:

    2013-14 - 16,291 per game, 94.1% (28-54)

    2014-15 - 16,586 per game, 95.8% (29-53)

    2015-16 - 17,256 per game, 99.7% (33-49)

    2016-17 - 17,608 per game, 100.6% (32-50)

    2017-18 - 17,555 per game, 100.3% (27-55)

    2018-19 - 17,096 per game, 97.7% (39-43)

    2019-20 - 16,795 per game, 95.5% (31-41)


    > The Kings need to move to heckin Seattle already because... THEY JUST DO, OKAY?

    This is nearly all residuals of getting a new arena and then ownership tossing out tickets to their “corporate partners”. 

  13. 39 minutes ago, DoctorWhom said:

    NBA could contract the Kings overnight and 99% of the NBA wouldn't even notice. 

    They're like the Pirates of the MLB or the Lions of the NFL, They're a G league team masquerading as a pro team. 

    Before the move downtown from Arco, 99% of Sacramento wouldn’t have noticed if the Kings were contracted. Now that they’ve moved downtown to a nicer area and better arena, 99% of Sacramento wouldn’t notice if they were contracted. 


    Sacramento’s USL soccer team is more popular than the Kings. 

  14. Yeah this is why I wasn’t worried about the Suns. They passed on Luka for Aiyton, so they deserve this. 



    When I look at the entire Dallas roster, I don’t see how they’re going to beat the Warriors, but I’m still incredibly terrified of having to face Luka. God, he’s so good. And the Kings are so :censored:ing stupid for passing on him. 



  15. I expected it, but holy crap does that Bucs schedule look tough. Open at Dallas, then in New Orleans the following week. Then back to back at home Green Bay and Kansas City, plus both of the Super Bowl teams from last year. Browns, Ravens, and Steelers who are all good. Probably their easiest out of division game is vs the Seahawks, and that’s in Germany. Yikes. 


    Also, I have tickets to see them play the 49ers in Santa Clara, and it’s not until week 14. I was really hoping that was going to be earlier in the season. 

  16. 9 hours ago, Sport said:


    I should clarify that I didn't mean that as a dig at the minor leagues vs "major" league soccer. I meant like it's just a sports team and not even a big one, why are these weirdos being so militant about it?

    Bullseye. This is exactly it. Like, there are VERY few things in life that I’m that weirdly passionate about, and sports as a whole usually aren’t involved that often. 

    The only thing I could compare it to is the student section at college football games. But in that case you’re usually in your late teens/early twenties, are giving that particular institution tens of thousands of your dollars to educate you, and it’s sort of the tradition to go that hard for it as it adds to the experience somewhat. When you remove all of those elements, it goes from being mildly weird to outsiders, to downright embarrassing. 

    And again, I’m not knocking the idea of a SG. Just the idiots who ruin the experience for everyone else. 

  17. 13 hours ago, Digby said:

    Supporters group people are generally severely cringe and you do not want to get stuck sitting next to one in a bar, totally agree, but most also do a better job of being involved in the community despite having a fraction of the resources of the teams themselves. So I think "annoying" is not as bad as "actively evil" which about 3/4 of the powers that be in American soccer seem to be. 

    I worked for a USL team for five years and one of my duties was to help with compliance coordination (basically, making sure they were following park rules like every other fan does) for the SG on game days. Looking back on it, it was by far the most miserable aspect of that job. Most of them were pretty cool and I made a few pretty strong friendships, but the handful of bad ones were the worst group of fans I’ve ever encountered. It was basically five seasons of babysitting a small group of petulant, rude, entitled, pot bellied man children (there were at least two terrible women, but most were dudes. Shocker). And we were known as having one of the best SGs in the entire league. 

    The whole SG thing seemed rad to me at first. But after awhile the whole thing got incredibly tiresome. And seeing some of the “passion” some of those people had for, as @Sportsaid, a MINOR LEAGUE SOCCER TEAM was so goddamn cringey.


    Honestly, I legitimately miss that entire experience less and less the further away from it I get. I find minor league soccer as a whole to be immensely frustrating. 

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