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Everything posted by AstroCreep

  1. Man, I do not like the new NBC scorebug for NHL. It's way to small. Everything is too close to each other, especially if a team goes on the PP. There's no breathing space. Probably the current worst socrebug on the national networks.
  2. Happened to a lot of teams. Back when the Jets announced the new set, @keyser.soze made a small change that inverted the shoulder stripe to fit the modern Nike template. It looked pretty good too and could've fixed one major problem the Jets uniforms had since the Nike takeover. If they did this with the current colors, it would look really good. I said before, all they needed were small tweaks, not an entire overhaul.
  3. There's a new Adidas template coming out?
  4. The new NBC scorebug looks like it was made for MLB but they failed to get the rights and didn't want the graphics to go to waste.
  5. are there any more photos of this?
  6. How do you lose 3 franchises in such a short amount of time?
  7. Surly can't be a coincidence the Jets have 2 of their worst seasons in black.
  8. A lot of these are really good. They really show how much the conference logos are missed in the endzones. You need that symmetry.
  9. They did during the 2000s. Looked really good.
  10. They are due for a new set. These overstayed its welcome.
  11. People are writing "WFT" but all I see is "WTF" Why did Washington get rid of the helmet stripes to begin with? I felt something was off about their helmets this season minus the logo removal.
  12. I don't think a colored helmet for the Panthers would transition well in real life. One of those "better idea on paper" deals.
  13. It's just way too big. There's no reason for this. FOX's issue is that it's just dead center. They should move it back to the top left.
  14. The late Tom Seaver with Mike Piazza at Spring Training. I didn’t think a photo of him in a black era Mets jersey existed.
  15. The random piping era of the mid-2000's are a guilty pleasure.
  16. Did anyone notice all the networks are using the same MLB logo transition when showing replays?
  17. MLB on FOX theme is back! All is right on FOX Sports!
  18. Does anyone have a story about this? It’s a Rangers-Islanders game from 2006. I don’t ever seem to recall MSG ever using the FSN scorebug.
  19. I kinda miss the lasers and futuristic sounds FOX used to do.
  20. I used to think the Falcons and Cardinals uniforms were so cool when they first came out. I even had a Vick jersey I used to wear. It was 2005 and I was 10 at the time. My opinion has changed since. Those Cardinals uniforms were never good and look even worse now. However, I still have a soft spot for the Falcons.
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