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Everything posted by pepis21

  1. I recently found those sleeves stripes on USA home are pretty similar to Belgium from 1998:
  2. Design is ok but as a Pole myself I can tell you that black kit wouldn't be well receive by Polish fans. Maybe as a third kit but definitely not for away, nike already tried in 2010 and failed miserably. Home kit is really nice.
  3. Sure but I'd say that any stimulus which gives a chance to expand knowledge is good one even if it's a gimmick uniform. Ok, I know that money makes the world go round but somewhere should put any border to that. I wonder if it's PE or they gonna put them on a retail like Dame 1 and 2 .
  4. I agree with you on that. The biggest problem is that City is a yearly program so except few extemption every year you've got new batch of uniforms. If they only do this every second or even third year from the beginning they wouldn't run out of ideas that qucikly but of course money talks so it won't happens.
  5. You can't be a judge on your own case but sure use your mod authority although you'd need to use it also on yourself and other people who participated in carpet discussion. BTW by your behavior you proved -not for the first time- that you shouldn't be a moderator since you very quickly become aggresive towards others when something not going on your mind and I'm not the only one who noticed that because few people already told you to take your breath and calm down so you better think about it. Peace! Anyway @LA Fakers+ LA Snippers has right let's end that s%&t and move forward. There is one tiny good thing about City editions and @WestCoastBias already mentioned it that sometimes you can learn something new about team, city, area or state. I by myself probalby wouldn't knew about Memphis sanitation strike if not the 17/18 Grizzlies City uniform but thanks to that I know now. I wish more Citys have some real valuable story behind them because it would give more sense to the whole project which is now very doubtful.
  6. I'd say it's very unlikely. Adidas decided to not renew contract with NBA before nike took it so I don't think now they gonna try to fight for it especially that they gave up with NHL in a same way as with NBA (and who know what happen with MLS). UA has no money for that which is why Nike is with MLB.
  7. Especially that no one said this . You're pathetic, seriously.
  8. PC or consoles? I don't know how it looks in 2k but in real life Knicks City court a little bit different this year than in previous.
  9. But is not me who came here and screaming "It's dumb!" because of unknowledge so yeah whatever. Over and out.
  10. You should start and end with that because your ignorance doesn't mean that everyone else have same feeling about it.
  11. LOL. Listen those uniforms are designed for Blazers/local fans first and for others next. You're a Raptors fan so you're not a main target for those. Ask @Conrad. how many retweets, likes and comment he has from PTB fans after posting a Pdx carpet concept few years ago. IIRC even Damian Lillard himself retweeted it (Dame 1 and 2 utilized that design too). Very famous carpet. Even I, a guy who lives thousands of kilometers from Portland know that design and understand why they used it for City edition. Ekhm Eastern Europe and Middle East wanna join into discussion. I expected reaction like that xD Excatly, they could use Maple Leafs as an inspiration too or even Canada as a whole (since they the only team from that country) instead of same black-gold scheme every year. Nike and overall marketing speak is funny but in this case they saying true so we shouldn't be mad at this.
  12. So what they should referenced when uniform really based on popular carpet? Blazers fans wanted uniforms designed like and this is a jersey mostly for them not for other teams fans. It's simple. Ovo is dumbest because it block any act of creativity.
  13. "Like I said: baby blue never fails. The Canadiens know this too." LMFAO I know de gustibus non est disputandum but Habs without red is one of the worst from this batch not the best. Calling TML a carbon copy of their current sweaters is a big lol too.
  14. Lockervision wrongly use those numbers on statement.
  15. Funniest thing about it, is that you've got hidden "I" between "L" and "T".
  16. https://about.nike.com/en/newsroom/collections/nike-nba-city-edition-uniforms-2022-23 All City are released.
  17. Fully agree, even gray would be better. White background doesn't work with rain and lightning.
  18. I don't know if this was posted or not, but I found it just by coincidence. It's labeled as a prototype from 97/98 season. It look legit so they probably considered to introduce a white uniform much earlier than 2002.
  19. Yes, they will: More shorts from same account but in images not tweets:
  20. Kings finally have Sacramento instead of Sactown. Hallelujah. Lakers is kinda like their season. I'm curious if shorts will look like their last two City shorts. Btw there is no West or any other player signature above tag. Thunder look like their first ever design but recolored. Grizzlies look straight outta 90's NCAA. Nuggets and Pistons might be nice. Pacers are terrible. Might be worst City of that season.
  21. Fully agree, I'm tired of Ovo too but unfortunately until Drake ends partnership with Raptors there is no chance to change that (I guess). I remember there were a lot of rumors after drafting Luka, they said it's gonna based on him and Dennis Smith Jr (who was gone in same season) and after that basically every year you've got rumors about Mavs rebrand. Maybe finally it happens one day.
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