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Kevin W.

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Kevin W. last won the day on August 17 2021

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    A bunch of psychic porn star midgets who were all nude

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  1. That was last worn 17 years ago.
  2. Arizona looked good. Too bad their play didn't reflect that.
  3. Man, I've always been a huge fan of WWE Smacksown.
  4. Changing the numbers to single outline would make the numbers too dark. How do I know? Because the Habs have done it and it doesn't look right.
  5. Arizona never won a single game wearing those. HARD PASS.
  6. Those manufacturers don't care about whether or not a niche part of the fandom (people like us) care about the aesthetics of the designs. They know that the large majority of the fans don't give a :censored: and will gobble it up. We're not the target audience.
  7. Arizona should only ever wear white-blue-white or white-red-white at home. They looked amazing last night. In terms of their playing, though, not so much...
  8. I'm surprised that they brought back mustard jerseys since AFAIK historically ASU fans have hated them.
  9. Utah Hockey Club - Primary This is still a WIP, as I'm working on finding their logos in SVG format.
  10. Well, it's definitely not as bright of an orange. The previous shade was #FC4C02 while the current is #CF4520.
  11. Why has Oregon suddenly shifted to such a conservative look?
  12. Arizona wore all-white at home since New Mexico accidentally brought their home jerseys to Tucson instead of their road. Arizona looked really good with the corrected sleeve stripes, but I would've gone with blue pants. https://twitter.com/ArizonaFBall/status/1830652260264886408
  13. There are plenty of places in San Diego County that could fit a stadiunm, but Spanos never wanted any of them because he wanted to move the team to LA the moment he took over from his dad. He never negotiated in good faith. you, Spanos.
  14. You know how you could make it even better? Change Los Angeles to San Diego. :censored: you, Spanos.
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