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Everything posted by loogodude90

  1. That's not a very strong point. I visit this site because of my interest in sports logos and uniforms, not because of an interest in trying to root out copyright infringement. They are two totally separate issues. It's possible to enjoy sports logos and not care about copyright infringement, just like it's ok to enjoy movies via bootleg, or to enjoy beer despite the fact that it has caused deaths. So you would be perfectly fine with some of your fellow board members having their designs ripped off, stolen or otherwise taken for monetary gain while they receive 0% of the profits, correct? Yes, I would. Just as they would be perfectly fine with someone doing something to me. I mean honestly, if someone stole my wallet tomorrow, and I bitched about it here, would you really give a ? Because if you did, I think you seriously need to consider your priorities. We're not really "friends" - I save that for real life.
  2. That's not a very strong point. I visit this site because of my interest in sports logos and uniforms, not because of an interest in trying to root out copyright infringement. They are two totally separate issues. It's possible to enjoy sports logos and not care about copyright infringement, just like it's ok to enjoy movies via bootleg, or to enjoy beer despite the fact that it has caused deaths.
  3. But what's funny is that the same guy would find it pathetic that you posted about his jersey on a message board. What's funny is how poorly you read. I said the companies are pathetic, not the guy wearing the jersey What's funny (or not?) is that I know what you said. The guy would still find it pathetic.
  4. Of course there is. I'm sure with a quick Google search you could locate organizations whose sole mission is to combat this sort of thing and to report everything they can to the appropriate authorities. That doesn't mean that it's a big enough deal to have anything done about it, though. You could call the cops on someone driving over the speed limit, and you'd technically be right for reporting them. Whether they consider it a big enough deal to do anything about, is a different story.
  5. But what's funny is that the same guy would find it pathetic that you posted about his jersey on a message board.
  6. For youtube, I think you just paste the link, and the video will show up in your post. That has always worked for me.
  7. I don't think that's as unpopular as you think. I really liked the Jays angry bird, too. I think the issue that most people (myself included) was the color scheme, or at least how it was used - overwhelming black. I'm kind of glad it's gone, though. As much as I liked the old one, I like the new one better. I think the angry bird would look out of place on the current, "toned down" logo.
  8. Agreed. Don't see what the big issue was with these. I liked these too. I thought they were unique... AND looked decent. I imagine most of the dislike of them was regarding the fact that a lot of people thought red shouldn't have been a part of their color scheme to begin with. But I didn't mind them.
  9. I loved the Blue Jays look with black, blue, and gray. Uniqueness no longer gets you anything apparently. Stellar contribution with the picture. Really added to this thread. Some of us, myself included, appreciate when a team does something unique and not a carbon copy of the past or of other teams. First off, what Goth said. A unique set that looks terrible isn't suddenly good just because it's unique. Secondly the Jays didn't "carbon copy" the past. They took the classic look and updated it. As for the graphite cap? Sorry loooooogodude. Unique or not, it doesn't fit in with the current set. Different colours and logos. That's the way I look at most unique things too. Just because Team A adopts a purple and orange color scheme that no one else in the league has, doesn't make it good. It's unique, sure, but unique =/= good. But "unique" doesn't necessarily mean "bad," either. You should consider looks based on how good they look in addition to how unique they are. Just because Team A adopts (insert unique color combo here that no one else has) doesn't make it bad. Unique sometimes =/= good, not always. You should look at things on a case-by-case basis, or else you're going to throw out a lot of good, original looks. And sorry, Ice_Crap. You misunderstood me. I was saying they should have kept the graphite cap as an alternate during their last set instead of ditching it after just two seasons. Obviously it wouldn't fit at all in their current set.
  10. I loved the Blue Jays look with black, blue, and gray. Uniqueness no longer gets you anything apparently. Stellar contribution with the picture. Really added to this thread. Some of us, myself included, appreciate when a team does something unique and not a carbon copy of the past or of other teams. Agreed. I liked the graphite cap. It wasn't only unique - it looked good. I wish they had at least kept it as an alternate.
  11. You shouldn't necessarily expect a great product; in fact if there is nothing wrong with it I would say that is a bonus. But with most things you get what you pay for. Either way at least you didn't spend a lot.
  12. An empty quote like that indicates that you're unable to respond to my point with a valid point. Once you derail a topic by posting something irrelevant, meaningless, and off-topic like you just did, or start resorting to personal attacks (like you also just did), it's clear that you have nothing worthwhile to add. If you want to respond to my previous quote with something meaningful, go ahead. Otherwise, thanks for playing.
  13. The same way you don't see an issue with speeding. You're cheating thousands of people per year out of their lives - how the hell can you compare that to stealing money? You wouldn't sit there and say that killing someone was just as bad as stealing $50, would you ... ? Here's the thing. If I speed I admit it was wrong. If I get pulled over I own up to breaking the law and pay the ticket. I don't say "well everyone's broken the law at some point so what's the big deal officer?" That, you see, is the crux of this disagreement. Breaking the law isn't so much the issue, it's acknowledging that breaking the law is wrong. I don't care if you buy counterfeits, or how good or poor their quality is. Just have the wherewithal to admit that what you're doing is supporting an illegal business practice. Don't try to deflect personal responsibility by saying it's ok because someone else does something illegal or play the "mean old corporations charge to much for the real thing" card. It's a jersey. Not food or medicine. You're not entitled to owning one. But the point is that you are breaking the law (speeding) even when you aren't being caught. If you speed, then you really don't have a right to rag on other people for owning a counterfeit jersey... at least not as much as some users here seem to do.
  14. The same way you don't see an issue with speeding. You're cheating thousands of people per year out of their lives - how the hell can you compare that to stealing money? You wouldn't sit there and say that killing someone was just as bad as stealing $50, would you ... ?
  15. Why can't I do both? I'm fine with the fact that it's illegal, and I'm pointing out that everyone - even those who make a big deal out of the illegality - breaks the law now and then. It's possible to do both.
  16. That pretty much sums up my view on this whole issue. I think it's a little wierd that people are so obsessed with what other non-athletes wear. If you're critiquing a team's uniform design, that's one thing. I think that's what we're all here for. It's one of the main points of this site. But critiquing what some random non-athlete joe schmoe is wearing? Just because it doesn't live up to your standards? I can understand that coming from maybe a high school kid, but it just gets wierd when you have grown men obsessing over what other (non-athlete) grown men are wearing. Most people who wear fakes aren't trying to impress or convince people that they are real. They are wearing them because they got a good deal and that is what they want to wear. Deal with it.
  17. I don't think that's an unpopular opinion at all. I think the unpopular opinion would be to say that you like them embracing black.
  18. I'd hate to say it but from my phone that knockoff looks pretty good. I can't diagree with you in terms of quality. The old starter replicas are better then today's authentics. I personally would but a knockoff to play in if I can decide on a color scheme for my goalie pads. Exactly. There are decent knockoffs out there. There are bad ones too, but that doesn't negate the existence of good quality ones.
  19. Wait a minute, I was told nobody noticed or cared? It's ok to notice and "care." Just don't have a spaz attack about it and act like it's the end of the world. And for the record, most people don't "care."
  20. And that's fine, as long as you don't start to develop a spaz attack every time you spot a fake, like some other members here do.
  21. So you think you speak for every single member of this site, charjerk? LOL. I hope that never happens, this community would be in deep if that ever happened.
  22. And?... That has nothing to do with quality. I can spot a BMW from a mile away. Does that indicate that it is of poor quality? If you owned 175 BMWs and knew everything thing about them you would easily be able to spot the fakes that are of lesser quality. But a knock-off doesn't always mean significantly lesser quality. Your whole position on this boils down to "I can tell that all fakes are bad quality just by looking at a few of them." Do you honestly not see how faulty that is? If you hate knockoffs then fine, I'm not here to stop you. But there are plenty of quality knockoffs out there even if you want to ignore them. And?... That has nothing to do with quality. I can spot a BMW from a mile away. Does that indicate that it is of poor quality? Maybe not... But the cheap materials, incorrectly rendered logos, upside down crest's, and faded incorrect colours do. Counterfeit jerseys look like absolute garbage and anyone with a sliver of jersey knowledge should be able to spot one from a mile off. And my point is that not all knockoffs are that bad. You can't take the worst of a bunch (of anything) and use that to represent the general quality. That would be like taking the dumbest 100 people in America and using them to represent the American population. Is that how you generalize things? The fact is that there are plenty of quality knockoffs out there, and they aren't hard to find. That's all I'm saying.
  23. And?... That has nothing to do with quality. I can spot a BMW from a mile away. Does that indicate that it is of poor quality?
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