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Posts posted by FiddySicks

  1. 2 hours ago, IceCap said:

    Never count Brady out. It was amazing how he'd go into another gear in the playoffs all of those seasons with the Patriots, but watching him do it for a team I was cheering for was something else entirely. The dude's playing with house money at this point in his career and it's unreal.

    It’s seriously changed my whole outlook on watching the NFL. I was born basically right after the 49ers dynasty was doing its thing and the first Super Bowl I remember was the one after their last win. I know the stories of Montana and Young, and I love em both, but I just missed out on actually experiencing the peak of all that. That’s kind of the reason why I never really could get on to the Niners bandwagon, despite

    being from Niners country (Raiders moved back to the bay the same year my family moved out of the Bay Area, so that link wasn’t really there until later, either). And, my dumb ass decided as a kid to pick just about the sorriest franchise ever in terms of QB production/creation, so even the idea of ever getting that was always a non starter. 

    And I’ll fully admit that my hatred of Brady was spawned 100% from jealousy. Dude wins all these titles with a franchise I forgot even existed most times before he was there, while I was rooting for a bunch of schlubs who were basically the tropical version of the pre Brady Pats. And Brady is a Bay Area kid, too. It always just felt so frustratingly close, and that made me hate him even more. 


    Well, anyway. I’m happy I changed my tune on Brady, because, goddamn, dude. He’s so much fun to watch. And I’m happy the Bucs are finally fun again, too! 



    Whatever happens in the playoffs with them, I’m good. I’ve gotten more than I ever expected to and this is all gravy. 

    • Like 3
  2. 5 hours ago, Alex Houston said:

    On a different note, I was already floored when Tampa won last February and of course, I'd like to see a repeat, but this year just doesn't look to be in the cards for this team. They seem to only have luck when the season starts with a two or zero. So next year baby!

    You would think with all of the self created turmoil that this wouldn’t be the year, but I feel like a lot of the most BS drama filled Pats seasons ended up with Brady lifting another trophy so, 🤷‍♂️

    Im genuinely not worried about the Bucs facing a single NFC team except for one. The 49ers. I just have this feeling that them getting that defense settled a bit more right before the playoffs is going to vault them deep into the playoffs. It’s contingent on Garrapolo not tossing games away, but I kinda feel like that defense may be able to cover enough of their offensive weaknesses up. 

    • Like 3
  3. There’s kind of a fine line between recognizing how CTE/mental illness can debilitate someone, and just using it as a crutch to excuse bad behavior. I’m all for people getting the help they need, but Antonio Brown has more resources at his disposal to deal with this kind of thing than most of us do. The further this goes along, and the more it’s publicized, the more it just feels like a lack of any personal accountability on Brown’s part, and a whole group of people enabling that bad behavior on the other side. 

    Its kind of like the steroids thing in baseball.  Most people knew there was something going on that was problematic, and that it was pretty rampant and widespread. Jose Canseco isn’t a hero for exposing that, he was just trying to shift the attention away from his own antics and stay in the spotlight a little longer. That’s kind of how that whole statement from Brown’s lawyers felt. 

    • Like 8
  4. 40 minutes ago, BBTV said:


    Andy Reid's willingness to sign anyone who's committed any crime short of mass murder is good enough for me to have something against them.  I'm fairly certain he'd take a mass murderer as long as he could run fast and could play at least a couple of games while awaiting sentencing.

    I would like to tell people that I feel the same way, but this season (and last) has shown me that I probably just don’t care about any of that nearly as much as I should. 

    • Like 1
  5. For as much fun as this last year and a half has been, there’s something deep down in me that still :censored:ing HATES watching the Bucs play. Tonight felt like the majority of my life as a Bucs fan. I don’t get to watch them more than, like, twice a season, and when I do, this is usually the outcome. This game doesn’t even crack my top ten worst games. Honestly, it’s not even close. 

    • Like 2
  6. 9 minutes ago, Carolingian Steamroller said:

    I think we should talk about the Bengals 2021 redesign as a smashing success.


    The base design is great but we also need to give props to the equipment staff in Cincinnati that have consistently made good pairings for each week. 




    Wearing white socks with the black pants on the road is terrific for starters but also keeping the black socks with the white over white (paired with the black striped pants) and going with orange/black/orange last week have been so satisfying to watch. I even liked it when they went black over black with black socks because it still felt like the right choice with that particular combination.

    It’s amazing how such simple changes make such a big difference. I was pretty meh on the changes at first, because it seemed so minor. But after seeing them for a few weeks, those changes help a LOT. I would still like to see a few more tweaks (I actually DO think they could use more stripes), but even so this is a VAST improvement. 

    • Like 4
  7. I’ve always thought the Cardinals should just be the red and white version of the Raiders in terms of simplicity. It’s one of the oldest (if not the very oldest) teams in the league. Treat it as such (well, as much as you can considering they play in a spaceship in the southwest). 

    • Like 9
  8. The more I see of that brand, the more it just feels like some movie or TV show set in Cleveland that couldn’t get the licensing to use Indians gear during filming. Something about it just feels… Cheap, I suppose? 


    I dunno, give it a season or two. Maybe it’ll set in just fine. I still think if they were going to go all out on a rebrand (and if they weren’t going to use Spiders), they should’ve at least made some color adjustments. I get the argument that keeping the colors will help with the transition, but I actually kinda think it makes it harder to adjust to. Like, it lands just a tad too close to what they just left behind and it feels kinda weird. 

    • Like 6
  9. On 11/6/2021 at 7:38 AM, coco1997 said:


    None of the teams look bad right now, but I think the Mariners, Rockies and Angels are all due for a refresh of some kind. 

    Rockies, yes. Angels, maybe, but they’re really just a few tweaks away from perfection. As for the Mariners, I have no idea why so many want them to change. They look fantastic, and any changes are just going to gimmick up that set or bring back inferior elements (M trident). If anything, they need to revert back from the 2014 changes to what they had before. 

    • Like 11
  10. Sigh, I knew SOMEBODY out there was going to make an argument about it that’s this obtuse. I’m just kinda shocked it’s Bomani Jones rather than, like, some dumb Packers blogger. Arguing wether or not he was lying, or merely being intentionally deceptive is splitting such stupid hairs. It’s like the real time version of the “I’m not owned!” corncob meme. 


    I’ve always been a pretty big Aaron Rogers fan, despite all of the drama and the whole “being on the Packers” thing. I think this is where he loses me. 

    • Like 1
  11. 17 hours ago, dont care said:

    You also got the suns, they have Atleast been a consistent playoff team. And with this past Lear finals appearance they are put on par with the cardinals. I’d say the suns uniforms are better better because Atleast they don’t look dated.

    Suns get knocked down for being owned by Robert Sarver. 

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