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Everything posted by ruttep

  1. Fire everyone working in their team branding department. What a clown show.
  2. I'll be honest, I never even realized there was a difference. The original does look cleaner without all the silver/grey shoehorned in.
  3. Never thought of this. Someone please make a concept of this ASAP (I have zero photoshop skills)
  4. Call me an old man yelling at clouds, but I just don't like colored helmets with white jerseys in the NHL, with the occasional exception of WC/HC jerseys. White helmets have been worn with white jerseys since the NHL started wearing helmets, and I like it that way.
  5. Bro chill. This is a message board about uniform aesthetics. Obviously you're correct. You don't need to throw a tantrum when someone comments on the aesthetics of a football uniform. And no, I don't live in Cleveland. You were correct about that.
  6. I just checked and the Colts don't have any primetime games, and I doubt they ever get flexed to a later time slot. This week is as good as any to debut these uniforms (Ideally, they would never be worn, but I digress).
  7. I feel like the Canes are a team that tries way too hard to be "cool" and "different" with their brand. It started out with the "Bunch of Jerks" thing, which I think was a good response to old hockey men throwing a tantrum, but between making the black warning flags their primary, a road uniform with a nickname on it, randomly shuffling between different red jerseys, and wearing the red helmets on the road, stop it. You look ridiculous. Innovation is welcome, but what the Hurricanes do doesn't make any sense. P.S. you don't deserve to wear Whalers throwbacks, stop it. Same way I feel about the Titans wearing Oilers throwbacks. You screwed your former city over, you don't get to dress up in your former look to make a quick buck in merchandise sales.
  8. I prefer the bottom two to the top. But that's just me. At this point it's just arguing about personal preference. There isn't a right or wrong answer.
  9. Thanks for reminding me how terrible a darker shade of red looks on the Niners
  10. I agree. The Cardinals should only have one pair of pants and one pair of socks: White pants, red socks. Just switch out the jersey as needed. Wear the white pants with the black alt as well.
  11. It's a fine opening (love the U2 music), but [MOD EDIT]
  12. If you're gonna do a 90s theme (which I assume this is), you better wear teal/white/black again. On another note, the Jaguars only co-existed with that 49ers logo for one year: their inaugural 1995 season. The Niners switched to the inferior updates to their 1994 throwbacks a year later.
  13. So most recent would technically be Eastern Conference Finals Game 4. Side note, red helmets on the road is completely atrocious. Please, Carolina, never do that again. You look like a minor league team that can't afford another helmet.
  14. Checked the tweet where they announced this and Eagles fans are ridiculously hyped about this... thank goodness fans and players don't unilaterally decide on uniform combos.
  15. The stripe combo doesn't match because a red monochrome combo was never meant to exist. The uniform was never designed with this in mind.
  16. Huh. It seems strange that this is season four of this alternate and they have yet to wear it against the Rangers.
  17. Sabres are wearing their Rick Jeanneret memorial patch on the left side of the chest next to the captaincy patches... we all know why they left the other side open for now
  18. Come at me all you want-- these uniforms should have either been given to the Texans or left to the sands of time. The Titans don't deserve to wear Oilers uniforms after Bud Adams screwed the city of Houston over and withheld everything about the Oilers identity out of spite. Now they want to gloat that over Houston with these throwbacks and even wear them against the Texans? that. Give the Oilers identity back to Houston, or don't bring these back. I doubt many fans in Tennessee have much of a connection to these uniforms, either. Imo should have been a Browns/Ravens situation (or more directly comparable, a Hornets/Pelicans situation). The old name/colors can go back to the original city for the new expansion team, while the moving team has to rebrand.
  19. There aren't stripes on any of their pants. But I love this combo because it's the closest we can currently get to:
  20. Video of how it looks on a broadcast: Looks pretty good to me. I like the idea of having a special jersey to wear against Original 6 opponents in the centennial season, although I still wish they brought out one-off throwbacks to match each of their "era nights."
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