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Posts posted by leopard88

  1. On 5/17/2024 at 12:40 PM, Sec19Row53 said:

    Do people from the DMV area not realize that most of the rest of us think of the Department of Motor Vehicles when we see DMV?


    I know I'm late on this, but I'm playing catch up.


    I can't speak for DC or Virginia, but the Maryland agency is the Motor Vehicle Administration (MVA), so Marylanders don't always think Department of Motor Vehicles when they see DMV.

    • Like 1
  2. 33 minutes ago, BBTV said:

    If you do. Google image search on Barry Sanders, I don’t think there’s a single image that shows what most people would call Northwestern stripes. In some cases the sleeves are cut, but their “NW” stripes have outlines on every stripe, similar to the Steelers.  I would not call their classic look a NW-striped jersey. 


    I'm old enough to remember without having to look.  The same is true of the Steelers other than the quarterbacks.


    That said, I think of both teams as having Northwestern stripes even with (a) the frequent bastardization of the stripes and (b) the additional outlines on the stripes.  In my mind, I know the "real" design of those jerseys includes the full stripe pattern, so I perceive it that way even when much of the pattern is invisible or cut off.

    • Like 1
  3. Lions --

    It is too early to pass judgment since we don't know what the rest of the uniform looks like.  However, I like what I see.


    My only disappointment is the sleeve striping.  The Lions have been wearing Northwestern stripes since 1957 (at least on the road uniforms), so they have become an iconic part of the brand in my opinion.  As a result, it surprises me to see them go.


    Texans --

    That H logo is definitely a departure from the rest of their logo set, and not necessarily in a good way.  There will clearly be two separate identities trying to coexist now.


    The font reminds me of the LA Clippers black alternates with the GTA-San Andreas wordmark.  I thought that uniform was an example of trying too hard to be cool and suspect this set will fall into the same trap (though we won't know until we set the rest of the uniform).

    • Like 3
  4. 22 hours ago, DCarp1231 said:

    He’ll most definitely cling to Miami’s PS as long as he can and wonder why no other teams want him after demanding to be promoted to the active roster or traded not realizing a PS player has no power in that. When Mike McDaniel finally tells him he’s no better than a dried out wet flab of bologna, he’ll get the message and dip out of the league.


    Taulia was an above average  college quarterback, but I never felt like he quite lived up to the hype.  He usually made at least 1-2 bad reads/decisions in every game and cost Maryland chances in games against the giants of the B1G (Ohio State, Michigan, Penn State) . . . though a solid argument could be made that they wouldn't have been in any of those games without him.


    I have been saying for two years that I think he will go undrafted.  I would be surprised if he has any kind of NFL career beyond a practice squad.  Playing in the UFL would at least give him a chance to gain more game experience, which might help him develop more and kick some of his bad habits. 

    • Like 3
  5. Whenever I see a college that just uses "State" like Mississippi State or Michigan State (or like N.C. State back in the 70s and 80s), it reminds me of old movies or TV shows where they never say where everyone lives and some character talks about "going to State".  It usually seemed to be a teenaged boy talking about going there to play baseball or something.


    I guess this is the much older version of the Fansville concept.

    • Like 7
  6. 11 hours ago, raz said:

    Unfortunately, words used for colors can vary, especially since Nike et. al. make things up for marketing purposes. The only things you can trust are Pantone and other numbers. And the further back you go, the more you have to just estimate. 


    Understood and agreed.


    My perception of "burgundy" could be totally different that someone else's.  Someone else could think the current color is more burgundy.


    Members of my immediate family attend, or have attended, Lafayette, Washington College in Chestertown, MD and South Carolina.  All three use Pantone 202C as their red(dish) color, but Lafayette and Washington College call it maroon while South Carolina calls it garnet.  Boston College calls it cardinal.


    It also doesn't help that teams and colleges occasionally change the specifications while keeping the name the same.  Washington College used Pantone 187C as its maroon until 2016.  Mississippi State uses Pantone 505C as its maroon now but used 202C until 2009.


    Okay, I'm done preaching to the choir now.

    • Like 3
  7. On 3/8/2024 at 3:58 PM, Sec19Row53 said:

    The change from maroon to burgundy that happened under Lombardi was an actual change, not an artifact of lighting. I think you know that, though. I totally agree that leagues have gotten more consistent (or vigilant, not sure which is more correct) regarding color presentation.


    I always thought the team has always called its red(dish) color burgundy even though the actual color changed when Lombardi came to town.  However, Trucolor refers to the pre-1969 color(s) as maroon and the post-1969 color(s) as burgundy.


    I've never heard anyone else refer to any Washington uniforms as being maroon.  Not to Washjack this thread, but does anyone have any insight on this.

    • Like 1
  8. It reminds me of comparing the pre-Lombardi (Commanders) to the Lombardi (Commanders) . . . except that was intentional (or at least Lombardi didn't care that the new color didn't match the old one).




    EDIT -- The board automatically replaced the team name that I typed with (Commanders).  Interesting.

    • Like 4
    • Huh? 1
  9. 10 minutes ago, DCarp1231 said:

    Does Fanatics make the UFL jerseys? Good lord that paneling is awful



    This graphic really shows the color issue.


    Just at first glance, the uniforms look more red than plum/maroon.  Then, when you look at the places where the uniform images touch (or at nearly touch) the helmet, you can really see the difference in color.

    • Like 7
  10. On 3/2/2024 at 9:22 AM, DCarp1231 said:

    They’re testing out locations. Based on their facebook page, they attempted Annapolis, but now seem to be focused on Frederick.


    They have a graphic explaining why Baltimore won’t  work 


    I didn't click through to view the graphic.  However, my understanding is that CFG Bank Arena management specifically  prioritizes concerts over minor league sports, so there would be limited weekend dates available there.

  11. 22 hours ago, B-Rich said:

    I thought about that as well, but I'm not buying it.


    If that is supposed to be a ship with sails, the proportions are ALL wrong. The hull is far too large in proportion to the sail area, and has the same dimensions as a more modern propeller driven craft.

    You could say that it is a matter of perspective, that you are looking at it head-on from low in the water, thus the hull looks so big in proportion to the sails.

    I'm not buying it. Look at these two pictures, one a print of an old clipper ship and a photo of a cruise clipper ship from head-on, very low, almost UNDER the bowsprit:

    The sail area will always be  SO much larger than the hull size; no matter how you look at it.

    bc0184506f755c267b30de91ee2611d3.jpg images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQUhigaoVr8971GhdQkacW

    I like the general idea of going back to the nautical nature, but the new logo's execution is TERRIBLE, and for that I give it a fail. 

    By the way, the three triangles on the old San Diego Clippers logo were not representative of the mainsails, but three jibs attached to the bowsprit:

    One other thing, although Los Angeles is on the water, Los Angles Clippers is about as appropriate as "Los Angeles LAKERS". Los Angeles has no natural harbor and was not much of a sailing or ship port of call until dredging was undertaken in the late 1800s and breakwaters and major wharf/harbor facilities were built around the turn of the 20th century, well after the age of sail.


    Thanks for this summary.  The ship rendering is the one thing about the rebrand that bothers me, but I couldn't quite articulate why.


    To me, it looks more like a destroyer (see below).  The hint of crosshairs created by the compass marks adds to the impresssion, almost as if the viewer is looking through a periscope.



    • Like 5
  12. 17 hours ago, BBTV said:


    waaaaay late on this, but confirmed.  Their colors were maroon, red, and white.  The blue was thought of as "something that's not white that they wear on the road."  


    From growing up in the blue era, I can say that none of my friends or I even thought much about it.  To us, it was just that some teams wore gray and some wore blue, and who knew why?


    In hindsight, people comment on how good those colors look together.  Anecdotally, nobody even thought about it until they switched to gray, and even then, other than "hey, they're wearing gray now", I don't even remember much conversation.  It was just looked at  as that you could choose from gray or blue to wear, and some picked one and some picked the other


    Thank you for the belated confirmation.


    That is pretty much how I always viewed it.  When they switched to grey road uniforms, there wasn't a hint of powder blue left.

  13. On 2/18/2024 at 9:19 AM, RyanMcD29 said:

    Maryland-Syracuse had extremely lofty expectations heading into it given the Orange have been off the grid the past two seasons, but boy did that ever live up to the hype. Leave it to Bill Tierney to still tick it to Cuse in retirement with the goal mouth rule, though


    Helluva game.


    I watched from early in the fourth quarter through OT in a bar, so I couldn't follow the discussion on the disallowed goal in real time.  Once I got to read and watch video later, it looked like the correct call under that rule.  There was nothing on any video that I saw to suggest the shooter was pushed or forced into the goal mouth by a Maryland player.

  14. On 1/17/2024 at 12:57 PM, Ferdinand Cesarano said:

    Semi-related point:  I honestly believe that ultimate is the world's greatest spectator sport.  The speed at which the frisbee moves makes the game eminently watchable; in this respect it's the anti-hockey.  Also, the balletic catches and defensive plays are consistently thrilling. 


    I'm not about to go this far.  However, I've watched a fair number of matches online (and previously as part of my cable package) and it is pretty fun to watch.


    Maybe if I get a chance to catch a game in person my opinion may grow stronger.  Unfortunately, the nearest team to me is the DC Breeze, who play about an a hour away.

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