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Posts posted by infrared41

  1. 1 minute ago, DoctorWhom said:

    like I said, look at Hue Jackson's record. 

    Hackett still won more games in a season than Hue did in 2. 


    You could put Urban Meyer up there too. Worse record than Hackett, and was also a piece of :censored: the team clearly hated. 


    I wouldn't say Hackett is worse than those 2. He was bad, but not that bad. 


    Hue Jackson also went 8-8 with the Raiders.


    If players not liking you make you a bad coach, Bill Bellichick would be some guy we've never heard of. Chuck Noll too. The NFL is filled with "pieces of :censored:" and most of them are pretty good at their jobs. 


    Hackett took a team that a lot of people said was a Super Bowl contender and drove it into the ground. No one expected Hue Jackson or Urban Meyer to make the playoffs, let alone the Super Bowl.





    • Like 4
  2. 1 hour ago, the admiral said:
    On 12/24/2022 at 11:35 PM, DoctorWhom said:

    Is Tomlin really going to BS his way to a 9-8 record with this Steelers squad? 

    He's an all-time great coach, so yeah, probably.


    The people who hate on Tomlin baffle me. All the guy has done is get to two Super Bowls, win one, win seven division titles,  and field a competitive team every season he's been in Pittsburgh. Show me any fan base outside of New England who wouldn't have taken that deal back in 2007. Hell, this year's Steelers team has no business being in the playoff picture, but here they are. Again.


    Mike Tomlin is a Hall of Fame coach. Only an idiot would think otherwise.

    • Like 10
  3. Tonight might have been the one time in my life I was actually rooting for a Steelers win. I know it's fun to hate on Steelers fans and a lot of that hate is deserved, but I don't see the harm in letting them have this one. Franco Harris was one of the good guys. I'm glad the Steelers won on the night he was supposed to be there to have his jersey retired.

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    1 hour ago, DG_ThenNowForever said:
    1 hour ago, Dilbert said:

    Bengals plane diverted to New York due to engine trouble




    Yikes. And terrifying. These guys are constantly in the air and we always think about the what ifs. Lucky they're all okay.


    One engine in trouble isn't that big of a deal. You shut it off and fly to the nearest airport on the others. Multiple engine trouble is when things get dicey.

  5. Decent week of match ups that could have been better if certain teams hadn't made bad choices, but as we all know, bad uniform choices are what NFL teams do. And for the love of God, can we please do something about the white socks? They look awful.


    Let's play our game.




    1. Eagles - Bears: This one got the top spot mostly because the Bears have one of the best home uniforms in the NFL. Add in a very solid Eagles road uniform and this one gets the nod in a competitive, but unspectacular week. The sunshine didn't hurt either.





    2. Patriots - Raiders: The Raiders have one of the best uniforms in all of football. I like the Pats road set, but I don't like it quite as much as I like Philly's and that's how this game got the #2 slot. Some of you might say that this game deserved the top spot and you'll have a solid argument if you do. It was a close call.





    3. Chiefs - Texans: Normally, I don't put a lot of thought into how the colors match up (until I do), but I really like how the colors worked together in this one.  The Chiefs are perfect and even though it's getting a little long in the tooth,  I like still really like this Texans combo. Good looking game.





    4. Colts - Vikings: From the knees up, this was a good looking match up, but all the white long johns kept this game from looking great. The NFL needs to step in and fix this socks problem.







    1.Cardinals - Broncos: Welcome to the 2022 "Please put us out of our misery and fix these God-awful uniforms" Bowl. This should be against the law.





    2. The Buffalo Bills: What is it with NFL teams picking their worst look for national TV games? Who says "Hey, I got invited to a black tie event. It's the perfect time to bust out my Vanilla Ice t-shirt, a denim jacket, some torn jeans, and a pair of Vans?" Other than NFL teams, I mean.





    3. Falcons - Saints: These teams have two of the best uniforms in the league. Now if we could just get them to wear those uniforms full time.




    That's it for this week. Have a Merry Christmas, a Happy Hanukkah, and a joyous holiday season. We'll do it all again next week.



    • Like 14
  6. Jacksonville vs NY Jets


    Buffalo vs Chicago

    New Orleans vs Cleveland

    Houston vs Tennessee

    Seattle vs Kansas City

    NY Giants vs Minnesota

    Cincinnati vs New England

    Detroit vs Carolina

    Atlanta vs Baltimore

    Washington vs San Francisco

    Philadelphia vs Dallas

    Las Vegas vs Pittsburgh


    Green Bay vs Miami

    Denver vs LA Rams

    Tampa Bay vs Arizona


    LA Chargers vs Indianapolis

  7. 18 minutes ago, BBTV said:


    One of the articles I read said Joe Greene's number is also retired. Then I read another article that said that the Steelers have no officially retired numbers, but there are certain numbers the team won't give out - 12, 32, 58, 75, and so on. So...Franco's number will be somewhere between the first and who knows how many numbers to be retired by the Steelers.

  8. As a Browns fan, I hated Franco Harris when I was a kid, but as I got older I grew to appreciate him and those great Steelers teams of the 70s. He'll always be remembered for the Immaculate Reception, but he was also one of the all-time great running backs. He was one of the biggest stars in the NFL back in the day. And he was a class act.


    R.I.P. Franco.



  9. 9 hours ago, GDAWG said:


    Speaking of JG9, he said that he's going to be a full time YouTuber now that he's graduated from law school and plans to open a baseball related channel in 2023.


    I like his stuff, but he really needs to shorten his videos by about ten minutes. He spends way too much time setting them up with the whole "in order to understand this, I need to talk in circles for 15 minutes" bit. Do a quick "this is how we got here" and get to the point.

    • Like 4
  10. 17 minutes ago, BBTV said:

    After the game, each referee has to spend 3 minutes in a steel cage with anyone that they've wronged.  That'll up the level of officiating really quickly.


    Dallas Goedert fumbles a ball and misses half the season because the ref didn't call a blatant facemask that he had a perfect angle on?  As soon as Goedert is healthy, he gets 3 minutes in a cage with the ref.


    Or, if in Goedert's case, the play results in a serious injury, the team can substitute its gorilla for the injured player (though in such cases, the gorilla would only get 1 minute in the cage with the referee.)


    Got the gorilla in there. Well done.

    • LOL 1
  11. 5 minutes ago, Cosmic said:

    The last two plays that mattered in Giants-Commanders were the refs taking a TD off the board because a guy was a step off the line and then refusing to throw a PI flag when a guy got absolutely mugged... both against the Commies. 


    Today was the first time I basically watched an entire NFL Sunday exclusively on Red Zone. I came away with two conclusions.


    1. NFL Red Zone is awesome.


    2.NFL officiating is :censored:-ing awful. Like way worse than I even thought it was and I thought it was pretty bad going in. The inconsistency is remarkable. It isn't like MLB umps having different strike zones that you can work around. It's like trying to figure out how to play in a league where officials have their own personal rule books. It's ridiculous.

    • Like 4
  12. Just now, ZapRowsdower8 said:

    I’m on vacation in Palm Springs for a few days and I just happened to be walking by a Raiders bar when this play went down. My four year old really liked the guy with a spiked motorcycle helmet running down the sidewalk yelling, “ LETS :censored:ING GO!!!” as loud as I’ve ever heard it yelled. 


    Sounds like your kid already gets what the NFL is all about.

    • Like 1
    • LOL 2
  13. 20 minutes ago, Sport said:

    Fine. They have to watch this play on a loop with their eyes held open Clockwork Orange style for 16 hours, but they get a 15 minute bathroom and/or food break to take whenever they choose. I think that's very generous considering what they did to the rest of us over the last 20 years. 


    Make it 48 hours with three breaks and I'll sign off on it.

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