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Posts posted by infrared41

  1. 2 minutes ago, Rockstar Matt said:

    He's thrown a few ducks tho and a few passes that should have been picks. Seattle wasn't good enough to capitalize, but will he get away with those throws against a Cowboys or Eagles defense who were the top 2 teams in creating turnovers? Or the Bills in the Super Bowl?


    Looks like we're going to find out.


    In Purdy's defense, teams miss on QBs all the time. The kid may, in fact, be every bit as good as he's looked. If we're judging him on "ducks that should have been picks", I think we may be setting the bar a tad too high for a 7th round draft pick. Is he the reason the Niners are winning? Not entirely, but he's a certainly a big part of why they're not losing. This may say more about "Bonky G" (Love that name. Well done.) and Lance than it does anything else, but in my opinion, Purdy is the best QB the Niners have and it's not particularly close...as of right now, anyway.

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  2. 1 minute ago, FiddySicks said:

    Hawks ended up kinda falling apart there at the end, but you can’t not be impressed with what this team has done this season all things considered.


    Agreed. Anyone who says they picked this team to go to the playoffs back in the preseason is either lying or is the most delusional Seahawks fan in existence. Did anyone think Geno Smith was capable of what he did this season? Again, for anyone who says yes, see my previous comment about the playoffs. This team came out of nowhere and made the playoffs in a season when everyone was expecting them to win maybe 6 games. And now they have the #5 pick in the draft. The future is bright in Seattle.

    • Like 3
  3. 1 hour ago, Cujo said:


    Today's been a good reminder than the 49ers are afterall starting a 3rd string quarterback.


    1 hour ago, Rockstar Matt said:

    Seattle is playing well. Even though everyone would agree on paper that the 49ers are vastly more talented than the Seahawks, it's really damn difficult to beat a team 3 times in one season. 


    1 hour ago, FiddySicks said:

    This feels like a rerun of just about every 49ers playoff loss I’ve watched for the past 20 years. Come out flat, make straight up boneheaded decisions both on the field and with your coaching, lead most of the game, and then trail at the most inopportune times. Wash rinse repeat. Niners have to make some coaching adjustments (which I’m not confident they have the ability to do), and Purdy has to outplay Geno Smith (which I have even less confidence in) or this is going to be yet another very frustrating end to a promising season for the Niners. 




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  4. 1 hour ago, Gary said:

    We may have lost to TCU but we’re 2-0 against OSU in the 2020’s 😝


    That sound you hear above you is the joke flying over your head...twice now.  Let me explain it to you like you're...well...a Michigan fan. You said Michigan wants to make Harbaugh the "highest* coach of the Big Ten." I said "So that's why his clock management was so bad against TCU." Meaning his clock management against TCU was bad because he was so high.  That was the joke. Get it now? 😎


    All that being said, the last time you beat us twice in a row, I was still in my late 30's and half the people on these here boards weren't even born. You can talk to me when you have one of these and you're not coming off a playoff loss to a double digit underdog. 😉






    *Yes, we all knew you meant highest paid coach. Leaving out paid was what made it funny.



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  5. 2 hours ago, Gary said:

    I have no answer to that because that was some awful clock management 


    You said it yourself...


    3 hours ago, Gary said:

    Especially when the school president is taking over negotiations to make him the highest coach of the Big Ten



  6. 2 hours ago, throwuascenario said:


    Okay, I understand. I do disagree that he was even part of the problem. The problem has plagued the Panthers since the year Mayfield got drafted, and that's their owner.


    None of that makes Baker Mayfield a good NFL quarterback.  I watched the guy up close for four years. He shows just enough promise to make you think there's a chance he might be good, but he's not good and he's proven that he's not good with three different teams now. I don't know what else to tell you.


    • Like 1
  7. Just now, throwuascenario said:


    So I said Mayfield wasn't the problem. You said that they were better without him. You're seriously saying that I can't infer from that statement that you were saying that he was the problem?


    Yes. I never said Mayfield was the problem, but feel free to infer that I think he was part of the bigger problem.



  8. 5 minutes ago, throwuascenario said:


    The Browns had the same winning percentage as the Rams did with Mayfield with a much better roster. And that's with 6 games of Deshaun Watson playing.


    I said that Mayfield wasn't the issue for the Panthers and you disputed it. That's what I was responding to, not your original comment.


    Yeah, I don't care.


    I never said Mayfield was the issue with the Panthers. What I said was the Panthers were a better team without him. I'm fine with having a discussion with you (pedantic as you can be) but you need to stop making :censored: up and then claiming I said it.

  9. 15 minutes ago, throwuascenario said:

    I don't know how you can look at the two and possibly think that Mayfield didn't outplay Darnold individually in the last 5 games.


    Speaking of the Browns: How was that first year without Baker?


    I never claimed Darnold outplayed Mayfield. This is what I actually said. "My guess is Josh Allen and the Bills offense are much more capable of overcoming a four point deficit than a Panthers offense being led by Sam Darnold or the Mayfield Experience is." Which part of that tripped you up?


    The first year without Mayfield was better than the year the Panthers or Rams had with him.



  10. 36 minutes ago, throwuascenario said:

    Actually, it only took 3 days away from the Panthers for Mayfield to overcome a 13 point deficit with 3 minutes to go. He also put up 50 points on Denver, a scoring mark the Panthers haven't reached since 2002. He was never the problem, but that's another discussion for another day.


    Actually, the Panthers were a better team after Mayfield was cut. Funny how that worked out. I'm a Browns fan. I'm well-versed in the Mayfield Experience. He looks great for a week and then he looks like the worst QB in the NFL for the next three. Ask those same Rams that you referenced about that.



  11. 2 hours ago, throwuascenario said:

    Also, 7-3 is a bigger lead than you think. My Panthers haven't come back to win from a 4 point deficit since 2019.


    Your Panthers have been terrible since 2019. My guess is Josh Allen and the Bills offense are much more capable of overcoming a four point deficit than a Panthers offense being led by Sam Darnold or the Mayfield Experience is.

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