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Posts posted by DCarp1231

  1. 6 hours ago, Cujo said:

    Idk which thread to throw this in, but these playing card graphics from the Draft are top-tier 🔥🔥



    Love the generic dudes for Washington, New Orleans, Giants, Kansas City, and others

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  2. 9 hours ago, LA Fakers+ LA Snippers said:

    Don’t know about the bevel, but the shorter w with the helmet stripe looks nice. (you got the stripe color mixed up)


    It was sort of intentional to swap the stripes. While I know it’s mixed up, I figured it’s better to showcase the middle stripe as white as it’s meant to resemble the Washington Monument. Then again, the monument itself isn’t totally white so I might play around with that.

    • Like 1
  3. Here’s the next team-


    A team that very recently and very unfortunately, crapped the bed with their rebrand.


    Washington Commanders


    Not sure how I feel about the roundel portion. I thought about making it solid white or gold, but wanted to replicate the striping of the logo.


    C&C appreciated as always


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  4. 22 hours ago, ZapRowsdower8 said:

    Loving this whole series! Incredible work. Very much looking forward to Pennsylvania and Oregon.


    Any thought about including a reference to Maine's most famous export, Stephen King, on their plate? A small red balloon floating past the top of the lighthouse perhaps?

    I second this idea

  5. 4 minutes ago, guest23 said:


    I'm confused with this statement because they brought this logo to the fans and they rejected it swiftly and loudly hence the moniker "the one-day logo". Also from what I remember it was unveiled with a red mask at the press conference.


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  6. 2 hours ago, LA Fakers+ LA Snippers said:

    I like the idea, but was very hard for me to see the NY, even though I was told it was there. It would like be even harder for a casual to notice, as it would just be some squiggly lines to them. Maybe close the ellipse and put the NY inside of it?



    PS. Great job on San Francisco.

    Yeah, I definitely struggled a bit coming up with something that worked. I wanted to try something that felt different yet stayed true to a NY team.


    I’ll work on it over the weekend to try to find some good ground.


    As always, thank you for your input! It’s always appreciated 

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  7. If there’s no other comments on SF, I’ll move onto the next team-


    Back east with this one…


    New York Jets


    I wanted to incorporate a different approach to the “NY” monograms that have been made so popular by present and past New York teams as well as featuring pilot wings instead of more commonly use jet imagery.


    C&C welcome as always!

    • Like 4
  8. On 4/8/2022 at 8:28 AM, Philly's Phinest said:

    From a consistency standpoint, that second one is right in line with their current striping, but I do prefer the top option. I love the incorporation of the silver and I think that font is spot on. Would be interesting to see overall what a set would look like with a red, gold and silver scheme for the Niners. As always - great work here. 

    Thank you for the kind words and your feedback!


    Here’s the logo with the new wordmark-


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