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Everything posted by Indigo

  1. News on the Rams 2021 alt. https://theathletic.com/2653962/2021/06/15/rams-coo-kevin-demoff-the-new-uniforms-are-coming-shares-exclusive-details-and-time-frame/ Its paywalled, so here’s a screenshot Uni Watch provided us with. Multiple teams with “a classic or throwback”? Is the NFL keeping the one-helmet rule repealing a secret?
  2. You sure?? (I mean, we can’t put anything past Nike at this point).
  3. That’s exactly why. Everyone else has horizontal stripes, and the Colts have vertical. So on the hats, the opposite is true.
  4. The most recent episode of the Jump is the only one I can remember that evoked that funny, candid, NBA on TNT vibe(with Kendrick Perkins being Charles Barkley). Of there than that, ESPN’s coverage of the NBA(outside of graphics and montages) is kind of devoid of life.
  5. The only difference on the Browns new 1946 throwback is a drop shadow, so this certainly can(and should) come back.
  6. This is “usfl.com”. https://usfl.com
  7. We’ve already seen the Kings scrapped Earned. All of those look GREAT except for Miami.(Nike gonna Nike, huh?)
  8. Your Buffalo Bills would like to speak to you.
  9. Probably the Jets. “New Jersey Jets” is one of those alliterations the big 4 sports love. (As the board’s New Jersey representative, I support this move).
  10. Guess I should be helpful now… Is there a reason why the new “thread info bar” (as @monkeypower calls it) is underneath the first post on a page? (On mobile) That’s seems to be something that was meant to be useful, and it’s placement may cause it to be confused for an ad.
  11. I don’t mean to be the 1 millionth person to complain, but… this new format sucks a lot
  12. Hopefully they return back to the old pinstriped blues. These were their best jerseys in the set, and possibly the best since the original pinstripes.
  13. Make a white jersey and pants and call it a day.
  14. Seattle will probably wear all-neon green, which will be the worst case scenario (see ARI/SEA 2020). So maybe against the Browns who wear all-white or white/orange?
  15. Oh you didn’t know? Bidwell is selling the team to Mark Zuckerberg, who famously made it know that his favorite color is periwinkle. The purchase will become public next month.
  16. Unpopular opinion, but I don’t understand the love for this uniform. It looks like the Oilers and the Bills combined.
  17. The Jets drafted two “Michael Carter”s this year.
  18. Fair point, but for most of the Cavs history, they seemed more attached to color schemes (which they changed often) than the literal meaning of “Cavalier”. As for the above picture, yeah, those are probably the best in Cavs history(that entire set is, tbh). But since the Cavs have changed so much, I think they need something that unites of of their past brand elements in an non-garish way.
  19. I’d argue the Rams, Cowboys, Saints and Giants would look decent. Washington [insert name], maybe.
  20. But it was released by the Packers themselves…
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