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Posts posted by infrared41

  1. 21 minutes ago, Rockstar Matt said:

    I do not buy into the Vikings at all. I doubt they win a playoff game, and if they do, they'd likely face San Francisco or Dallas in the next round where they'd be underdogs (even if they're hosting that divisional game).


    The Vikings were underdogs to the 5-7 Lions today. Kinda tells us all we need to know about that team.

    • Like 2
  2. 3 minutes ago, DoctorWhom said:
    23 minutes ago, FiddySicks said:

    The way he’s played this season, why would they even want him? He’s been awful, and Carr is a better choice at this point IMO. 

    I think Brady can still be good with the right team. The Bucs are just so bad he can't salvage them. 

    Brady + Davante Adams + McDaniel's  would be an instant improvement. 


    There is no way I'd take current Tom Brady over Derek Carr. Pretty sure the Raiders won't either.

    • Like 2
  3. 22 minutes ago, Rockstar Matt said:

    I'm thoroughly confused on what is a catch and what isn't a catch in the NFL. It seems to change from game to game, hell even play by play at some points.


    It's beyond ridiculous. My solution is to go with the "I can't define a catch, but I know one when I see one" approach. If there is a questionable catch, have the entire officiating crew view the play. If the majority agree that it's a catch then it's a catch and vice versa.  The NFL would need to put a time limit on it so it doesn't turn into a Monty Python sketch, but it can't be any worse than what we already have.

    • Like 2
  4. 20 minutes ago, Rockstar Matt said:

    The Cowboys are lucky to escape with that win today. They were awful today. A better team than the Texans beats them. Credit to Dallas, I guess, for pulling out that win, but it was ugly. 


    EDIT: But that win guaranteed the Cowboys first back-back 10+ win seasons in 26 years. I'll take it.


    That game was a classic example of a really good team not taking a really bad team very seriously.

    • Like 2
  5. On 12/8/2022 at 11:47 PM, Cujo said:

    Worse Josh McDaniels loss:


    Losing to at home to ESPN's Jeff Saturday in his first ever game?


    Losing to Baker Mayfield 48 hours after joining a 3-9 team?


    My vote goes to losing to Jeff Saturday. At least Baker had played QB in the NFL before he beat Josh McDaniels.


    On 12/8/2022 at 11:55 PM, DoctorWhom said:

    I always thought Baker was a decent QB.

    He looked terrible because the Browns were forcing him to play through an injury last year, and no QB can salvage what a disaster the Panthers are right now. 


    McDaniels or Hackett, which coach deserves to be fired more? 


    The Browns are idiots, but they aren't on the hook for that one. It was Baker's decision to play through the injury. The Browns didn't force him to play, he wanted to keep playing. He looked terrible because he was too stubborn to admit he wasn't 100%.

    • Like 1
  6. 1 hour ago, Sport said:

    Normally I agree with your football uniform takes, but I don't get what's so offensive about the Bengals uniforms. 



    The Bengals looked like an NFL themed Halloween party. I like the orange jerseys over white, I can live with the white jerseys over black, I can ignore monochrome black, but orange jerseys over black pants is a bridge too far. It's butt ugly and they look ridiculous...in my opinion.

    • Like 1
  7. After a less than stellar run for a while there, week 13 was stacked with good looking match ups. The competition for the top spot should have been fierce, but the #1 game is all but impossible to beat. I'm sure there will be some debate over who got the #1 spot and I'm not sure I'd strongly disagree with any of your choices. We also had the rare "this uniform is so bad, it's making the worst list all by itself.  Let's go to the big board...




    1. Packers - Bears: Full disclosure - when these two teams meet wearing these uniforms, Vegas takes the odds of who gets the top spot on my list off the boards. The sharps know it's automatic and everyone else is playing for the #2 slot. In my not so humble opinion, this is the best uniform match up in the NFL.





    2. Steelers - Falcons: It's not fair that this game had to compete with Packers - Bears, but it did and that's the only reason this one is in the #2 slot. Kudos to the Falcons for the gold stripes on the helmet. Yeah, I know gold isn't part of their color scheme, but I don't care. It's cool, it's quirky, and it totally works. The sooner the Falcons give up on having the dumbest uniforms in the league and go back to the throwbacks full time, the better off we'll all be. Never change, Steelers.





    3. Chargers - Raiders: Damn, you know it was a good week when this game can only manage the #3 slot. Another classic. It feels like the Raiders haven't been on the best list as often as they should be this season. Great looking game - and #1 in pretty much any other week.





    4. Bills - Patriots: The Pats throwbacks and the Bill in all white at #4? Blame the competition and the long johns look with the socks. The throwbacks are the Patriots best look. You can disagree if you want, but you'll still be wrong.





    5. Colts - Cowboys: You know week 13 was a real banger when this one is last on the best list. It was cool seeing the Cowboys bring back the 1976 helmet stripes.







    1. The Cincinnati Bengals: Someone thought these uniforms were a good idea. That person should be fired and then arrested. Good Lord.





    2. Broncos - Ravens: There are a lot of people who like the Ravens wearing purple over black. I'm not one of them. Let's hope the Broncos do better with the upcoming change. I doubt they will, but you never know.




    That's a wrap.

    • Like 4
  8. Las Vegas vs. LA Rams


    Minnesota vs. Detroit

    Baltimore vs. Pittsburgh

    Cleveland vs. Cincinnati

    NY Jets vs. Buffalo

    Houston vs. Dallas

    Philadelphia vs. NY Giants

    Jacksonville vs. Tennessee

    Kansas City vs. Denver

    Carolina vs. Seattle

    Tampa Bay vs. San Francisco

    Miami vs. LA Chargers


    New England vs. Arizona

  9. 4 minutes ago, McCall said:

    There are 32 teams competing for 14 playoff spots in the NFL. There are 131 teams competing for 4 playoff spots (currently) in FBS. The systems are not comparable.


    None of that changes the fact that a team that didn't participate in what is essentially the first round of the CFB playoff still made the second round.  Then we have TCU who lost in the "first round" of the playoff and still advanced.  USC was #4 until they lost to Utah in their conference title game. TCU was #3 and stayed there despite losing to Kansas State in their conference title game. Conference title games either matter or they don't. It can't be both. You can twist this however you want, (and I'm sure you will) but my comparison remains valid.


    • Like 1
  10. 21 minutes ago, Sport said:

    To put it simpler, why does OSU get another shot at being national champions when they weren't good enough to be conference champions? We decided it on the field already. I'm an OSU fan and I think it's sort of lame that they're still alive. 


    The Buckeyes being in this playoff is absurd. Don't get me wrong, if the Bucks somehow pull off the miracle and win the whole thing, I'll take it, but the fact that they're even involved is silly. Utah, Clemson, and Kansas State should be there over TCU, Ohio State, Alabama, or anyone else with a "better resume." Imagine if the NFL pulled this :censored:. "Yes, the Jets beat the Chiefs in the AFC playoffs, but the Chiefs had the better regular season and their losses were to playoff teams. Sorry, Jets, it was a nice win, but the Chiefs are still advancing." This is nonsense.

    • Like 2
  11. 2 hours ago, McCall said:

    You do realize in 2 years this argument will be irrelevant, right? As the top 6 ranked conference champions are in, regardless of where they're ranked. 16th ranked Tulane would be in this year if the new format were in place.


    You're welcome. 🙃

  12. 55 minutes ago, Rockstar Matt said:


    If you took this Cowboys team and put them in completely different uniforms/colors I think a lot of people (including myself) would have more belief in them. They have the best point differential in the league, the league's #3 offense (it's been the best offense since Dak returned scoring 35+ ppg, and that isn't including the defensive TD's; also to note the Cowboys had the league's 27th ranked offense when Dak came back), #2 defense (best in sacks, pressure rate, #2 in takeaways), best strength of victory of any playoff team in either conference and the most wins/best record versus current playoff teams.


    But, because they are, unfortunately, the Cowboys we're all waiting for the yearly flame out in the playoffs. Despite all of those stats I just stated, I still don't fully trust this team to live up to their potential.


    This is the best looking Cowboys team I've seen in quite a while. They have all the elements of a Super Bowl team and I have 100% faith in the players. It's the coach that scares the hell out of me. I've been down this road with Mike McCarthy. Too many times. But I also think this Cowboys team just might be so good that even Mike McCarthy can't screw it up. They have more than enough talent to beat both their opponents and their coach.  In any case, they're a lot of fun to watch. Seeing them shift into another gear after the Colts got within 2 points was really something. 

    • Like 1
  13. 1 hour ago, DG_ThenNowForever said:

    This really feels like Dallas' year, especially now that SF is likely out of the running, Minnesota is smoke and mirrors, and no one believes in Philly that doesn't like in the metro area. I've seen Dallas collapse before, but they seem to just win. And, lately, win big.


    Is there anything to be said for KC having losses to its two biggest rivals in the AFC? Cincinnati seems to be peaking at the right time; the Buffalo game is going to be so big for playoffs seeding.


    RE: Dallas - The Cowboys have looked great, but keep in mind that they are coached by Mike McCarthy. Packers fans are all too familiar with his bit; great regular season followed by complete flame out in the playoffs. Postseason Mike McCarthy is basically  discount Marty Shottenheimer. That said, the Cowboys are fun to watch and that defense just might be good enough to overcome the shortcomings of their head coach.


    RE: San Francisco - You're not buying into the "Purdy looked like Montana at times out there" hype? If the kid can play like he did yesterday (solid, but hardly spectacular) the Niners will stay in the mix, but I don't see them making the Super Bowl with a rookie "Mr. Irrelevant" at QB. Then again, in 2001 no one saw the Patriots making the Super Bowl with some kid they drafted in the 6th round. so who knows? The Cowboys and Niners would make for a great playoff match up.


    RE: Minnesota - The Vikings have a little more substance than we're giving them credit for. If I were a Vikings fan, my biggest concern would be Kirk Cousins. He can "look like Montana out there at times", but he can also look like discount...well...Kirk Cousins at times too. Sometimes in the same quarter. In any case, the Vikings should be a tough out. Especially if they manage to grab the #1 seed and get home field throughout the playoffs.


    RE: Philadelphia - I'm not from Philly, I don't like Philly teams,  and I've been waiting for the Eagles to fall off a cliff all season. The Eagles are legit and as much as it pains me to say it, I believe in them.


    RE: The AFC - Let me preface this by saying that I'll always have a soft spot for the Bills. When the Browns left in 1995, the Bills and their fans invited all of us Browns fans to join the Bills Mafia. If memory serves, the team even had some sort of a  Dawg Pound promotion for one of the games. The Bills were great to us. Point being, I hope the Bills finally punch that Super Bowl ticket again and win it this time. That being said, the AFC is going to come down to the Chiefs and Bengals.


    But I could be wrong about all of that.

    • Like 3
  14. 2 hours ago, McCall said:

    Yes, I read the official ruling released by the Majestic XII. All 856 pages. And I fully agree with their conclusion, as I was instructed to do. The most convincing portion, that invalidated the possibility of any opposing argument, was the analysis of Petticoat Junction's direct influence on the Jurassic-era Roman Army's defeat at the hands of General Custer during the battle of Northern Antarctica. This historical event clearly, and undeniably, made Lawrence Moten the home run king of the 1525 regular season. It was pure poetry on a most authoritative level. I was left breathless.


    As you should have been. It was pure brilliance on my part.

    • Applause 1
    • LOL 1
  15. 17 minutes ago, McCall said:

    And it's the top 6 Conference Champions automatically in.


    You'd think I would know that considering I came up with the idea for the damned thing. (Yes, they stole my playoff idea, tweaked it a little, and called it their own. You can look it up on these here boards.) 😎

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