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Everything posted by rfraser85

  1. I said try four colors. I didn't say it would work. But yes, the Commanders would look better with gold pants. I'd also like the Bengals to get orange pants with black stripes. They may look like they're copying the Browns, but they need something that goes with the orange jerseys. Either that or try the white pants with black stripes and orange socks.
  2. True, but there is grayscale for the Falcons using black so heavily with their 90's set. That said, I think it would look off if the Falcons brought in silver pants today. This does make me wonder, though. What teams with at least four colors, including white, may want to try having four jerseys and/or pants in each color?
  3. I disagree. The Ravens were likely testing out a color for Color Rush, and the response was so negative they changed to what they actually used. They looked like what the Jaguars used for their Color Rush, and few liked those. Gold also doesn't make sense right now because the Ravens' jerseys and helmets are white, purple, and black. Without another gold element it's just going to look shoehorned in. The only team that has four pants colors and makes sense is the Panthers due to the silver helmets.
  4. This might be an idea for teams that insist on wearing white socks. If they could have stripes on the socks that match the jerseys, or a single stripe matching the number color on the jerseys, that would make the white socks more bearable.
  5. Looking at the Bucs tonight, I wonder if they should look into red socks. The black socks look fine with the white jerseys, but they look off with the red jerseys. Maybe that's part of why they don't wear the red jerseys often besides the heat.
  6. They've done that for a while now. But I had the opposite reaction. I like it because it matches the uniforms. NBC did that a while back for the Eagles when they wore the kelly green throwbacks. They used kelly green instead of midnight green. The primary uniforms might not be a big deal, but the throwbacks might confuse new fans.
  7. Maybe not, but I would prefer silver or gray over white for the Lions. If the Lions had white helmets I might like white socks more with the blue helmets and pants combo. That said, I think the Lions chose the right socks tonight given their current options. Hopefully they'll start wearing the silver pants and blue socks together again soon and make this all moot.
  8. I think gray socks would be better. It would bookend with the helmet. I don't think the Lions look good with white socks in any combo.
  9. I don't know about boring, but they seem to have a similar problem to the Texas Rangers of baseball. The primary jerseys are caught between being a navy team and a red team. Hopefully the new jerseys will resolve that. I will say that if the Texans wore the red helmet AND the red socks with their Color Rush it would have looked great. So more red might be a good idea.
  10. It's a reference to Denver being a mile above sea level. There are 5,280 feet in a mile.
  11. A few more: 1. Less monochrome, whatever the color. 2. The Rams replace the gray pants with white and the gray jersey with yellow or drop the gray altogether. 3. No more white socks with white pants, even for Color Rush jerseys. 4. The NFL requires uniforms to be uniform. I can't think of any reason why the NFL can't require all players to wear matching uniforms. You'd be surprised how many times I've watched Eagles games this year looking for players wearing black socks.
  12. Who comes up with these "trends"? As a Giants fan, it can get confusing when you have four uniforms for your team and they all have a different design. I don't get coming up with new uniforms that don't use the same basic design.
  13. It's happened more than you might think. There was Eli Manning and Robert Griffin III both wearing number 10, Drew Brees and Tony Romo both wearing number 9, Aaron Rodgers and Tom Brady both wearing number 12, and Philip Rivers and Brock Osweiler both wearing number 17. It might have been rarer before numbers were retired and teams weren't playing each other so frequently.
  14. What is the obsession with white socks with white pants? I thought I saw in an earlier post that it can hide breaks between them and the pants and thus help avoid fines, but I can't see any good reason for them. The "icy" thing makes no sense, and leggings in the right color shouldn't be hard to get, especially if the standard sock color is black like the Eagles or Ravens.
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