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Posts posted by infrared41

  1. 15 minutes ago, BBTV said:


    Being told reports by who?  Are the attending physicians texting her?


    Exactly. Medical people aren't allowed to provide details to some local hack reporter who is acting like a vulture. That said, while they're not supposed to, other hospital staff workers have been known to leak things to the press. I'm not talking about doctors and nurses, I'm talking about maintenance and desk workers. So it is possible, but as I said, take these reports for what they are.

    • Like 2
  2. 1 minute ago, DG_ThenNowForever said:

    I realized the NCAA CG is next Monday, so the rescheduling becomes incredibly challenging.


    They have to set all that bull-:censored: aside and do what's right and whatever works. If that means playing on the same day as the NCG then that's what happens. Play the game Wednesday and move both team's last game to next Monday if that's what it takes.

    • Like 4
  3. According to some reports on Twitter, (take these with a generous helping of salt) the ambulance was stopped in the parking lot outside the stadium so Hamlin's Mom could get there to ride to the hospital with him. If true, and the accompanying video suggests it could be, that could mean they had revived and stabilized him or it could mean the worst.

    • Like 2
  4. 18 minutes ago, DG_ThenNowForever said:




    There's no such thing as a low-rated NFL game, and the last SNF game of the year would do just fine, no matter who's playing.


    There is such a thing as some teams being much better draws than others. Sure, NBC will get decent ratings no matter which teams are playing, but if you're NBC, would you rather have 15 million viewers or 25 million viewers for a game?

  5. 1 hour ago, Dynasty said:

    Having DET-GB being flexed in is predictably gross. The Lions could be eliminated around 7:00 PM (EST) and all this game will be is a Green Bay Packers/Aaron Rodgers showcase. It's obvious who they're thinking more about here.


    They're thinking about their bottom line. The Packers have a national following and are guaranteed ratings. Detroit is the #15 TV market, Nashville is #29, and Jacksonville is #43. It's as simple as that.

    • Like 3
  6. I think a lot of you have forgotten what drives TV. It's not the best match up. It's the best match up that will get the most viewers. NBC knows that the only people tuning in for Titans-Jags will be people in Nashville, Jacksonville, and dorks like us. The Packers could televise their practice and get higher ratings than a Titans-Jags game. Add in the  "feel good story" Lions (who just happen to play in a top 20 TV market) and the only real surprise here is why it took as long as it did for NBC to make the announcement.

    • Like 2
  7. 2 minutes ago, the admiral said:

    What's with Schrodinger's Kickoff on the Bengals game? How long are they going to wait to decide whether it can steal a few viewers from the glorious NFC East?


    It depends on what happens tonight. If the Bengals beat Buffalo, they clinch the division. If not, the Baltimore game becomes a winner takes the division match up.

    • Like 1
  8. 2 hours ago, BBTV said:


    But the whole thing is to go "through the uprights".  I think balls hitting the posts and seeing how they bounce is really fun.


    The problem is that the rule only applies up to the top of the posts, and then the ball just has to go over the posts - essentially widening the target.  The posts need to be raised.


    OR.... make the whole thing like a projection, and it makes some kind of cool sound if the ball passes through the forcefield, in which case the edge could count.  That would eliminate the actual posts from the field of play which could be aesthetically pleasing too.


    If going over the top of the upright counts then hitting it should count too. I'm sure Bears fans are with me on this.

  9. 6 minutes ago, DoctorWhom said:

    Because this team has absolutely no business being in the playoffs. They were 3-7 at one point & looked dead in the water. 

    It's really a compliment toward Tomlin for how he can somehow make every team he's given competitive. 


    So getting that team to the playoffs isn't exactly a "BS accomplishment" as much as it is an example of Tomlin being a really great coach.

    • Like 3
  10. 1 minute ago, Cujo said:


    The longest pass I can recall was Kordell Stewart when he was at Colorado. His hail mary vs Michigan traveled 75 yards in the air. I also know Tom and Aaron had passes that traveled about 70 as well. But anything close to 80 seems nearly impossible.


    I could swear JaMarcus Russell threw a pass that went what seemed like 90 yards when he was at LSU. I'm sure it wasn't close to that, but however far it went, it was damned impressive. Turns out a strong arm was the only thing he had.

  11. Just now, Rockstar Matt said:


    Narrator: they did not.


    The Eagles are in a world of trouble. They're now facing the prospect of being forced into playing an injured Jalen next week in what is suddenly a must win game. 


    Should be interesting. The Giants are in the playoffs so they'll have nothing to play for. You'd think the Eagles should be able to win that one without Hurts, but they looked awful at home against the Saints today so who knows?

    • Like 1
  12. The worst thing in sports is having hope when you weren't even expecting to have a chance. Going in, I honestly thought the Buckeyes would lose by ten or more. All I was hoping for was to not be embarrassed. Oh well, no shame in losing by one to the defending national champions, but I could have done without the gut-wrenching part. 😎

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