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Posts posted by sky1324

  1. 2 hours ago, Mingjai said:


    Maybe my aesthetics are shaped by being a fan of college hockey, but I think shorter words look worse diagonally than longer words. I also don't think that the Rangers should own such a traditional hockey look just because they're the NHL team most associated with it.

    I know it's a traditional hockey look and I'm well aware my opinion is an unpopular one, but I just don't like diagonal lettering on hockey jerseys. Aesthetically I think a crest looks better every single time, including the Rangers. I only specified the Rangers because even if I think they'd look better with a crest as opposed to the wordmark, they've never done that.

    • Like 3
  2. Glad to see you're still working on this! I haven't commented on the last couple updates because they've been at bad times for me but I've got some time now so here goes.


    BOS: I'm not really feeling the striping on this one. I think a Boston team could use some more traditional striping and this weird phantom/thin yoke doesn't feel right. I get what you're going for with the lights from the lighthouse but it's not working for me here. Love the colors and logo, the nautical flags are such a nice touch.


    NY: I think it is a damn shame to not use that excellent NY logo on the helmets. Funnily enough, I made a very similar logo around the same time (although I'll admit you did it better) but it's a great way to do a unique NY interlock. I could go either way on the tower logo itself, and I think the blue jersey could use some more white. The large white numbers stand out in a bad way here. I love the throwback striping here, it works wonders.


    LV: Big time upgrades here. I liked your old Vegas set but this one is much better. I'm not sure why sometimes the card suits are sublimated and other times they're just white, I think having them be white always will help with color balance, especially on the pants. I also think this set might benefit from a black helmet instead of a red one, it really feels like black is the dominant color here with red as a secondary. The logo is great, this is one of my favorite sets of yours.


    Great work as always, I'm always looking forward to the next set and I hope you keep working on this.

    • Like 3
  3. I personally hate using the interlock on the road jersey, especially when these teams have better, full-name road scripts. The Dodgers' "Los Angeles" script is way better than the "Dodgers" one on the road jersey. There should always be the full name of whatever geographic moniker your team represents on the road jersey.

    • Like 6
  4. If the league last longer than a couple seasons (big if), I bet we see the LA Express and Oakland Invaders join. Two brands with some big-time recognition and LA in particular is a huge media market, something I'm sure Fox wants.

    • Like 3
  5. The ball is actually my favorite logo of the bunch, it's so ridiculous it wraps around to being charming. I'll echo the distaste for the squeezed C, but I think it'll be something we all get used to within a season or two. The Guardians script in particular is great and I think it'll look super good on a uniform.

    • Like 3
  6. 6 hours ago, oldschoolvikings said:

    If you want to say the NFL shouldn't expand to London, you certainly can, and I agree. But if you want to say it'll never happen, and it's just some kind of smoke screen, I think you're underestimating the arrogance and stubbornness of 32 billionaires.


    They've been talking about this for too long now for it to just be some kind of diversion. IMO, if they are intent on expanding to 36, they're going to find some way to make London happen. 

    This is how I feel about things like the A's to Vegas and NBA expansion - ill-advised IMO, but it's an inevitability. Now I just hope each team looks good.

  7. 1 hour ago, SFGiants58 said:


    It seems like he's trying to play himself off as being "reasonable" and "laughing at both sides," but the enlightened centrism always misses the mark.

    I've enjoyed his videos, but I think it's clear from his opinions on the Washington Football Team's renaming (in his video on Dan Snyder he says both sides are wrong, if I remember correctly) that he considers himself an "enlightened centrist". He doesn't take a side because being passionate about something is for losers.

    • Like 5
  8. ARZ - Great update! Everything is more "thunder-y" while still getting that inspiration across.


    MKE - Not really feeling either the wheat or the font on the logo. The blackletter still looks great, but the modern font doesn't match anything else and I think it's out of place here. The wheat is also highly detailed and doesn't really match the rest of the set. I'm not vibing with the uniforms here either, for whatever reason the color balance looks off. Can't explain why, just is to me.


    SEA - Looks good, more accurate.


    POR - Yeah, I'm sorry, this is a non-starter for me. I don't really like anything here. The block font you've made is decent, as is the script, but the logos and colors are nowhere close to working for me. The rose + flag is too complex in my opinion, I'd pick one of the two to go with. The gradient is a big no-go, I don't think it adds anything here and I'd rather you just pick one shade of rose gold and match it with a better color than maroon. Not a fan of this one, sadly.

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