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_DietDrPepper_ last won the day on February 23 2019

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    The Bluegrass
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    San Antonio Spurs, University of Kentucky, Cincinnati Reds, Cincinnati Bengals, Lexington Legends, Nashville Predators.

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  1. This uniform and the Cardinals black alts both have this charm I can’t explain. They’re ugly but I like em. Same with some of the piping uniforms from the same era, namely Jacksonville.
  2. Why the stars? That’s just a meaningless choice. Murray State has so much to pull from, look at the jockey inspired stripe on the helmet. Why not base the whole look around that? This seems almost US Navy-esq. Also download some new fonts for once. There’s a million tutorials out there. It screams lazy when you reuse the same 3 fonts on over 100 different concepts.
  3. Agreed. However, my unpopular opinion is that it’s actually a worse look. Not bad, but I think navy just works so much nicer for the Chargers, give powder blue to another team, the Rams could probably pull it off just as nicely as they have royal (well not with their current set but historically speaking.) Honestly it’s a bit of a tough predicament because both schemes do look so good, but I think they had a much better balance with it in their last set. The angle of the bolt however was an upgrade, I do like that change a lot.
  4. I’d love to know the origin behind the name Grinders. The uniforms and logo package is probably one of the bests out of all of the ones you’ve showcased. There’s really good color balance on the uniforms, and the helmet logo and striping are all great. I’m not sure what a Grinder is though and how it relates to Cincinnati?
  5. I pretty much agree with everything @QCS said, although I will say the Shamrocks new roundel is a small step back from the last version. The spike on the C feels a bit odd, considering it’s a block font, and the roundel itself is very busy. I think the C and clover would make a fine logo on its own that fits more into football aesthetics anyway. I also adore the Winnipeg update, that’s a gorgeous look.
  6. If you want a more exciting person to base a LaRue County school on though, why not Abraham Lincoln? He was born there after all.
  7. I think LeRoux might be your best one yet. It all works together fantastically. I do have one question though. Why Hodgenville over their much bigger neighbor, Elizabethtown. Elizabethtown seems much more likely to house a university then the much smaller hodgenville.
  8. I think all of these concepts are great up until the 2nd alternate. The first three jerseys are always great but the last alternate always seems forced, unnecessary and tacky.
  9. Jags don’t need gold. I think it’s fine on the logo but it doesn’t need to go on the uniforms. Does it look bad on the uniforms no? But it looks fine without. Also in the same vein, with all the talk of the jags inaugural uniforms, they aren’t as good as I remember them being. Still maybe the best they’ve worn, but it’s a much closer competition to their current uniforms. I’d actually even throw the piping nightmare uniforms into that ring. I’m not sure why but some uniforms that feature piping works.
  10. Gonna reiterate a lot of the stuff QCS said. I like the Barons, really big fan of the name. I don't think the helmet logo is too complex. Its a nice alternate. I think the brick design is a miss though. Toronto looks the best yet, but I'd swap the leaf on the shoulders for numbers and you need to add the shoulder striping to the back of the home uniform. Charlotte and Minnesota at both great updates. I love the Evergreens especially. I think the only change I'd make is dropping the helmet stripe for Charlotte. Finally, Dallas and Atlanta look good too. I love the copper and blue for Dallas. I agree with QCS though that each of their word marks are a bit big. Great work!
  11. I’d drop the orange and pink alts and add a Rangers text on the home rather than all the uniforms saying Texas. I’m also curious why you chose the Spurs fiesta color scheme over something actually belonging to Dallas. Both the Stars and Mavericks schemes would be unique in the MLB too.
  12. Both the Bobcats and New Orleans Hornets looked better in pinstripes than the Charlotte Hornets.
  13. The SEC Championship is the best looking game today. These two teams always look great.
  14. That doesn't work well though.
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