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Everything posted by BadSeed84

  1. You're no fun. I think its fine if they only bust this out once or twice a year. I may even say I like it better than when they wear all white.
  2. It looks better than the reverse imo (Black jersey over white pants) since the white jerseys still have green numbers, so its a better balance of black and green. But the green pants still look better (and I too would love gray pants)
  3. I don't see how. Especially when there is the variations of left top point on the A wordmarks
  4. Did the Pelicans not want to incorporate the honeycomb or old hornets elements? Along with the Hornets not wanting to have a checkered flag pattern on their sides for the Bobcats?
  5. The Rams horn is hard to screw up but they went ahead and still did!
  6. The only logo that got it right with changing is the Panthers logo. Even then I question why the one eye is squinting more. But for the most part they did this one right.
  7. Shame the Vikings didn't have the same sense that the Dolphins would end up having.
  8. While you probably posted this just for them being down this past Monday, I'd argue its more appropriate for what they have done to society in general.
  9. Just like Nike isn't ruining MLB with the city connect jerseys when MLB has been dabbling in stupid uniforms the past 10 years (Players weekend, the holiday ones)
  10. Why does it look like a speech bubble tho. I didn't care for the previous one either, and simple fits them better imo, but I wish they used the classic fonts for Bandai & Namco, and pink & black is an odd chice.
  11. Also the Phillies cream alts work really well as well.
  12. Came in here to say this, New Era has other leagues they do hats for. They would still have more than Majestic has now.
  13. That's not bad, as long as they don't have every team use a contrasting color for the mesh. Let some have the same color as the front.
  14. I imagine the new ST hats will be similar to this. https://www.lids.com/nhl-philadelphia-flyers/philadelphia-flyers-fanatics-branded-team-trucker-snapback-hat-gray/black/o-3506+t-92934130+p-59011893725+z-9-2795818745?_ref=p-DLP:m-GRID:i-r0c0:po-0 Oh well, I'll still rock my Phillies ST hat from 2010.
  15. Was just gonna say, rather have fresh & clean then the fire emoji, "lit" "swag" any day.
  16. Yea the logo in a logo crap is horrible. I hope the Phillies return to just a bell or the blue P on a red hat.
  17. I got NHL 21 on the cheap and they seem to include the past few years special jerseys.
  18. It doesn't bug me to wear whatever, but yea I'm not loyal to just one brand, but then again.... https://www.nike.com/t/react-miler-womens-running-shoes-0mgX0d You wear these thats 8 visible nike swooshes alone on your feets lmao. Also again my comment earlier was more geared towards the extreme of "and this is why I'm not watching baseball anymore". I am fine with people complaining though about ads being on jerseys and nike's swoosh being on front.
  19. Once the NBA did it first, sadly we knew it was only a matter of time before the NHL joined in.
  20. I was in a JCPenney and they had a flyers fanatics replica for $170 and the crest feels so cheap and thin now, its insane they can still charge alot for it.
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