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Posts posted by DCarp1231

  1. The problem with Urban Meyer as HC of Jacksonville is how there wasn’t even a natural progression into the position. He just went straight from College HC to NFL HC leading damn near everyone and himself to believe he was invincible. Give him a couple years as a coordinator, then give him a shot at HC.


    FWIW, if Meyer does get axed, I hope Jacksonville and Dallas OC Kellen Moore consider each other for a potential fit.

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  2. I’ve been experiencing some annoyances when attempting to post-


    9/10 times I try to post something, I’ll hit “Submit Reply” but it doesn’t post. It simply exits out of the text box and I have to open up the text box again and hit “Submit Reply” once more. Usually the second time’s the charm.


    Also, there’s times where I’ll want to post a picture and it denies the links. However, I’ll wait a little bit, re-paste the link, and it’ll work just fine.

  3. Not trying to nitpick, but that Twitter account only specifies that the red jerseys will be worn. Nothing about the white helmet or white pants.


    Sure we could assume those will be worn too, but let’s not count out the possibility of a different combination being worn.

  4. 49 minutes ago, Artisan219 said:

    Yeah, but they're 300 miles apart so I just wondered why you lumped them into LA and NYC that share stadiums (the Raiders could've shared the stadium with the 49ers, but by the time the team had exhausted all options in Oakland, they would've been the minority partner in the stadium deal... and when the NFL opted to give the Chargers first bid on LA, the Raiders ended up in Las Veagas).

    I was simply referencing the point made by @heavybass about using both the Federals and Defenders given they are within such close proximity of each other. However, considering the Federals are being moved to Boston, this discussion is now obsolete.

  5. 17 minutes ago, flyersfan said:

    The Cardinals are due for an upgrade, but I think they should go forward with it, not go traditional. Doesn't mean gimmick, but I've had ideas I may throw in the Concepts forum at some point.

    None of your concepts use the Arizona state flag, right? RIGHT!?

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  6. 2 hours ago, O.C.D said:

    I was hoping Tom Brady going to Tampa and getting the uniforms changed back would start a trend in the NFL

    Tom Brady had nothing to do with Tampa Bay’s design process considering they couldn’t have possibly known they’d get Brady two years in advance.

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  7. I don’t think Washington would allow Nike to touch their uniforms too much. A simple number font change would be good enough, IMO.


    If they do drastically change the uniforms, here’s to hoping they take some inspiration from these college teams. The most important thing they need to remember- pants stripes.




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