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Official Survivor Series Tournament Rules


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These are the official rules for the Survivor Series Tournament. Yes, they will seem a bit strict. But, this is a unique tournament and they have to be strict if I hope to have any sort of control over this event. I encourage all of you that are participating to read over these rules thoroughly and make sure you understand them. If you have any questions or concerns, or anything you'd like to suggest as an amendment, please post it in this thread and I'll address it accordingly.

These will also be posted on the Survivor Series website.

Official Survivor Series Rules


A deadline for entries will be determined at the time of the announcement of each round?s challenge. Any team that fails to meet this deadline will forfeit the round and will lose a team member of their opponent?s choice. There are no exceptions to this rule. Any entries received after the deadline will not be permitted and will be disregarded.

All entries must be submitted in a .zip file and emailed to submissions@nitroseed.net. The email must use the subject line ?SS Entry, <team name>? (i.e. SS Entry, Designing Five-O). The .zip filename must include the team name or number, tournament stage (QF for quarterfinals, SF for semifinals, FF for finals), and round number. (Example: team1-QF1.zip, or triumvirate-SF3.zip). Please try to abbreviate your team name if possible (i.e. Super Insane Crayola Killazz could be SICK or G3 Studios could be just G3). Please be consistent and use the same abbreviation throughout the tournament. The .zip file must contain all necessary files. Any entries that are incomplete will be disregarded.

All entries must utilize the Official Survivor Series Templates provided by the Tournament Director (nitroseed) at the time of each round?s announcement. No personal templates may be used at any time throughout this competition, nor may any modifications to the templates basic structure be made. Failure to use the provided templates will result in a forfeit of the round.

All entries must be submitted in .ai format and suited for Adobe Illustrator 10. There are no exceptions to this rule. In the event that the remaining active team member or members do not have Illustrator and/or cannot create his or her entry in Illustrator, they may call on an eliminated team member to assist them. However, the original entry created by the active member(s) must be submitted to, reviewed and approved by the Tournament Director. Only after approval will the other eliminated team member be allowed to assist. The assisting member may not make any changes to the original design. Failure to comply with this rule will result in a warning, and the design must be modified to match the original approved design. Ignoring the warning will result in a forfeit of the round.

No entries may contain any reference to any team name or team member in any way, shape or form. The Tournament Director reserves the sole right to discern any possible violations of this rule. All nameplates on uniforms must use the name ?PLAYER? and must use the number ?23.? There are no exceptions to this rule.

No work may be posted on any thread or exhibited publicly in any capacity at any time, whether final or not. Work also may not be shown to any individual outside of any team?s own members for any reason. These rules will be very strictly enforced and any individuals or teams guilty of violation will forfeit the round.

Any entry that can be proven to contain work that is not the original creation of the team or the individual will be disqualified. Any team guilty of submitting fraudulent work will be disqualified and will immediately be eliminated from the tournament. Each individual is responsible for the integrity of his or her team?s work. Even if only one player is at fault, the entire team will be held accountable and responsible and will be penalized accordingly.


Voting will last for a pre-determined amount of time. After the time limit has ended, all votes will be counted and a winner will be determined and announced by the Tournament Director.

Voting will be conducted in the form of a vote-only poll on the Sports Logo forum. No comments will be allowed in voting threads and no public discussion or exterior threads relating to voting will be permitted. Any participating individual or team that violates this rule will forfeit the round.

Though impossible to enforce, the Tournament Director asks that you refrain from voting for yourself or voting for any match that you or your team is involved in. This is essential for the fairness of the tournament.

The Tournament Director reserves the sole right to change voting procedures at any time.


Once a winner is determined and announced by the Tournament Director, the winning team will be allowed to select a member of the opposing team to eliminate. Any member of the team that is still active may submit their choice to the Tournament Director. This selection must be made within 24 hours of the announcement of the winners. Failure to submit an elimination choice will forfeit that team?s right to select a member, and the Tournament Director will randomly select the member to be eliminated. Any active member of the winning team may PM the Tournament Director with their choice within the 24 hour window after the winner is announced.

Once a member of a team has been eliminated, he/she may not participate in any collaboration with his team in any way, shape or form and is barred from any form of participation in the tournament with the exception of voting. Any proven violation of this rule will be investigated and any team found guilty will be disqualified and eliminated from the tournament. This rule is taken very seriously and will be strictly enforced. Please take it upon yourself to abide by this rule for the sake of the tournament?s integrity.

A team is eliminated from the tournament once all three members have been eliminated in a match.

Once a team advances to the next stage of the tournament, all previously eliminated members of that team will be reinstated and allowed to participate.

The Tournament Director reserves the sole right to modify these rules at any time. Please refer to them regularly to stay up to date on any changes that may occur.

And in the words of Vic Romano and Kenny Blankenship...


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Made a clarification (rewording) on the rule about eliminated members assisting with Illustration. Might want to reread it. If you're still confused, I'll try to explain it further.

Also, I'm working on establishing a better way to handle voting through PMs. Until I can get that set up, the vote-only poll will have to do. If anyone has a better idea, let me know.

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An outsider question, After a team has been eliminated wil there be a new format for elimination for the next phase/round or will it be the same as the first just the players who were knocked out on teams still in will be able to participate again?

Hope that made sense.

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