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Carolingian Steamroller

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Everything posted by Carolingian Steamroller

  1. Mildly relevant: Washington Commanders uniform combinations 2022: Mono White/Burgundy (including socks): 3 Mono White/Burgundy (contrasting socks): 1 Contrasting Jersey/Pants: 10
  2. A couple of simple tweaks and this would be really nice. Drop the word mark on the red jersey and put the bird head on the sleeves. Add TV numbers to the white and black jerseys. Wear contrasting combinations. Done. So this is fine.
  3. So yeah. That about sums it up. In seriousness there's a lot to like here. I think they did a very good job of incorporating silver into the palette. They've used in two spots in particular that I find especially useful: 1. Using it on the numbers on the red jersey numbers gives the impression of plain white numbers while avoiding the plain red jersey design they've traditionally had. 2. Using it on the white jersey/pants means you have Northwestern stripes, which the Cardinals used from 1965-1995, that from a distance look like double stripes that the Cardinals used from 1996-204 and from 1948-1964. Using the black outlining on the white jersey was a great choice. I'm not crazy about big front marks generally but I at least get that its nice to have something on an otherwise plain jersey (I might have gone with the bird head logo on the sleeves beneath the TV numbers). Helmet looks very nice, solid upgrade there without doing much. I'm hoping we get some more classic combinations: white over red with white socks, red over white with red socks, white over white with red socks. But then that's a risk with every set nowadays. Solid job. Should look nice on the field.
  4. “Didn’t know you were called Dennis!” ”oh well you didn’t bother to ask now did you?”
  5. So many questions that keep coming up like bubbles in a case of club soda. Is Arizona leaving any clues in their teases? Will anything leak before the unveiling? Are they really going with orange and silver or is that red herring? Who is TruColor’s source? And did he lie him? Or is TruColor lying to us? And where the hell am I?
  6. The last several days of waiting on these boards: https://youtu.be/nyGZAg3lo9A
  7. That's not a firm target because, as a warm up, Larry Fitzgerald will do a solo performance of the entire HMS Pinafore.
  8. This just makes it possible that two threads could melt the site once the uniform is revealed/leaked.
  9. Nobody knows anything at this point. The whole thing is a mystery briefcase. Its like JJ Abrams wrote the script.
  10. Everyone waiting with their negative feelings...
  11. This is usually the part of the show when Kermit the Frog has to come out and calm everybody down.
  12. People are either going to love it or hate it or they'll think it's ok.
  13. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww.
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