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Posts posted by infrared41

  1. 15 minutes ago, tBBP said:

    All of which is to say: some of these recent Nike-designed uniforms shade more toward the cosplay side; my gut says the new Cardinals uniforms will follow suit.


    Which is precisely my biggest issue with current sports branding. It's no longer enough to just be a team with a nickname. These days, you have to incorporate a bunch of made up nonsense that comes with that nickname. "The shoulders are swords", "the numbers represent the sabres used by Buccaneers", "the orange stitching represents the precise workmanship of Cleveland steel workers" (or something like that), and so on. It's gone from ridiculous back when it started to straight up parody now.


    That being said, I can't wait to see how Nike comes up with a way to make a garden variety, backyard bird into some sort of fierce warrior.

    • Like 5
  2. 2 hours ago, tBBP said:

    Now the Snatit is a different story. From having lived in Nashville when those first came out to now, I've tried—really hard, in fact—to find some redeeming quality in those sets, and to date, I've found exactly two. I will say that I like the shape of the shoulder yokes


    "Their shoulders are swords" or something silly like that was part of the Nike-Speak when the Titans uniforms were unveiled. 


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  3. 1 hour ago, BBTV said:

    Not knowing an anonymous offensive lineman that may have played against your team once


    I'm a Browns fan and I can name exactly one Cleveland Browns offensive lineman - Joe Bittonio. I'm pretty sure that's his name anyway.  I'm not entirely sure I could name another offensive lineman in the entire NFL. At least not in early April. Try me again in late August. 🙃


    EDIT: Jason Kelce. I know his name too.

  4. 5 hours ago, Ferdinand Cesarano said:


    It has been the norm since the 1930s, when teams introduced numbers.  (The Yankees actually began using numbers in 1929; though, as noted, despite their 1929 and 1930 managers wearing numbers, McCarthy didn't wear one during his long tenure starting in 1931 and lasting into the mid-1940s.)


    If I were in charge, managers and coaches would just be wearing team gear like NFL coaches do. MLB managers and coaches wearing the same uniforms as the players is as pointless as it is silly.

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  5. Just now, BBTV said:


    You're right - I should be able to come up with some creative torturing for him.  I don't actually want permanent harm to happen to him (or any sports figure).  He should be terminated from his job, then have his eyelids taped open and be forced to watch the 2003 Detroit Tigers season recap video while being kicked in the nuts.


    That's fair.

  6. 23 hours ago, BBTV said:

    CB Buckner should be terminated.  From his job, and from life. 


    No argument that he's a bad ump, but calling for him to be terminated from life, while obviously hyperbole (I think), still isn't a great look. You're more creative than that.

    • Like 3
  7. 14 hours ago, infrared41 said:
    On 3/8/2023 at 4:26 PM, Sport said:

    Red Sox fans that live in Tampa aren't some magical breed of human better at driving to St Pete than Rays fans


    Sure they are, just ask them.


    As I was saying...


    9 hours ago, who do you think said:
    On 3/8/2023 at 4:26 PM, Sport said:

    Red Sox fans that live in Tampa aren't some magical breed of human better at driving to St Pete than Rays fans


    I think we outnumber the actual Rays fans here. (as if that's a high bar to clear



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  8. 5 minutes ago, tBBP said:


    I don't know, but I'll tell you who that team won't be. (Hint: they wear black and yellow...)


    I'm not entirely sure that crew could win 85 games in AAA. In their defense, they'd get 20 less cracks at it in AAA so there's that, I guess.

    • LOL 1
  9. 5 minutes ago, McCall said:

    Cardinals should win over 90 (and the Central). But if you want to look at that division, the Brewers could be an 85-win team if they have injuries to their pitching staff, and then get hot when healthy (although their offense is probably worse than the last 2 years when it wasn't great anyway). Or even the Cubs could potentially reach that threshold.


    My post was a reference to 2006.

  10. 12 hours ago, CDCLT said:

    More than happy to see the pitch clock. Time between pitches was at ridiculous levels and if pitchers and batters can't get set in 15 seconds that's on them.


    Getting rid of the existential crisis that took place between every pitch is great, but I think 15 seconds looks a little rushed. A 20 second pitch clock seems like the right balance between the game being played at 1.5 speed and watching the grass grow a quarter of an inch between every pitch.

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  11. On 2/25/2023 at 8:27 AM, shstpt1 said:

    Speaking of the Pitch Clock, Manny Machado was the first to be in violation for taking too long to get in the box, and started out his at bat 0-1. 


    There was also this...




    I'm fine with all of it.  Enough of the pitcher contemplating the universe while the batter adjusts everything on his body between every pitch. Get in the box and hit. MLB needed this.

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