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Posts posted by sky1324

  1. 17 minutes ago, GDAWG said:

    Is Sam Darnold supposed to suck this year?

    He wasn't supposed to be terrible, but even Panthers fans are surprised at how good he's been.


    Speaking of the Panthers, these refs suuuuuuck. It's always bad when the Cowboys play but it has been just the worst so far. It should be 14-7 or maybe even more but the refs gifted the Cowboys a non-fumble and they scored on the drive. The NFL really needs to fix their refs. What's the point of having an instant replay if you don't make the right call after it?

  2. I agree, and I'll take it a step further: I can only think of three (maybe four) teams that should be wearing gray pants: Lions, Raiders, Cowboys, and maybe the Patriots. I prefer the Pat Patriot look with white pants, but if they keep the silver helmet, then gray pants would be nice. No other team should be wearing gray pants, not the Giants, not the Panthers, not the Falcons. White just looks better.

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  3. 5 minutes ago, DNAsports said:

    If Stafford can manage to get the Rams to the Super Bowl and win (which is doable this year) I would argue this is will end up being his right uniform

    I have nothing against Stafford, but I hope to god that he doesn't win a Super Bowl in these uniforms because I don't want to ever have to see these uniforms again.

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  4. Definitely an improvement! I think H-Town mentioned this earlier in the thread, but the shape of the neck is bothering me.



    If you compare the line of motion from the original to your logo, you see a clear difference in the way your eye moves through the logo. Football logos, because they go on helmets, tend to use a very straight line - the motion moves clearly, usually from left to right, sometimes going up or down depending on the logo. None of them move as yours does - first up then to the right. If you drew a vertical line through the line of motion, it would never intersect itself (with one Rams-shaped exception). Your logo breaks that rule - the line of motion would be intersected by a vertical line. I understand why you've shaped the neck like this, but at that point it begins to work less and less as a football logo. Certainly not bad, but possibly more fitting for hockey than football.

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  5. The biggest problem I have with the logo is that the motion of the logo goes up instead of forward like the current one does. The silver outline isn't my favorite either, I'd make it blue or white. I think the top of the nose should follow the curve of the jaw a little better as well. Overall it's solid, can't say I'd prefer it over our current logo, but it's definitely good.

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