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Everything posted by AstroCreep

  1. I hate that they continue to phase out the conference logos everywhere. It's not on the field during the Conference Championship or in the Super Bowl.
  2. This could be the last time we see this current NFL on CBS set that's been used since Super Bowl 50.
  3. Wow, I didn’t realize teams retiring miltiple numbers twice was a common thing.
  4. So the Rangers just retired Vic Hadfield’s number, officially reuniting The GAG Line. This is the 2nd time the number 11 has been retired (Mark Messier). Now, what makes this unique is that it’s not the first time the Rangers retired the same number twice. They retired 9 twice. I’ve seen the Yankees retire 8 twice but is there any other team anywhere that retired 2 different numbers twice?
  5. So the Jets never had a Super Bowl III banner till now? That’s crazy.
  6. Why so specific to Western Conference when they had the most points in the entire league? Just say “PRESIDENTS’ TROPHY 2017-18” and call it a day. No need for a big event. I hate “REGULAR SEASON CHAMPIONS”. It’s pretty much saying “we, the best team that year, underachieved in the playoffs”. The Rangers also have those banners hanging and it’s the most irritating thing ever.
  7. It’s super annoying. You have to wait for this little animation to finish then close the ad. You can’t do anything while the ad is on.
  8. Man was only in his 30s. People sure looked older back then.
  9. Preferably something that doesn't disappear and reappear every time.
  10. Yeah, this new one is probably my least favorite Bottom Line ESPN has ever put out. I thought the previous was their best. I can’t believe they changed it so soon.
  11. Seems like the NFL is getting their own little special package from NBC and that’s really lame.
  12. In honor of his recent induction to the Baseball Hall of Fame.
  13. Martin Brodeur is off to the hockey hall of fame. Let's remember his short (and I mean SHORT) stint with the Blues.
  14. It's the best set they've ever had and it's not saying much either.
  15. They didn’t update for the Cup Final oh well, guess we do have to wait till the HOF game.
  16. The Packers are one of 2 teams that, as of now, have never switched to the Nike sets. That’s why their uniform looks the same as before and I hope to god it stays like that. Nike butchered the hell out of the Jets. It went from a modern classic to a damn mess.
  17. Black on the jerseys were used during what is arguably the worst period in Jets history (they’ve had many embarrassing moments but the 90s were the most brain dumb era ever). The current set ties in to their only shinning moment in history. This is the uniform the Jets need to hold on to for eternity. They don’t need black, they don’t need a logo change, and they don’t need Nike getting their dirty hands involved in an entirely new set. All they need to do is lighten the green. It’s one simple job, a damn color change. Is that too much to ask?
  18. I dug the look. Hell, I even got the hat. I know it was only for the ASG but they really should’ve stuck with it a little longer.
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