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Mies van der Rohe White Sox Concept in Black and Red

Carolingian Steamroller

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So in creating my MLB series I worked on a lot of different ideas for the White Sox. At one point I thought of utilizing the retro style S-O-X and the batterman logo. I was inspired by the many buildings by Modernist architect Mies van der Rohe here in Chicago, especially his well portioned windows and breaks. So I tried to use 1-3-1 proportioned lines to break up the space on the shoulders and pants of a uniform. I don't think the result here is any better than what I ultimately decided on the series but its an enough of an oddball to merit posting outside of the outtakes. 


Sleeve Details/Home/Road/Alt 1/Alt 2/Batting Pratice


Sleeve Details.png

Home numbers 76 style E.png

Alt Away 76 numbers Bb.png

Home numbers 76 style D.png

Alt Away 76 numbers Cb.png


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