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Posts posted by TrueYankee26

  1. 22 hours ago, Burmy said:

    Noticed that the Niagara Purple Eagles have started to use their "retro" logo again on their website and social media:



    No word on whether or not it's their primary logo again, a "joint primary" with their current one or a placeholder for a new logo...but I think we can all agree that their most recent primary would not be missed.



    (Just using it for the audio...I think that elephant creature is adorable)

    Hopefully they pull a Tulane here and use just the old school mascot logo as new full time.

    • Like 13
  2. 6 hours ago, McCall said:

    Here is my prediction for a possible power conference endgame, whether as FBS, it's own level under the NCAA above FBS or as a breakaway. All four conferences end up with an even-across-the-board 18 teams.


    A few changes:

    - West Virginia leaves the Big 12 for the ACC: It's been discussed recently, and seems plausible that they'd prefer to be reunited with some to their old Big East rivals and avoid having to travel to the west coast for conference games.

    - The Big Ten drags their feet and loses out on Stanford and California to the Big 12, who also add San Diego State to bring the total to 18 after losing West Virginia.

    - Florida State and Clemson manage to leave the ACC for the SEC, but Notre Dame, feeling the pressure to join a conference has become to heavy to resist any longer, honors their deal and joins the ACC rather than trying to get out.

    - The ACC decides to get into the Texas/western South territory by bringing in Memphis, Tulane (New Orleans) and SMU (Dallas). I couldn't decide between the last member; Rice brings Houston into the league, while Temple and UConn are in ACC territory, yet bring in markets they currently lack. Temple (Philadelphia) does, anyway. I included Liberty (Lynchburg, VA), but I think their recent success may not necessarily make them as attractive as some believe them to be.


    Boston College Illinois Arizona Alabama
    Duke Indiana Arizona State Arkansas
    Georgia Tech Iowa Baylor Auburn
    Louisville Maryland BYU Clemson
    Memphis Michigan California Florida
    Miami Michigan State Cincinnati Florida State
    North Carolina Minnesota Colorado Georgia
    North Carolina State Nebraska Houston Kentucky
    Notre Dame Northwestern Iowa State LSU
    Pittsburgh Ohio State Kansas Mississippi Sate
    SMU Oregon Kansas State Mizzou
    Syracuse Penn State Oklahoma State Oklahoma
    Tulane Purdue San Diego State Ole Miss
    Virginia Rutgers Stanford South Carolina
    Virginia Tech UCLA TCU Tennessee
    Wake Forest USC Texas Tech Texas
    West Virginia Washington UCF Texas A&M
    Liberty/Rice/Temple/UConn Wisconsin Utah Vanderbilt

    I would have a feeling ACC would pick UConn for dominant hoops and history with some of the ex Big East members, or Temple for the latter reason


    If Liberty can get past the controversy they have of being associated with the Falwells they may have a shot because they invested so much and have openly said they aspire to be the evangelical Notre Dame

  3. On 8/3/2023 at 6:54 PM, DCarp1231 said:

    A lot of your names are super clever, but you missed an opportunity of a lifetime by not naming Pittsburgh’s d-league team the Erie Iron. The absolute linguistic chaos that would ensue on people trying to correctly pronounce it.

    Lol try saying it 8 times in a row and fast too

  4. 18 hours ago, 8993 said:


    So many people got blood on their hands, the current commish and the previous, the presidents of the Pac 12 schools and finally the Big Ten and 12 swooped in to take advantage

    17 hours ago, johnrafael said:


    Pretty much anything Elon owns

    7 hours ago, JH42XCC said:



    Zero home wins since October 12, 2019


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