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Seattle Metropolitans Concept [Looking for Critiques]


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I've spent a decent amount of time on the logo identities of these Metropolitans concepts. Having little to no experience in design, and being confined to "Sketchbook Pro" as a means for production, these took far longer than I would have hoped, so please excuse the rough work. For the time being it's more a proof of concept.

Creating a unique identity for what makes a "Metropolitan" extremely difficult in a way similar to that of the Canucks. I couldn't decide entirely on the primary logo, initially thinking I would create a sort of robotic profile of a head inspired by the robot from the 20th century film "Metropolis" and by a former Seattle hockey team The Seattle Ironmen, though this quickly became too large a task to complete to my standards.

I settled on what I originally figured would be the shoulder patch as a primary, tying in the Emerald shape of the 'S' to represent Seattle as "The Emerald City" and highlighting the top left corner of the Emerald to distinguish the team as the North-West most team in the US and one of only two in the league. Upon settling on the initial design, the two tone green seemed obvious, though I was left with a little too much negative space in the lower portion, and after quite some deliberation I decided to utilize an 'M' in yellow as a highlight.


The other logo I'm not quite so satisfied with. I tried my best to stay away from the Space Needle as I figured it was so widely used, and obvious, before realizing with a city oriented name that it was essentially unavoidable. I had initially conceptualized a smaller profile design of the Space Needle surrounded by other skyscrapers in the general shape of a chevron. At some point I realized it wasn't working and was becoming far too detailed, and decided it best to utilize the top of the Space Needle. I feel it's a bit too cartoony, though I lack any sort of experience trying to simplify some sort of specific concept such as this; I was considering using some sort of shadowing but it quickly looked too similar to the Sounders representation.


The jerseys are pretty similar together. I whipped these up again pretty quickly just to get an idea for what I wanted before i went ahead with better versions (ignore the blank socks on the first example). I really liked the representation of green and yellow that the North Stars used to have, and at first used the lighter green minimally. I quickly realized that it didn't leave much breathing room for the lighter green and swapped their usage.

Ultimately, I'm quite satisfied with them. I tried to keep a relatively classic feel, as Seattle (I quickly discovered) has a surprisingly rich hockey history. I was hoping to add some small detail(s) to create a subtle modern feel, but that might still come. I have some ideas for a faux-back third that I'll begin soon, utilizing a tweaked version of original Metropolitans 'S' logo and probably a two-tone green look.

Please let me know what you think as this is more for skill building than anything. Cheers!


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Don't talk your design down, I think it should be something you should be proud of. The notch in the upper left is a great Idea. I don't know if you touched on this anywhere in your explaination but what would really tie the uniform together would be, obviously, adding numbers to the jerseys. As far as the alternative logo, it looks too much like a logo a team would use as a tribute to an arena during the first/last year there. It feels to me like am standing at the bottom of the space needle looking up. It should be more level with the eye.

Overall its a nice design which the addition of the numbers and some logo fixes it should be even better.


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  • 3 weeks later...

I think the space needle logo just needs to be cleaned up a little, and as for the primary I think it would look better if the m looked more like the S instead if having it's own theme and maybe make it taller and have it go through the bar in the S, but all in all it's a great concept and it's really original

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So, first off, welcome to the boards.

This is good for a first attempt. The idea of making the S into an emerald is a smart idea. The two-tone green works great, and the yellow lends a great Sonics-throwback feel.

But there are some issues:

Primary: the lighting of the gem looks off. Doesn't seem like it should be on just one facet. If you shrunk the whole logo, that M would get really muddy.

Secondary: Way, way too detailed. Always consider that logos need to work in many different applications and sizes.

I encourage you to get hold of a proper graphics program and learn how to use it. I recommend Inkscape, which is free and has a built-in tutorial.




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