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Posts posted by bosrs1

  1. Seattle is still in the background, but they seem to have too many arena issues. I could possibly see a 2 stage expansion- 1st stage (2017-18) Quebec and Las Vegas; 2nd stage Seattle and somewhere else (2019-2020).

    So a 34 team NHL, assuming the Coyotes and Panthers survive beyond 2019.

    Jesus 34 teams? How about they start weeding out the markets that have been struggling all these years and do some relocation. I mean right off the bat they have 2 teams that NEED to move.

  2. The San Diego Gulls had their season ticket selection weekend last weekend. According to the ticket reps they have somewhere north of 3,500 season ticket holders already for the new AHL team. Don't know how that compares to the rest of the AHL or the Pacific Division, but it seemed pretty high to me for a minor league team.

  3. For maximum hilarity, I'm hoping the Texas teams play the full schedule, so that standings in the other three divisions will be normal, but in the Special Snowflake Division, standings will be determined by points percentage. Most likely, though, it'll be 68 games for the Stars and Rampage, too, and the playoffs will be top 4 in each division, no crossovers.

    Which is ok I guess as long as the divisions are self contained in who they play.

  4. Minor league hockey is not a big money business. The Sabres bought the Rochester Amerks (a long-time and stable franchise that draws at least in the middle of the AHL) for only $5M. The CCSLC could probably buy an ECHL team. Swapping out a bus ride down I-90 for plane tickets across the country is a big change for these teams... confirmed by the fact that the league isn't even making these new teams play a full schedule! The business model needs too much massaging to make this happen; it shouldn't be happening.

    Unless it's the first step in the western teams eventually being spun off into a separate league not unlike how baseball has the International League and PCL geographically east and west who then come together to play a AAA championship game between their respective winners. Not unlike how the NL and AL used to do it in bygone days. Obviously though that's an ideal solution that may or may not ever happen. Long term though they probably do need to increase the number of games the west teams play. Maybe after Vancouver moves their AHL team west.

  5. AHL alignment is set for next year:


    Atlantic: Bridgeport, Hartford, Hershey, Lehigh Valley, Portland Pirates, Providence, Springfield, W-B/S

    North: Albany, Binghamton, Rochester, St. John’s, Syracuse, Toronto, Utica


    Central: Charlotte, Chicago, Grand Rapids, Iowa, Lake Erie, Manitoba, Milwaukee, Rockford

    Pacific: Bakersfield, Ontario, San Antonio, San Diego, San Jose, Stockton, Texas

    Do the two teams in Texas get the special snowflake schedule, or do they have to play full slates like everyone else?

    Not sure on how many games they'll be playing, but glad they lumped the Texas teams in with the California ones. Makes sense to have the Cali teams travel east since they're all NHL funded more so than it did having any of the independent eastern teams travel down to Texas.

  6. Yes, but Springfield isn't owned by an NHL team. Unless the Yotes buy the Falcons, they're going nowhere.

    And it's bad optics for the franchise in the same city as your league offices to up and move because its parent club says so.

    The League is already looking into moving their offices. The last time there was a possibility that Springfield might be without an AHL team they put down payments on space in Hartford and Hershey. Luckily they were able to convince the Oilers to affiliate with Springfield for 3 years and they didn't have to move. I've heard that the League is already looking at space in Hartford again.

    Surprised they don't just move to Hartford. God knows the league will be in Hartford long term if the NHL doesn't come back.

  7. Yes, but Springfield isn't owned by an NHL team. Unless the Yotes buy the Falcons, they're going nowhere.

    And it's bad optics for the franchise in the same city as your league offices to up and move because its parent club says so.

    Norfolk's AHL squad wasn't for sale but once the possibility of a Pacific division came about, $$$ talked and BS walked. Anything is possible.

    Actually the explicit threat was that the NorAds would find themselves sans NHL parent if they didn't sell. Money wasn't really a factor here, except in the sense that being an independent team in the AHL is suffering both in terms of performance and cost.

    Yep. They didn't want to sell... they just had no choice. If they didn't they'd have had no players and not enough money to field a full AHL squad of non-NHL prospects. And with the easy out offered to them by ECHL they'd have been stupid not to sell.

  8. That's fantastic news. Wonder if the Avs slum it in Springfield for a year before setting up as the 6th Pacific team.

    From some of the rumors earlier this year, I think Colorado will affiliate with San Antonio and then Florida will affiliate with Springfield.

    Didn't Florida affiliate with Portland?

  9. If you enslave your co-regilionists, using your religion as a pretext for doing so, you've earned all the torture, murder, and barbarity you could ever hope to receive on the temporal plane.

    And don't think Allah is going to look too :censored: ing kindly on that crap either.

    And our anti-missile systems can stop anything ISIS has access to at the moment.

    So what you're saying is that being enslaved, brutalized, terrorized and massacred by one group of religious whack jobs is better than being enslaved by another group... Got it.

  10. Can we just encourage ISIS to invade Qatar?

    Wow really? That has to be the worst comment I've ever seen on this board.


    Would you prefer the slave rebellion? ISIS would likely be a less bloody form of regime change, and would conveniently hold both the Saudi's and Iranian's collective feet to the fire. If we need bases, we still have Kuwait and Bahrain.

    Win win from a US perspective.

    Yes because ISIS's brand of torture, murder, and downright barbarism have been so bloodless are so much better for the people of Qatar than the status quo...

    Or the US for that matter seeing as Qatar is a short rocket ride away from Bahrain.

  11. FIFA is anti-American, I hear that the 2026 World Cup will be in North Korea.

    They aren't anti-American, but they're pro-bribery.

    They're also pro slavery which I think supersedes everything.

    I'm generally not a fan of baycotting events. I don't think the US boycotting the Moscow games did anything. Likewise with them boycotting the '84 games. But this may be the most disgusting sporting event since the time of the Roman Gladiators. This event shouldn't be boycotted so much as it should be condemned.

    I love the World Cup. It is probably my favorite sporting event of all. However, I seriously doubt if I'll watch much of this one. I may be melodramatic about this but having it in November and December is bad. Having it in Qatar is even worse.

    Same here. Shameful how it was granted, shameful human rights abuses allow it to happen (lets be honest here, it's slavery), shameful it's being held when it is, and shameful the confederations didn't stand up to FIFA over it. And from a purely sporting perspective, If there were ever a world cup that would be easy to ignore... this'll be it. That's hockey, football, basketball season. There will be plenty of other things to watch. In the US in particular it'll be the most invisible World Cup in nearly 40 years.

    • Like 1
  12. Unless major federations legitimately pressure not participating (and follow through on it), this train of BS will chug right along...just bail and organize your own tournament already.

    Which is what baffles me. They bitch about FIFA constantly, AND they hold all the cards. Why they don't just do an end run around FIFA I'll never know. They talk about it all the time, the fans seem to want it, their players won't care as long as they keep getting paid... so replace them already. FIFA is literally at the mercy of the confederations and yet the confederations continue to kowtow to corrupt lunacy.

    • Like 1
  13. Portland Pirates will continue to exist, and affiliate with the Florida Panthers. So, does that mean it's the Coyotes' turn to partner with San Antonio again?

    Great news for Portland. Definitely makes more sense to at the very least be affiliated with an Eastern team. And yes it would seem to make sense for Phoenix to partner with San Antonio.

  14. $375 million for the stadium? Doesn't that pretty much buy you a circus tent in the current stadium market? I can't imagine this stadium would be state-of-the-art.

    It's not a stadium first off, it's an arena. And that's about the running rate for such a venue. MLB stadiums are still in the $400-$500 million range. Arenas are a tad cheaper. It's only the NFL and their insanity that is demanding $1.5 billion for their stadiums and frankly not getting a whole hell of a lot for that as I've yet to go to an NFL venue that justifies that kind of cost.

  15. Question is will they be a relocation of the Coyotes or an expansion. They mention both possibilities in the article. And God knows the Coyotes are continuing to be an issue in Phoenix despite Bettman's best deflections.

    This is my favorite part of the article.

    At the very least, the uniqueness of the market should allow Vegas to generate more revenue in the early years than some of the NHLs problem cities.

    "Isn't that keen? A new hockey team in Las Vegas! Pry your father away from the slots and forget about Penn and Teller. Hockey in Las Vegas? That's so unique we just have to check it out. The Johnson clan from Branson, Missouri are in Las Vegas to have fun!"

    Well it's not necessarily for the guys at the slots. Its for all those folks who actually live in Vegas.

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