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Posts posted by johne9109

  1. 2 hours ago, MJD7 said:

    What if... the Astros relocated to Virginia (and changed their name)?

    The 'Stros had a "handshake" deal in the 90's to move to the DC area and become the "Virginia Fury," but it was rejected by the owners. The tequila sunrise is used to convey the "firey-ness" the name provokes.









    This set is great. I'd love to see one full on Tequila sunrise uniform in this color scheme

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  2. 6 hours ago, MJD7 said:

    I considered doing "the 'Burgh," but I couldn't get over how cheesy it felt:



    I agree about abbreviations though: even the ones you listed I'm not too big on, other than LA. 


    Here's a look:




    Personally, I think sleeveless jerseys have become a thing of the past, but I agree that if any team could pull it off, it'd be the Pirates. We'll see if sleeveless jerseys make a comeback in maybe 10-15 years.

    I agree it does feel kinda cheesy, but I think for a program like City Connect it really works

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  3. 14 minutes ago, MJD7 said:

    Pittsburgh Pirates City Connect

    I mostly like the Pirates' take on the City program, I'm just not big on the 3-letter abbreviations, so I went with the full "Pittsburgh."



    Steel City, the 'Burgh, or like you did here full on Pittsburgh, anything is better than the abbreviation. I feel for a team to use the abbreviation it has to be a well known one like NYC, BOS, LA, TX. PGH???? Yeah we can figure it out, but it's not one of the well known abbreviations. It's like the Hornets using CLT. Good call here

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  4. New England Patriots

    So this one was a little tricky for me. The most prolific era in Pats history is clearly the Brady era, but that's not really retro is it? I tried flipping the teams original uniforms, but that essentialy just gives us our current uniforms; so that was a no. I then looked to the Bledsoe era uniforms (They did go to a superbowl wearing them) but they just didn't look good in red. So I looked back to the Brady era and to give it a retro feel I swapped the dull navy blue and silver for the teams original blue and white. Ultimately I'm proud of the result.



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  5. Miami Dolphins

    The Dolphins are of course based on the perfect season. Now some may look at this and think I just changed the color of the pants and helmet, but in the 72 season the aqua jersey didn't have stripes. So I took the white jersey and not only swapped the main color to aqua, but then made the numbers orange and swapped the striping around. This added with the aqua helmet and orange pants create a very color forward look



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  6. I think this is a great start. I think it needs more red however. Maybe a red helmet with some added strokes around the logo, red or grey pants with the white uniform, and I think the orange jersey should be red with maybe an orange throwback/alternate. 

  7. Kansas City Chiefs
    The Chiefs were a hard one for me as most of their uniforms have had very little variety in them. So what I did was go with their 1966 uniform, as it was one of the more visually different uniforms, and then instead of going with yellow as the main color I swapped in black as it is techincally one of the team colors and is something that fans have been asking for awhile.



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  8. Everything looks really good except for the R logo, but I wouldn't abandon it completely. I think with some retooling it could work. It's mainly the shape of the R you went with. It feels very outdated; like it's straight out of the 70's or 80's. If anything hold onto it for a feauxback uniform? Look forward to the rest 

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  9. 21 hours ago, MJD7 said:

    Thanks! I thought about removing the elephant since, as @SFGiants58 acutely pointed out, a lot of New Orleans fans would also be LSU fans, and the elephant is the mascot of LSU's rival school, Alabama. I eventually decided against removing it, as I don't think it would be too big of an issue. 

    I don't think it would be either. There's a lot more overlap with team identities than people think.

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  10. Indianapolis Colts

    So the Colts kind of get the Toronto Maple Leafs treatment in the sense that grey is used as a color that they've used before, but barely. I took the Colts 1955 look from their days in Baltimore mainly because it's one of the few looks they've had that looks destinctly different from their uniforms that they've essentially had for decades. I swap the main jersey color with aforementioned grey and blue pants are added.



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