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Posts posted by FiddySicks

  1. On 6/29/2022 at 11:56 PM, WestCoastBias said:


    Hopefully Sacramento can get a team after they got screwed over, but I think that ship sailed a long time ago. I want San Diego to have a team and there's still Tampa too. And Detroit? MLS should just go to 36 teams, there's a lot of deserving cities. 

    Sacramento is never getting a MLS team, nor should they. They had their best opportunity pre pandemic, and it turns out what they actually had was fraudulent from the jump. People need to stop putting the Sacramento market as good for anything but another Wal Mart or something. 

  2. Pretty much my favorite thing about college football is how it’s always been so compartmentalized. It’s huge, but it’s always been broken down in a manner that makes it all make more sense, and that makes all of these moving parts fit together relatively well at the end. And for the majority of it’s history the attempt was to rectify any potential issues so it makes even more logical sense. It was all a huge, decently well coordinated dance, and that’s what was so fun about it. But in the last decade or so they’ve lost the plot a bit, and now it’s to the point where it’s almost useless to keep up with where everyone is, because it no longer makes any geographical sense. It’s grouped together weirdly, it’s confusing, and frankly, what I really enjoyed about it is pretty much dead or dying. I’m not sure what they’re quite going for here, but it appears they just want some kind of a college super league. Long term I don’t see that really sticking. 

    Truth is, there are all of these secondary leagues now and due to stuff like NIL, the money just can’t be the same as it was with college football. More than anything, this feels like a nail in the coffin for college football.


    DG is right that this shakes the foundations of the sport too much, and I honestly think long term it’s too radical of a change. If anything it’s a sign of how bleak the future is for college football. Probably for the best 🤷‍♂️



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  3. 6 hours ago, dont care said:

    No way without some serious reconciliation between him and green

    Actually, I kind of think him and Draymond may be just fine. Dray has spent a good amount of time recently kissing KD’s ass, and that seems to basically be the only thing KD really wants. I definitely won’t feel the same about him coming as I did the first time, but, :censored: it. Why not? 🤷‍♂️ Go for six. 

    • Hurl 1
  4. 12 hours ago, WestCoastBias said:


    I know numerous A's fans that are sick of the owners crap and refusing to go to games or buy gear this year. While I question that approach as it gives the team an out that they don't have enough fans in Oakland, it is a thing that is happening. 

    Well, here’s the thing with that. While I’m sure some people are doing this as a protest this year, I know even more people who just got sick of it all and walked away years ago (I’m one of them). Either switched to watching the Giants, another team outside of the market, or just said you know what? Baseball is boring anyway and I think I’ll just find other interests. That crowd isn’t coming back because of a shiny new stadium. The A’s have basically been gaslighting their fanbase and the greater Bay Area for four decades now and are really underestimating the damage they’ve done. There’s a stench attached to that franchise at this point and enough hurt feelings amongst their fans that a new stadium isn’t going to rectify. 

  5. Probably the funniest thing in the world would be to trade them both to Sacramento. I would really like to see a team like Memphis or New Orleans see what they can do with a player like Durant, though. Sort of come full circle for him a bit. 

  6. Anyone who thinks that the Lakers are going to land Kyrie AND KD are :censored:ing delusional. Honestly even one of them going to the Lakers sounds pretty stupid all things considered. 


    Kyrie for Westbrook. Who the :censored: would even make that move? I’d rather have Kyrie not playing at all than move him to LA for Westbrook. 

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  7. And I’m really hoping they don’t. People are severely underestimating just how few A’s fans are left in general, let alone in the Bay Area. What’s it gonna look like when they have this 12 billion dollar stadium project (:censored:in roflmao at even the thought of that ever happening, but still) and people still don’t show up for games? The stadium issue is absolutely the A’s most pressing issue, but it damn sure isn’t their only problem. They have DECADES of rebuilding left to do just to get that fanbase back up to competing with the rest of the league. The idea that A’s fans are going to come pouring out of the woods once a new stadium is built is wrong, and frankly, really stupid. 

    • Like 1
  8. 1 hour ago, plobrien said:


    I think Sacramento would be another great option if they can renovate the existing Triple-A stadium. Keeps them in Northern California too. 

    Lol, no. It absolutely would not. I was once also fooled into thinking this. Then I spent five years of my life working with the city’s last disaster of an attempt to get a top level professional sports team. Sacramento is 100% out. 

    • Like 1
  9. On 11/18/2016 at 6:37 PM, dfwabel said:

    Kris Bryant becam the first player in NCAA/MLB history to win Golden Spikes Award (effectively, College Player of the Year), Minor League Player of the Year, MLB Rookie of the Year and MLB MVP in four consecutive game seasons.

    So, Bryant went #2 in that draft, and the dude who went above him was Stanford pitcher Mark Appel. I wondered what happened to him so I just looked it up. Apparently, he just got called up to the bigs for the first time at age 30 just yesterday! 


    • Like 2
  10. 5 hours ago, truepg said:

    The thing is that the Magic used to have an identity and uniforms that matched their brand in "playfulness" and were totally appropriate in their effort, but then at one point around the beginning of Dwight's career they decided to tone it down for some reason and went further replacing the decent wordmark in the logo with the one on the jerseys that was rather plain.

    While I don't think the Heat suffer from the issue you mentioned, I totally share your sentiments of the Magic doing so.

    Oh, don’t get me wrong, the Heat look very good, and them going toned down is the right move. I’m more just surprised that we never got something along the lines of the Magic sublimated stars but with flames or something instead. The Magic sort of lost their identity when they ditched the stars, and I sort of feel like it was an attempt to “button things up”, sort of like the Heat operate. Problem is, “Heat culture” is led by Pat Riley and has Miami to fall back on, so the whole “Buttoned up” approach works well for them. The Magic basically play in Florida’s version of Sacramento, so them toning it down just emphasizes how bland their surroundings are. 

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  11. The Heat and Magic sort of have a similar issue in that they both went with that singular style, somewhat modern nickname, but both have relatively toned down, almost traditional looking sets. They aren’t bad in a vacuum, but they both feel somewhat disjointed by that imo. Like, there’s a disconnect between the name and the visual identity. 

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  12. 5 hours ago, DoctorWhom said:

    Replace KD with any above average player & the Warriors still win the same amount of titles. 

    Getting KD was massively overcompensating on the Warriors part. 

    After the 2016 loss to the Cavs, it was pretty glaringly obvious that they needed a better option on the wing than Harrison Barnes, who basically folded like a lawn chair and was a big reason they lost that series. They really could’ve used a guy like Andrew Wiggins who is a perfect upgrade for them. But at that particular time, he wasn’t available, and instead the dude who was just so happened to be one of the greatest wing players and pure scorers in league history. Yeah of course he was “overkill”, but even so they still needed an upgrade at the very position he played. Of course they were going to at least try to get him on board, but I also think they were just as surprised he signed as everyone else was. 

    • Like 3
  13. 45 minutes ago, DoctorWhom said:

    It was for the best. 

    If he stayed we'd be talking about the Warrior's 8th straight championship & people trying to pretend they're better than the Jordan Bulls.  

    I dunno about all that, but I do know this one has a level of satisfaction that the Durant titles didn’t, if only for the validation.  

    It’s been a real strange run watching them. Absolutely elated with the first title, completely heartbroken after the second year, and then it all got flipped on it’s head and weird when KD came aboard. It was normalish, then almost overnight the “approval rating” from everyone else dropped off a cliff. I won’t say KD being a part of this diminished my enjoyment of it at all, because I’ve enjoyed all of this immensely, but it did feel kind of :censored:ty knowing EVERYONE else hated it so much. I’ll always appreciate KD and what he did for the Warriors, but I was actually sort of relieved when he signed with the Nets. The whole thing was a whirlwind and was constantly stressful. The losses all felt so magnified and the wins didn’t really matter that much anymore. It felt a bit like getting out of a tumultuous relationship with a famous person. You’re a bit down for some of it being over, but are happy things can be normal again. This win is great because it reminds me so much of the first one. It feels normal. I mean of course you’ve got a handful of the hangers on now lifetime haters, and I get that. Sports will do that. But most of that has settled down a bit. 

    Also, I’m never gonna hate on KD like a lot of people do (lol at “gutless coward”. He’s a basketball player. Get a grip), but he definitely made his bed with a lot of where he’s at and how he’s viewed. If anything, he cashed in on two titles which is nice I’m sure, but the cost was his ability to narrate how his character is seen. And that’s all this ever really is. Control of the narrative. Every superstar has :censored:ty things about them that people would hate. Some guys get lucky with what their control is (Jordan the ultimate example, now Curry), and some guys either have to or choose to trade in some of that control for success (Lebron out of necessity, KD probably more by choice). 

    • Like 3
  14. 28 minutes ago, DG_ThenNowForever said:

    "Lakers" is trending on Twitter. Even when the Warriors win a title, the gravity is still on LeBron and LA.


    This season sucked. Turn the page.

    You’ve really made all of this so SO much sweeter. I appreciate you, old friend. ❤️

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  15. Probably the cherry on top of the Saints black helmet is, if I’m understanding this correctly, the only jersey they can’t pair it with is the primary black home jersey. I know we kind of have a thing against mono looks, but even so, that’s very dumb. 

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  16. I made the suggestion years ago that the two AL California teams should use Southern California and Northern California as their location markers and got absolutely eviscerated for it. I still don’t hate the idea. Both teams have had “location flux” for decades, so why not just make it more vague so you don’t have another situation where one of these teams is getting sued by, like, San Leandro or Garden Grove or some :censored:. 

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  17. Draymond is absolutely one of those dudes you feel blessed to have, because the other side of this whole thing just looks awful. Real glad I can just enjoy him and laugh at his “antics” rather than feel the rage of him doing this kinda :censored: to my team. 

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