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Everything posted by infrared41

  1. I think it would be in their best interest to make a run at the two Utah schools, Utah and BYU. Both schools put a better product on the field year-in and year-out than any other school in the Big XII region. That's a good move as well although Utah is rumored to be headed to The PAC-10 if The Big XII stays intact. TCU is another good option. In any case, if Texas and A&M stick around, The Big XII could actually turn this whole thing into a real positive. They could end up a being better conference when it's all said and done. This is getting interesting.
  2. If the Big XII were smart they'd grab Boise State and TCU to replace Colorado and Nebraska.
  3. I did indeed. I stand corrected on that point.
  4. Just imagine... Boise State (assuming they get left out of the breakaway mega-conferences) winning the NCAA football national championship... in a playoff! In the meantime, others here have argued that the rise of mega-conferences would mean fewer non-conference games vs. mid-majors. I think it will go a step further: fewer non-conference games, period. Remember there are only 11-12 games per team per season, and bigger conferences make it that much harder to have every team play each of its conference rivals at least once per season. Furthermore, games within a mega-conference will be more attractive to TV networks than non-conference games vs. teams from less competitive conferences, or even from other mega-conferences. (As it is now, inter-BCS-conference games are compelling mainly because of their BCS implications, but with mega-conferences the same thing can be had without scheduling outside the conference, so intersectional regular-season games just become redundant.) You're kidding right? Unless Boise State ends up in one of the mega-conferences they may as well drop down to the FCS level and be done with it. How you guys can realize that this conference jumping is all about money yet still believe that the "outsider" conference schools are going to get a shot at anything is amusing to me. Boise State does everything well except make huge amounts of money and get great TV ratings. Why on Earth would these new mega-conferences, which we all admit are nothing more than a cash grab, have any interest in having a playoff that involves teams that aren't part of the new cash flow. Can someone explain to me how schools like Boise State and Utah will benefit in any way from these mega-conferences if they aren't a member of those conferences? If there is a playoff it is simply not going to include "mid-majors." I've said it more times than I can remember at this point but I'll say it again... There is simply no way that any playoff that's part of this new mega-conference system, which again we all admit is about money, is going to include a Boise State at the expense of one of their own. That's more true now than it was before all this started. You guys think all this stuff is a good thing for the "BCS busters." The truth is it's the kiss of death for them. It may take a few years but you can count on it. Just look at the second sentence in bold to see why. In a climate that's all about money how are schools that aren't making any money going to survive?
  5. Not being a fan of the 1919 Chicago White Sox, I try not to advocate getting paid to lose games. Doesn't seem very sporting. It's not but we all know that "sporting" has very little to do with sports.
  6. Ohio State has no business pulverizing a little bug like Kent State anyway. That's like the Yankees playing a "tune-up" against the Montgomery Biscuits. In your rush to be...well...you, it seems you missed the point. The Kent States of the college football world lose out if they can't score the big payday. By lining up to be a punching bag for the big schools, the mid-major schools get much needed cash for their programs. When Kent State uses their non-conference schedule to play patsy for the behemoths they pick up an extra million-five or so for the program. Losing that revenue would have a serious impact on their programs. Do you think the small schools play the big schools just because they think it's fun to get pounded 58-3? They need that money. Take that cash away and we won't be talking about the mid-majors who make a run at the top 25 and pull off the great upsets every year because there won't be any mid-majors left. Don't you have a ship to run aground or something?
  7. How so? This move towards mega-conferences. They're going to all but kill the mid-major conferences like The MAC and Mountain West etc. The Big XII is already on life support and it's only a matter of time before The ACC, Big Ten, and SEC finish off what's left of The Big East. That leaves us with 4 "major conferences" and schools like Boise State, Utah, etc. are basically screwed worse than they already are. In short, this is going to create a new division that's somewhere between FBS and FCS. Maybe I'm missing something but I just don't see how any of this is good for the sport as a whole. Perhaps this will be the catalyst for a playoff. Careful what you wish for. A playoff sounds great until you start thinking about the ramifications it will have on smaller schools. With four "mega-conferences" calling the shots you're all kidding yourselves if you think teams from The MAC or MWC will ever get anywhere near a playoff. An 8 team playoff will mean the top two schools from each mega-conference. With four mega-conferences there won't be any "16 team playoff" with every conference champ getting a slot. My argument last season was that there was no way any playoff was going to include The MAC champion at the expense of a two-loss Texas or Georgia etc. With all this conference jumping going on it's even more certain that the "little guys" will be outside looking in. Then there's this...With a playoff the big teams will have no reason to play the little guys. Why should Ohio State bring in a team like Kent when they can just as easily schedule a good team and get a real tune-up before conference play? All Ohio State will need to do is go 10-2 maybe even 9-3 and they're in. The risk of an early season loss wouldn't matter so there would be no real reason to let a Kent State come to the Shoe and get a big paycheck. Ohio State vs. Oklahoma in October will make a ton more money for both schools as well as TV. All of a sudden the Kent States of the world are no longer able to score that big check a couple times a year. The end result is that all the mid-majors aren't making any money and football programs get dropped.
  8. Does it really matter that much to you? Has this thread somehow made your life a little less enjoyable? Unfortunately, the world just isn't as neat and orderly as we'd like. On topic: I really like that Suns jersey. Actually, I was considering digging it up because I have tons of pictures of prototypes and I don't want to take the time to load them all when I'm sure they are in some thread around here somewhere. My fault. I apologize. I thought you were pulling a backseat mod thing. Back seat moderating drives me nuts. You can find a bunch of the pics here.
  9. Does it really matter that much to you? Has this thread somehow made your life a little less enjoyable? Unfortunately, the world just isn't as neat and orderly as we'd like. On topic: I really like that Suns jersey.
  10. There's no such thing as "too Canadian."
  11. Wouldn't their skates tear up the court?
  12. Now that's funny. agreed, although what's funnier is his idea for the first round. 2 games, total points? You actually read it?
  13. I'm all for anything that ends up with a team in Ogden named The Principles.
  14. I'm with you on this. At first, I was thrilled with the idea of Texas joining the Big Ten. After some more thought on the matter I'm not so crazy about the idea. Texas would be an incredible addition to the conference but I just don't think it's a good idea for the sport overall. Especially if the rumors that A&M and Oklahoma may come along turn out to be true. It would all but destroy The Big XII and I'm not so sure it wouldn't damage The Big Ten in the long run. The Big Ten would go from being a pretty cool tradition laden conference to an ungainly behemoth. The Big XII, if it survived, would become more like The Big East or The ACC. College Football and The BCS would have three (more like two and a half) "power" conferences and a bunch of "second tier" conferences. If The Big Ten "has" to expand then I think Pitt is a much better choice all around.
  15. If you want to get technical with the regional thing then I guess I'd have to ask what the hell Arizona and Arizona State are doing in The Pac-10. Shouldn't they be in The WAC or Mountain West? Isn't Boston more or less on the "Atlantic Coast?" Pitt is much closer to Columbus than it is to Syracuse. By almost 200 miles in fact. Pittsburgh is way more Midwest than it is "east." That said, you can rest assured that the aforementioned conferences will do whatever they can to make sure your concerns are addressed.
  16. They killed it because they adopted a scheduling system that lacked protected cross division rivalries. My suggested alignment that I think touched this off was going to allow for one cross division protected rivalry. If having a championship game rematch immediately thereafter works for everyone, sure keep it at the last week of the season. The bigger issue here is we need to break up the Michigan, Ohio State, Penn State group of death somehow, and I'd like to see it done in a geographically rational way that is not like the ACC's cluster alignment that nobody really remembers and you could likely change annually without anyone noticing the difference. Not for nothing but... Isn't it entirely possible that other teams could win either division? I'll say it again, we keep acting as if the season is just a formality that will lead to the inevitable Ohio State -Michigan clash for the Big Ten title every season. Last I checked, it's no longer the 60's and 70's when it was the Big 2 and the little 8. (Then again, I take a lot of painkillers so you may want to double check my assessment of what decade it is. )
  17. In this case, yes. It matters a great deal. There is no logical explanation for it but it's the way we want it. Good point. I'm fine with it if they end up meeting in The Big Ten title game. I have no problem at all with beating their asses two weeks in a row. We need to stop acting as if it's a guarantee that either team will always play in the championship game. I'll also add this; The Big XII ruined the Oklahoma - Nebraska rivalry when they messed around with it. Let's learn from history and not botch up Ohio State - Michigan.
  18. I am. Anything that would somehow screw up "The Game" cannot and will not happen. Ever.
  19. I agree because if I had my choice of who to pick as the 12th team I'd take Pitt. They're better. Notre Dame is Michigan State with different uniforms and less hope.
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