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Posts posted by mcrosby

  1. Cincinnati Bengals: 
    New logo for the Bengals, as we saw above. The Bengals helmet is so iconic that I think we see it as the logo more often than their actual logo. I considered going with a helmet as a logo, but that felt too Cleveland. Instead we get the state of ohio/C with helmet stripes. 

    Home: Dey are the perfect team to rock a color shoulder over black/white base. I added lots of tiger stripes and the new logo on the sleeve caps. 

    Away: I really like the way the white over white works for the Bengals, but I don't think I'd mind if they swapped pants for either set. 

    Alternate: It's been in vogue to use an orange to white gradient for the bengals for a while, and that's totally fair. I used the gradient on jersey, helmet, pant stripe, and socks. I also added some side stripes to the jersey, because why not be a little weird? 

    Hall of Fame: I used the helmet design seen in this 1968 photo of Paul Brown with a bunch of prototype helmets for the Bengals. The helmet feels beautifully vintage, and lends well to some great sleeve striping.  The orange here is a bit more muted than the modern orange. 



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  2. Chicago Bears: 
    I tried modernizing Chicago's bear logo last time around. Hate it. Loathe it. This time around I went with something I've seen a few  others attempt, but with my own take.  I started by making the wishbone C symmetrical and by removing the outline. I then used the wishbone end of said wishbone C as the space for classic Bears stripes. Like on the uniforms, the stripes on the logo change based on their background. 

    Home:  The Bears uniforms are classics, and I didn't want to change much on home or away. For the home I've switched numbers to orange with no outline, same with the striping, moved GSH to the back neck, and put some Chicago stars on the inner collar because apparently the Bears used to be good at football. Must have been before my time. 

    Away: See above. These away explanations are getting boring. But I like what I like and what I like is matching home and away. 

    Alternate: By now we all know the Chicago flag. It's perfect and I love it and now it's on the Bears uniform. The Cs on the helmet have striping to reflect the new flag striping.  

    Hall of Fame: The Bears nailed it with their 1936 throwbacks. They did not nail it with their orange jerseys and orange helmets. Here I've created a bit of an amalgam of former Bears looks so that they could use the orange helmets in a throwback situation. 



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  3. Carolina Panthers: 
    Some minor changes to the 2020 logo, but changes that I think vastly improve it. Whiskers and eyes are the major changes here, as well as just overall cleanup of the linework. I've also abandoned the idea of plum and light blue in favor of black and an even more vibrant version of Panther Blue.  

    Home:  If the Texans are going to go away from their beautifully simple uniforms then I've got just the team to make the look their own. The current helmet stripes are a bit too curved, so I've straightened them a bit and added the same stripe to the pants. 

    Away: I worry there's not enough black on the white  jersey, but I think this works. Would love to hear everyone's thoughts. 

    Alternate: The alternate is an all black uniform, top to bottom. I'd usually avoid this look, but I've decided to give it a try here. Oversized panthers adorn the helmet. 

    Hall of Fame: There's some history of pro football in the Carolinas, but very little photographic history. I was able to find some photos from a program of the Charlotte Bantams. I used the helmet from this club and some design cues from the only other NFL club to use the Panther nickname, the Detroit Panthers


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  4. 21 minutes ago, Chi-Tex_Kidd said:

    I like the jerseys but I think the logo could use some work it looks a little akward with just two legs and a little like a drumstick. Would love to it with 4 legs or a color swap of last year’s to match the normal coloring.

    Let's call it an homage to buffalo wings? I'll mess around with going back to 4 legs and increasing the size of the eye. 

    Buffalo Wing Vinyl Sticker, 43% OFF | aironnet.com.br

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  5. 10 hours ago, Bomba Tomba said:

    This would be sick if the home was an extremely dark purple instead


    They own that color in the AFC, plus the division has 2 black teams already, including their rivals

    They do own purple, but black is such a raveny color I think it has to stay. Plus, they may be the only AFCN team with black as their primary color in this series...

  6. Buffalo Bills: 
    The first major logo change from 2020. I rated my 2020 Bills logo among the best in the series, but as time passed it fell further and further and is now among my least favorite. It feels too collegiate, maybe.  The new logo is closer to the current, but beefed up and simplified. 

    Home: Very similar to the 2020 set. The Bills have been using stripes and stripes and stripes for a while now, but I think they'd be better served with a simpler stripe scheme. These stripes are directly from the red streak in the logo and cross onto the chest instead of being stuck on just the caps. 

    Away: An inverse of the home. You'll start to notice that I'm a big proponent of Home and Away being a matching pair. With the 4 uniforms per team this will likely be the case throughout. For this set of H&A I'd be fine with pants swapping, so long as socks are opposite color to the pants. 

    Alternate: The Bills will get some home field advantage come December, but they may want to stick to the run game as finding whiteout receivers in whiteout conditions might be a bit tough.  Nobody in the NFL really uses baby blue, so I figured this would be the perfect opportunity. The NFL seems to be going the direction of patterns within numbers, so I gave that a try. The NFL Referees Association is already penning a letter addressing the visibility issues of this set. 

    Hall of Fame: This set is based on the 1946 Buffalo Bisons, with the winged helmet altered to really show of those bison horns. 


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  7. Baltimore Ravens: 
    I liked the 2020 logo, but wanted less gold. I've kept it to the outline and the eye. I've also opted for a more lavendary purple to add some contrast and to make the colorway unique. 

    Home: A complete departure from previous sets, the shoulders feature an iridescent Maryland/Baltimore flag pattern. The iridescence carries into the pants stripe and the helmet. I've included a similar gradient in the socks to avoid the unitard look. The helmet keeps the Ravens unique striping, but in a more contrasting gold. 

    Away: Instead of a more subtle shoulder pattern in light grey or keeping shoulders in black, I opted for keeping the iridescent pattern on the shoulder and pants. I also brought it into the name/numbers. 

    Alternate: Leaning further into the purple gradient and a bunch of gold outlines. It's not going to be everyone's favorite, but I think the Ravens could pull it off. 

    Hall of Fame: There were some classic looks around the league in 1996 when a team came to Baltimore. I didn't want to lean into the Browns history for inspiration, because the Ravens don't deserve the Browns storied history. Instead we've got a completely new creation. I've used a diamond motif on the jersey. Diamonds graced some uniforms in the early days of the NFL, and they aren't so far off from the flag motif. I've also used the winged helmet for this winged team. 



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  8. Atlanta Falcons: 
    Again, fairly minor changes to the 2020 logo. I've opted for a neon outline, mostly because I was a big fan of the Atlanta Hawks red and neon. I've changed the angle of the logo to be more like Atlanta's original logo, along with some minor changed to angles and rounded edges. 

    Home: nearly a standard stripe, but tapered to match the feathers in the logo. Nothing groundbreaking here. 

    Away: I played with neon for the away instead of white, but the white really pops. 

    Alternate: A bit of an amalgam uniform, but mostly the 1989 uniform that Prime began his career in. I tried adding some gold in, like the original 1966 helmet, but it ended up being muddier than I liked. 

    Hall ofFame: The Falcons have only been around since 1966, and there wasn't much for pro football before them. Instead of a completely new fauxback, I went with something inspired by the Georgia Bulldogs turn of the century uniforms. The main difference is the lack of vest. 



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  9. I've done an NFL redesign before, first in 2018 and then again in 2020.  I look back on those once in a while and see some things I would do differently, and I'm a big fan of re-doing projects as a way to gauge development, creativity, etc. Since 2020 the NFL has changed some uniform rules, and uniform trends across the big4 have changed as well.

    I'll be revisiting the rebrands I had previously done, making edits and expanding upon what I'd done. Some will be drastically different from 2020, others will have very little change. Every team will have a logo different from their current, even though some should NEVER be touched. Each team will have a Home, Away, Alternate, and Hall of Fame Game uniform. Let's pretend the NFL will have a HoF game each week, or something like that. The HoF sets will be what I think each team could have looked like back in the early years of the NFL. Some will use direct adaptations of historic uniforms, some will be amalgamations, some will use defunct identities, and others will be 100% fauxback. 

    I'm much busier than I was back during 2018 and 2020, so this project might take quite a while. I'm working with a new template, so I'd happily take C&C on the template layout as well. Let's begin!

    Arizona Cardinals: 
    Only minor changes to the 2020 rebrand. Last time around C&C was that the new Desert Cardinal was a bit too chubby. I don't usually listen to body shaming, but the criticism wasn't wrong. I've stuck with the Desert Cardinal over the more common Northern Cardinal because I believe it's far more unique and allows for a really great color combination. 

    Home: Striping is nearly the same as back in 2020. Striping like this hasn't really been used in the NFL, and though the Cards have history with more standard stripes, I think they could get away with this. The stripe is derived from the star and center 'ray' from the Arizona flag. The stripe is added to the helmet, the first helmet stripe for the Cardinals. 

    Away: Same as home. Obviously the pants/socks are interchangeable, but this is the way I'd prefer they be worn. 

    Alternate: Leaning even further into the flag, the jersey features the flag's rays on the shoulders, with a metallic copper in place of yellow. The helmet is in the same metallic copper, with the cardinal's facial features acting as a modern take on the classic winged helmets of yesteryear. 

    Hall ofFame: Introducing the LONG SLEEVED JERSEY. Rutgers tried the long sleeve a few years back, and I've wanted more ever since. HoF jerseys will feature long sleeves across the league. The Cardinals HoF look is a nearly direct adaptation of the Chicago Cardinals 1921 uniform. 


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  10. I like the idea of the Mets CC, but it misses a bit. The grunge patterned jersey is a bit too gimmicky, but I like the dark grey. More 7 Train purple would have elevated this. The Queensboro Bridge on the hat isn't great either, should have been used just on jersey trim. 

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  11. On 3/18/2024 at 10:47 AM, spartacat_12 said:

    Ottawa has unveiled their 10th anniversary logo, and has also announced that a new jersey is going to be released in May. The team president has hinted at the jersey being "retro inspired", so my guess would be a modern version of the classic Rough Riders look to match the alternate helmet they've worn.



    If you ever find yourself asking, "Should I add a fourth outline to this?" the answer is almost always NO.

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  12. I get that they might want to simplify, but they've really lost the charm of the previous. Their old one-color was able to maintain the personality in the face much better. He should have his leg up on a barrel, not a treasure chest. 

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  13. The red line is giving me barberpole more than rope. What if the horns were a crescent moon? The rocket/smoke plume could honestly work pretty well in a layout closer to the current logo. 
    What is a waxing crescent moon?

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  14. Instead of just re-colors of the roughnecks two logos maybe try a combination of the two. Their newest logo is much better design-wise, but their older logo is a taller oil derrick like the Oilers. Try using the design style of the current logo but extending it up. 

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