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Everything posted by _DietDrPepper_

  1. Someone should remove the drop shadow, it looks more off than that, the top of the t is shorter on the right side, just as the bottom is. The curve at the top right is also different than on the left. How does this even happen? Glad i ruined that logo for myself
  2. Big quotes around “fixed” it was a big mistake, if you’re gonna unite the logos use the better of the two
  3. The really overused black but it’s a good update none the less. I hope the uniforms maximize the brown and blue
  4. If you’re not calling it loo-vul or loo-a-vul, your pissing me off tbh
  5. As someone from Kentucky who has many a family from Louisville, I can tell you proudly it’s pronounced Lu-a-vul. I also say New Orlinz, But I’ve caught myself saying new awlins and heard people I know unironically sayin nawlins
  6. @chcarlson23(idk why I can’t quote you) I do it still because Buffalo Say-Burs sounds weird and Saw-Brays sounds much better
  7. Ever since I was a dumb little kid, I’ve always pronounced the Sabres As Sabres (Saw-brays, not Say-Burs) I know I pronounce it wrong, but 10 yr old me didn’t make the connection that a team with a buffalo mascot was named after a sword/sabre. I proudly pronounce it wrong even though the people around me groan when they hear it
  8. I think color really shouldn’t make as much of a difference to you as it does imo, blue and gold is beautiful when done right, much better for a team named the sharks over black and yellow or green and black
  9. Major downgrade. Duquesne had one of my personal favorite looks, sad to see it replaced with a video game console logo
  10. Really like the Warriors one! I also really like the second thunder one, except for the city skyline on the logo, Ive never been a fan of the city skyline on courts. But the font, colors, stripes and little thunder bolts makes for an actual identity instead of the plain uninspiring look they have now. Only if they could get a new logo, centered around that font and those bolts. Eliminating the navy, black and white, and sticking to that blue and orange with tinges of yellow.
  11. I don't know if I should start a new thread or just leave this here, but minor league baseball, even with all the nonsense that goes on anymore, has some really good looks, that I feel like aren't appreciative enough. Just a few from the South Atlantic League, (class A) Augusta Greenjackets Greenville Drive: Lexington Legends: Hagerstown Suns: The SAL aren't the only ones though, like theres a lot of good looks. Some are better than some MLB teams. Louisville Bats (International League triple A): Gwinnett Stripers (International League triple A) Also, the Bowie Baysox (Eastern League double A) Are there anymore you can think of?
  12. I don’t mind “the town” or “the city” the crime is the black
  13. UCF didn’t invent the diagonal letters gig, its free range, UK and Houston aren’t rip offs of each other, it’s a common style just like this.
  14. I actually like the steel blue but I would remove the second blue completely, the fauxback looks so much better bc of the lack of it
  15. That’s something alright. It could work tho. Raise the pattern up to make it like the titans shoulder stripes. Raise the numbers, and make an orange alternate, and boom. That wouldn’t look bad
  16. No it doesn’t, it looks like a bad version of the Sox jersey. If anything it’s a bad replica of the jazz alternate from a couple years ago Fixed your quote
  17. This is actually a great design tbh, but it’s weird bc; Pitt and good panther logos, don’t mix
  18. Very nice uniforms, except for the “inaugural season” plastered under the home script
  19. Just had a thought, how would a Kings court with crowns at the top of the circle/free throw line thing look?
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