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Posts posted by infrared41

  1. 2 hours ago, throwuascenario said:

    Also, 7-3 is a bigger lead than you think. My Panthers haven't come back to win from a 4 point deficit since 2019.


    Your Panthers have been terrible since 2019. My guess is Josh Allen and the Bills offense are much more capable of overcoming a four point deficit than a Panthers offense being led by Sam Darnold or the Mayfield Experience is.

  2. 9 minutes ago, BBTV said:

    Wow. These post game interviews have me in tears and wanting to buy (another)* Lions jersey (if their jerseys didn’t totally suck.)


    *I have a 90s Starter Sanders jersey in a storage box somewhere. 


    Being from Toledo, there is a clause in my NFL fan contract that allows me to switch allegiances to the Lions for the duration of Deshaun Watson's contract with the Browns. After watching Hard Knocks and then this Lions run, I believe I'm going to exercise that clause.

    • LOL 4
  3. 3 hours ago, Cujo said:



    Should've played this game simultaneous with Seattle's so the Lions would come in with something to play for. 😡😡😡


    3 hours ago, DG_ThenNowForever said:


    Which is why this scheduling was so incredibly stupid. They make the entire game a coronation, rather than exciting scoreboard watching.


    What were they thinking?


    48 minutes ago, BBTV said:


    It's ridiculous.  If I was a Seahawks fan I wouldn't even be watching.  Obviously they can't fix the outcome of a game, but they can certainly tilt the field, and anyone against the Packers in this situation is running uphill.  It's basically like playing the Steelers.


    I'm legitimately waiting for the first official that breaks kayfabe and writes a tell-all book about how they were influenced to throw flags in certain situations.


    "That's why they play the games."





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  4. 39 minutes ago, Cujo said:


    I hope to never see Dobbs on tv again -- only because announcer mention his education and all that NASA bs every other snap.


    Yeah. Why focus so much attention on his degree in aerospace engineering? Dobbs isn't special. The league is filled with players who are smart enough to work for NASA. So the dude had a 4.0 GPA. Big deal, so did every other player in the NFL. I bet Josh Dobbs isn't even the smartest player on the Titans roster.

    • Like 5
  5. Just now, tBBP said:

    Yeah, about that. I have a funny feeling Tennessee is gonna look really hard at axing Tannehill, even if only as a business move (I think they'd save like 17M or so in cap space if they cut him before June), and hold onto Dobbs. Dude isn't exactly a world-beater, but for him to play as good as he has (comparatively speaking) despite only having been with the team barely three weeks will give them something to think about..


    But enuff about the Snatit—HOW 'BOUT THEM JAGUARS THO??? I don't care that it was ugly, a W is a W. Show of hands for anybody, even the Betazoids,  who saw Jacksonville in the playoffs this season



    I saw Josh Dobbs play in the preseason with the Browns. Granted, he was playing against 2nd and 3rd stringers, but I really liked what I saw in him. He seemed to have a real grasp of the offense (such as it is in Cleveland) he made smart decisions, and he didn't have a single WTF moment that I saw. It never seemed "too big" for him if that makes any sense. I'm not saying he's a diamond in the rough who will turn into a top flight QB, but he's most definitely worth taking a flyer on.


    These guys who do a podcast that I'm familiar with said the Jags were a possible playoff team. Not exactly calling our shot, but we saw the potential.

    • Like 2
  6. Just now, BBTV said:


    I've watched a handful of his games, and while I never watched him play in college, I'm not sure what they saw in him (other than his build) that made them think he would be a standout NFL QB worthy of the #1 overall pick.  He simply doesn't have the talent necessary to achieve anything in the NFL.


    Any chance we're being a little rough on a second year guy who's playing in what is essentially his first NFL season with a real NFL coaching staff?

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  7. 3 minutes ago, the admiral said:

    The "America's Game of the Week" branding goes back to late 2006. I remember Fox making a big deal about how they were able to protect the last three or four Giants games. Gee, thanks.


    I could swear NBC used some version of "game of the week" way back when they had the AFC, but I may be remembering it wrong. I was pretty high back then.

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  8. 9 minutes ago, DG_ThenNowForever said:

    That was more about Tyreek Hill and Russell Wilson, and no one expected the latter to fall of a cliff the way he did. (No one except the Seahawks org, that is).


    Obviously. There was also a lot of talk about the Chargers being the team to beat in that division too. There were even people who thought the Raiders would win the AFC West. No one was saying the Chiefs would be bad, but I don't recall anyone calling them "invincible" or inevitable at the beginning of this season either. 

    • Like 1


    27 minutes ago, Sport said:


    I don't know what the Bills and Chiefs gripes are, but my gripe with the Bengals is the actual rules state this game with the Ravens on Sunday shouldn't matter for the division and the league's concocted this home field coin toss scenario should the Ravens win, which means the Bengals actually have to go all out in the game, something they could've avoided by beating Buffalo on Monday. Through no fault of their own they were robbed of the chance to clinch home field in the wildcard, robbed of controlling their destiny for the two seed, AND Baltimore was given this extra credit. That'd be fine if we got the same treatment extending up the standings in regards to a potential meeting with the Chiefs and Bills. If that's how it played out we would have the exact same relationship in that scenario as the Bengals-Ravens do now, but if we all win and then go to Buffalo and KC in the second round they said "LOL tough sh** No coin toss. Go to Buffalo. We hate you." That inconsistent logic manages to :censored: the Bengals going up and going down. It's the inconsistency that pisses me off the most.  


    This is whole thing is a complete cluster:censored:.  You know it's bad when Browns fans are saying "Wow, the Bengals really got screwed in this deal."

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  10. 3 hours ago, DG_ThenNowForever said:

    I don't think it's 30 years vs today. I'm willing to bet as recently as 5 years ago they would have finished the game.


    I'll go one step further - I'm willing to bet that if CPR and the defibrillator hadn't been applied where everyone could see it they would have finished the game right then and there.

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