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Everything posted by 4_tattoos

  1. George Mason and VCU play club football. What are the odds of them jumping over to NCAA?
  2. Simple solution. MWC merges with the WAC, while CUSA merges with the SBC. Well it might not be simple, but it would make more geographic sense than the proposed MWC/CUSA merger did.
  3. It wouldn't surprise me. You don't play home games in the Georgia Dome as a start up with an ultimate goal of the CAA. And C-USA/MWC would love to get a toehold in Atlanta. Makes sense. Isn't UTSA (Texas, San Antonio) pretty much joining the WAC after a few startup years in FCS? They play home games in the Alamodome. Yeah. The difference is that while Georgia State is taking their time before trying to make a move while UTSA is making the move just one year after they started their football program up. You also had to consider that the WAC needed members after losing Fresno State, Nevada and Hawaii so any delay in the move would be horrendous for them. UTSA may not join the WAC on July 1. They could abandon that plan to go to the Sun Belt. When the SUN BELT looks more attractive by comparison, then you know it's time for the WAC to just give up... Looks like Georgia State may be interested in the Sun Belt Conference too. Guess may nephew may have (accidentally) spoke too soon. http://www.sbnation.com/ncaa-football/2012/3/28/2909016/sun-belt-expansion-georgia-state http://www.ajc.com/sports/georgia-state/georgia-state-exploring-fbs-1357698.html http://blogs.orlandosentinel.com/sports_college/2012/03/report-georgia-state-could-join-the-sun-belt-in-2013.html
  4. The Oakland Raiders and Pittsburgh Steelers should wear black shoes/cleats.
  5. It wouldn't surprise me. You don't play home games in the Georgia Dome as a start up with an ultimate goal of the CAA. And C-USA/MWC would love to get a toehold in Atlanta. Makes sense. Isn't UTSA (Texas, San Antonio) pretty much joining the WAC after a few startup years in FCS? They play home games in the Alamodome.
  6. Take this for what it's worth, which is possibly just speculation on my part. I meant to bring this up sooner, but I've been a little destracted as of late. A few weeks ago I was talking to my nephew who's currently on the football team at Georgia State (an FCS independent). We got into a brief convo about how his team did this past season, then I asked him what conference his team plays in. I knew they were Indy at the moment, and that they were going to join an FCS conference sometime soon. I just didn't know which conference Georgia State was supposed to join (I was thinking SoCon, Big South, or Southland). To my surprise, he said that they were going to join Conference USA. When I questioned him about that he had an "uh oh" reaction, froze for a little bit then left the room to "answer his cell phone". Now this is my nephew. I person that has no reason in the world to lie to me about anything (5 year age gap between us, we have more of a cousin like relationship than uncle/nephew). Should I make anything of that? Since then, I did some research and saw that Georgia State will join (or already joined) the CAA. Could it be possible that Georgia State has some type of long term plan to join Conference USA?
  7. A Division 1A playoff should not expand past 16 teams IMO. Since some people are dead set against ending the tradtion of the bowl games, let those remain for teams that don't make the playoffs. With only 16 teams in the playoffs you'd have some pretty decent teams playing in the bowl games (which would pretty much become a football equivalent to the NIT). Theres already some crap teams getting into the low tier bowls now. Expanding the playoffs too much would then lower the bar for the teams playing in the "major bowls". I'm all for a Division 1A playoff, but at the same time I wouldn't want to see a 7-5 team playing in the Rose, Sugar, Orange, or Cotton bowls. Make the playoffs available to each conference champion & 5 at-large teams (or 6 at-large teams depending on when the C-USA/MWC merger actually happens). But that's just my opinion on the matter. I sure others may disagree.
  8. No, as long as Notre Dame is there for the taking. Yes, but how realistic is Notre Dame, unless they are forced to join a conference? Temple to Big East probably wont happen as well, not just because the BE booted them years ago, but because Villanova will band allies against it. I think if Notre Dame were forced to join a conference, they'd jump shimp to the B1G Ten if they could find an expansion partner. I'm not sold on the new Big East staying power, especially with UConn at one point showing an interesting in leaving to join the ACC. Atleast joining the B1G would make geographic sense for, and they would be able to continue their rivalry with Michigan. It's no secret that Villanova will block Temple joining the Big East to the death. But I honestly don't know what other schools would the ACC would consider taking. I guess in my mind it seems like they'd be a good fit. Major TV market, football team plays in an NFL stadium (just like Pitt and Miami), possibility of rivarlies with Pitt and Maryland, and as far as I know the school has good academics.
  9. Just curious. Would Temple be the type of school the ACC would take in?
  10. For some reason I still think UConn is gonna jump ship to join the ACC. They just need a partner to join with them and even out the ACC at 16 schools. I wouldn't be surprised if it happens within the next 3 years.
  11. The Seattle Seahawks "classic" logo, colors, and uniforms were lame. IMO dropping silver from those uniforms would have been an improvement. The logo definetly needed the upgrade back in 2002. I personally like the Seahawks current look, and think it would be unfortunate for it go away. To be fair my, part of my problem with the Seahawks old looks has to do with me being a Redskins fan. My hatred for the Dallas Cowboys has made me dislike the combo of blue and silver all together no matter what team is wearing it. Adding green as an accent color didn't matter to me, Seattle already had the evil combo of blue and silver lol.
  12. I would like to see more color vs color (jerseys) in football beyond the youth level. Nothing agaist white jerseys, but I'd really like to see some NFL matchup with both teams in their team color jersey. Just as long as their in no clashing.
  13. I'm part of the camp that loves the Cleveland Browns wearing brown pants with their white jerseys. I hate the white on whtie look in football, and orange should be limited to the helmet color and striping. The brown pants would really benefit by having stripes added to them though. The plain pants only work for the St. Louis Rams.
  14. Now that I've had more time to think about it, they probably would not switch to a geographic alignment with only 14 teams. They'll probably just place Syracuse and Pitt into the current divisions. Georgraphic divisions may come along if the ACC expands to 16 teams and those two teams come from northern states.
  15. Any word on how the ACC will handle the divisions once Pitt and Syracuse come into the conference? Ideally, they'd switch to geographic divisions. In my ideal new ACC, the Virginia/North Carolina border would be the dividing line. However at 14 teams it would be uneven. They would more than likely have to put the northern most NC school in the North Division. See below. ACC North Boston College Maryland Pitt Syracuse Virginia Virginia Tech ACC South Clemson Duke Florida State Georgia Tech Miami North Carolina North Carolina State Wake Forest
  16. I hate the NFL's sock rule. I just don't understand why the lower portion of team socks must be white. Long colored socks (without the white) is a good look IMO.
  17. On, this site, I'm afraid you'll find that to be a VERY unpopular opinion. Personaly, I hate almost all stripeless pants. IMO, the only time it works is when metallic gold pants are paired with gold helmets. Oh, and Michigan. Other than that, I can't think of another situation where a team wouldn't look better with a stripe on their pants. Lots of people seem to think the St. Louis Rams look their best wearing the plain gold pants. The blue and white striped pants look like they're part of a completely different uniform set. Can you honestly say the Rams striped pants mesh well with their jerseys? No, I think the Ram's striped pants are crap, too. Of their choices, the plain gold pants are best. I don't know that they wouldn't look better with striped gold pants, however. They'd cetainly look more like an NFL team. I disagree that they look less like an NFL team with plain pants. I believe they Rams look way more "professional" compared to teams like Arizona, Minnesota, Atlanta, and Jacksonville. Plain pants are simple yet effective.
  18. On, this site, I'm afraid you'll find that to be a VERY unpopular opinion. Personaly, I hate almost all stripeless pants. IMO, the only time it works is when metallic gold pants are paired with gold helmets. Oh, and Michigan. Other than that, I can't think of another situation where a team wouldn't look better with a stripe on their pants. Lots of people seem to think the St. Louis Rams look their best wearing the plain gold pants. The blue and white striped pants look like they're part of a completely different uniform set. Can you honestly say the Rams striped pants mesh well with their jerseys?
  19. Plain/stripeless footballs pants are underrated IMO. They can be paired with most jersey designs and make a decent uniform. I'd like to see more NFL teams go with plain pants.
  20. My one gripe with Carolina's uniform is the overuse of the panther head. If you have stripes on your pants you don't need a logo at the hip.
  21. Agreed, all NFL teams should get this memo. If the Panthers insist on wearing white at home, they should get some blue pants or something. Honestly, if the Panthers ever change their look they should just ditch the silver. Go with "Panther Blue" as the primary color with black and white as accent colors.
  22. I don't know, Al Davis might not like that
  23. I don't like white on white football uniforms. I hate football uniforms that are completely white from head to toe. Worse offender of this, Texas Longhorns road uniforms. White helmets, white facemask, white jersey, white pants, white socks, and white shoes. I'm sorry, but white on white just screams practice uniforms to me. One of "my rules" for football uniforms is that white jerseys must be worn with colored pants.
  24. Georgetown football has a loooooooong way to go if they ever wanted to moved up to division 1A. As long as their football program remains in the Patriot league (non scholarship conference) they can forget it.
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