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Everything posted by kolob

  1. As a member of the prominent religion here in Utah the "concern" of Sunday home games isn't so much a matter of LDS leadership demands, in fact I'd say there hasn't been much of a demand from leadership since (if ever) the early 20th century. However, over the past 20-25 years it's more so a matter of population demand. While a good segment of LDS fans probably wouldn't attend a Sunday home game, SLC and the surrounding areas have enough of a population where it's a moot point.
  2. Another fun aside, the Heat were going to be the Florida Heat, but when the NBA accepted both the Magic and Heat they went with Miami.
  3. Yeah, I saw that one too. I'd love to know the exact dates of the two pictures because they're two different numbers, but in Landover against the Bullets. I wonder if it was the same game? It'd be fun to dig a little.
  4. City Jerseys (and most throwbacks) should be shelved for the playoffs. I don't mind Statement jerseys, but stick to the basics as much as possible. I hate that this moment is attached to nothing that says the team name.
  5. Here's a fun one. Joe C. Meriweather of the New Orleans Jazz with his name under the number, something the Jazz never did as a team. I am assuming because of the length of his last name?
  6. If it's not this, send it back ...
  7. Let's be honest, the Nash-era jerseys weren't that good either.
  8. Yeah, they were already announced last summer by the Jazz. Since it's the Jazz's 50th anniversary they're wearing their 1974 road jersey as a throwback and I think the purple mountain is their city jersey since there is no Jordan logo.
  9. Not to make this a Pointless Realignment & Expansion thread, but it kind of feel inevitable that the major leagues expand to 40 clubs, especially if expansion fees are upwards of $1 billion.
  10. I actually really kind of love that. I'd love that on a t-shirt. (the Jerry West logo, the SL,UT moniker is way overplayed).
  11. I really like the court's use of the mountain and note logo. Probably the best blending of Utah and Jazz visually I've ever seen.
  12. I agree if you're including the college three point line like so ... But, generally speaking the extra line in the key on a NBA court is fine and, in rare instances like the Magic's court, it can look good.
  13. Local healthcare system here in Utah rebranded themselves from Intermountain Health Care to Intermountain Health along with a logo that's been getting panned. OLD LOGO: NEW LOGO:
  14. IMO this is how Color vs. Color should work and should be the norm. Keep the white jerseys at home games only. And, stop with the City vs. Throwback matchups. I wish the NBA took a MLB approach to throwback jerseys and games by dressing both teams up in era appropriate jerseys.
  15. Uni Ted was my nickname in college. But, my mom calls me Theodore.
  16. And, even then that didn't come until a couple decades later.
  17. Well and one thing that goes unnoticed is that the tiles are curved! Which makes sense because of the exterior design. It's just hard to notice it in pictures.
  18. I agree. I was way too young to remember my first Jazz game at the Salt Palace. But, before they tore it down I was able to attend a couple of Golden Eagles games, a few circuses, Disney on Ice shows and a few NBA All-Star Weekend events back in 1993. It definitely showed it's age, but there really was a charm to it that you don't see in any of the modern arenas.
  19. I don't know if anyone has any insight on this picture, but Dr. J is wearing a makeshift #6 jersey. It looks like tape? I am assuming his jersey was either stolen or lost.
  20. Bernard King in a Jazz uniform during the 1979-80 season. He played 19 games for the team until he got into legal trouble and was traded to Golden State in the offseason. I've only been able to find two photos of him, both aren't ideal, but it's fun to come across them.
  21. I'd love to see the ABA teams do that again, especially in the regular season. And, let's be honest, the NBA and Nike would be all over it.
  22. I REALLLLLLLLY want to hate this, but it oddly works? Maybe? I think?
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