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Into the DFW-Verse! (Team #2 - Dallas Cowboys 7/9)


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TEAM #2 (listed as #1) - DALLAS LONGHORNS (1946, relocated Cleveland Rams)

Our second team is the first of several teams that were near relocations of different franchises. I'll give a backstory behind it, then go on with the concept, similar to what I did for the Texans.


Dan Reeves' Rams struggled to make profits in Cleveland, so they were looking for a new home to play in. Although Reeves ultimately settled on the sunny skies of Los Angeles, Dallas was also in his consideration. If the move to LA didn't happen, Dallas is where the Rams would have been today (unless they folded). However, they don't keep the Rams nickname due to a rather ominous event dealing with a ram with SMU's mascot. If you want to know more, the Mustangs (who almost did for this concept) played Fordham (the team behind the Rams name) the Saturday before Peruna I got run over by a motorcyclist on Mockingbird Ln in 1934. With that association in mind (and also because this is Texas's first team in this reality) I went with the statewide Longhorns as the nickname for this relocated Rams.


(Note: Starting from here, I'll hand-draw the concepts. Not because I don't believe in my ability digitally, but more or less as a way to get these concepts out more often. If I stuck with going digital, then this would have been 2 weeks after the last one at minimum. Also, I may redo this one with better organization (same with the Texans), so it may be a while before #3 comes out.)


Most of the references I used here come from actual Longhorns jerseys (hence a college feel), but I took my liberties. I did add a star on the sleeves to 1) signify the Lone Star State, 2) signify that this is Texas's first team (in this reality), and 3) add some sort of Rams element (team symbolism) that wasn't the horn (that wouldn't have looked good, considering the HOU Texans unis...).


The primary was probably the hardest thing in this whole concept to design, especially the longhorn head (it looks a bit like a bull in all honesty). I wasn't sure if I wanted to do one sticking out or a side profile. I ultimately went with the latter to reference the long lineage of side-profile Rams logos.


Same as before, C+C is much appreciated. The Texans update + this update is coming soon, then #3 for an Eagles relocation team.

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  • BlueMoon18 changed the title to Into the DFW-Verse! (Team #2 - Dallas Longhorns)

(REDO) TEAM #1 - DALLAS TEXANS (1952/1960)

NOTE: This is a COMPLETE redo of the original Dallas Texans post. I had rushed to post that one, so I redid it completely, adding suggestions.


To start the DFW series (officially this time), I'm starting with one of the saddest stories in football history. By sad, I don't mean heartbreaking, but just...embarrassingly weird that it's sad. The 1951 season was the last for the struggling New York Yanks (not the MLB, btw), who can be traced back to the Dayton Triangles, founded in 1913. The Yanks were founded in 1944 as the Boston Yanks by Ted Collins, and then moved to NYC in 1949, becoming the Bulldogs. They became the Yanks again in 1950, but the struggles were still there. They won only nine games in their last three seasons (including two one-win seasons in 1949 and 1951). Collins would try to find a buyer for the Yanks but ultimately sold the team back to the league after failing to do so.

On January 29, 1952, a group led by Giles and Connell Miller bought the license for the franchise and brought Texas its first-ever professional team. Texas was a big-time football state (it still is today), so the Millers were optimistic about the fortunes of the team. However, a 24-6 loss to the Giants in game one set the tone for the entire season. The Dallas Texans also won only one game, which only came after the Millers sold the team back to the league. Ultimately, the original Texans would fold, becoming the last team in NFL history to do so.

Seven years later, another Dallas business owner was looking for a team to own. That owner was Lamar Hunt (yes, that Lamar Hunt), and he was enthralled by the 1958 championship game between the Colts (who were the transferred '52 Texans) and Giants. He was most interested in buying the Cardinals but denied a 20% stake in the team from the Bidwills (that'll be part of the D-Cards concept). He wanted to form a different league, inspired by the AL & NL in baseball. And with that, the AFL was born, and Dallas was part of the original eight markets. They became the second Dallas Texans, and went 8-6 in 1960, which was comparatively more successful compared to both the original Texans and their fellow 1960 mates in the Cowboys (who went 0-11-1 that year). However, after three seasons, Hunt didn't want to play in the same stadium as the Cowboys, so he moved the team to KC in 1963.


I wanted to combine both the '52 Texans identity and the '60 Texans identity into one bigger one for this team. Here's what each team brings to the table in this design:

  • 1952 Texans: color palette (blue, silver and white), primary logo, wordmark
  • 1960 Texans: uniform basis, 2nd secondary logo

Changes + NOBS & numbers used are listed here. If you need a reference, the original idea is here.

Primary: @Blindsay, I took your suggestion and just made the primary the state of Texas with a hat on top. I did end up adding a D for Dallas and a star signifying the location, similar to how this media guide from 1952 does it for those Texans.

First Secondary: Recycled from the original idea. The D with a star is an original idea.

Second Secondary: The revolver the cowboy holds in the 1960 Texans' logo is cloned and flipped to make a double revolver. The DT monogram is original and is also used as the helmet logo.

Third Secondary: This was recycled from the original primary logo, but with some changes. This includes the face becoming a skull, and a bandana being added to represent the Wild West.

Wordmark: Same as original except that the "DALLAS" is straight and off to the side instead of tilted and aligned with the "Texans." The overall reference behind that is this media guide for the 1952 Texans.

Helmet: Still a blue base, but used the monogram instead of a rope as the helmet logo (as mentioned above). The helmet stripe is now a rope to make up for this replacement.

Uniforms in General: The different-colored side panels have been removed, and there is a star on the sleeves. Both home and away have the star, then the jersey number below it on the sleeve.

Home Uniform specifically: The pants stripe has been changed to be a rope. Also to note: The player used as the NOB is George Taliaferro. He was the only guy I could get for the 1952 team that did anything in the league.

Road Uniform specifically: The pants stripe has also been changed here, this time to a line of bigger stars (recycled from the original helmet). NOB player here is Abner Haynes. I chose him because he did play college ball in the Dallas area (I'm going to try to make as many local links as I can here). He played at North Texas State (which is now just North Texas) until he became a Dallas Texan in 1960.


C+C is much appreciated, as usual.

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  • BlueMoon18 changed the title to Into the DFW-Verse! (Team #1 (REDO) - Dallas Texans (1952/1960))

Welp. Change of plans. I just heard about the Chiefs' stadium not being approved, and that their future in KC could be in doubt. After that, Dallas's mayor, Eric L. Johnson, posted a little something on Twitter. This could link up a potential move of the Chiefs back to Dallas in 2031. And considering that it's a potential move, you know I gotta make a concept for it.  As a result, I'll add a new concept to American Football for the relocated Chiefs. I'll need help with names though, considering "Texans" would now be taken because Houston holds that moniker.


Suggestions are much appreciated!


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38 minutes ago, BlueMoon18 said:

Welp. Change of plans. I just heard about the Chiefs' stadium not being approved, and that their future in KC could be in doubt. After that, Dallas's mayor, Eric L. Johnson, posted a little something on Twitter. This could link up a potential move of the Chiefs back to Dallas in 2031. And considering that it's a potential move, you know I gotta make a concept for it.  As a result, I'll add a new concept to American Football for the relocated Chiefs. I'll need help with names though, considering "Texans" would now be taken because Houston holds that moniker.


Suggestions are much appreciated!





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18 minutes ago, MJWalker45 said:




Desperados I'm already doing for an Arena team.


I should also note now that if a suggested nickname is already shown on the list provided in the first post (like Desperados being the name of Dallas's arena team from 2002-08), I won't do it whenever I need a name for a different team I'm doing.

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3 hours ago, BlueMoon18 said:

Desperados I'm already doing for an Arena team.


I should also note now that if a suggested nickname is already shown on the list provided in the first post (like Desperados being the name of Dallas's arena team from 2002-08), I won't do it whenever I need a name for a different team I'm doing.

Heh, speaking of names, I'm thinking of a couple tied to Dallas & Fort Worth.

  • Dallas Trinity - The Trinity River is the river that passes through Dallas. This one isn't that intimidating though...
  • Dallas Pegasus (or Pegasuses) - The Pegasus statue in Dallas, which opened in 1934
  • Fort Worth Wranglers - This was a different suggestion by @MJWalker45, which I could see working well for Ft. Worth, considering their history in the rodeo industry
  • Fort Worth Rodeo - Same reason as above, but with my idea
  • Dallas Artists/Painters - DFW is the largest urban art district in the entire country. This HAD to be an idea considering I visited a couple of the area's art museums for my 16th.
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8 hours ago, Bomba Tomba said:

"Pegasuses" is too clunky, better just stick with Pegasus


Artists and Painters are not intimidating.... maybe Masters?

Shoot that's a much better idea!


Just so you guys know, I'm still accepting name ideas. I'll put that up to a vote come Eclipse Day.

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  • BlueMoon18 changed the title to Into the DFW-Verse! (Team #1 (REDO) - Dallas Texans (1952/1960)) (VIEWER PARTICIPATION ADVISED!)


I'll just say this: I COMPLETELY redid this one from the original. The only thing that remained was using burnt orange as a color. EVERYTHING ELSE CHANGED.

Anyway, I'll state the backstory of this team again in the case that you're just now seeing this: 

Dan Reeves' Rams struggled to make profits in Cleveland due to 1) World War II, and 2) horrible attendance, so they were looking for a new home to play in. Although Reeves ultimately settled on the sunny skies of Los Angeles, Dallas was also in his consideration. If the move to LA didn't happen, Dallas is where the Rams would have been today (unless they folded). However, they don't keep the Rams nickname due to a rather ominous event dealing with a ram with SMU's (Dallas mascot. If you want to know more, the Mustangs (who almost did for this concept) played Fordham (the team behind the Rams name) the Saturday before Peruna I got run over by a motorcyclist on Mockingbird Ln in 1934. With that association in mind (and also because this is Texas's first team in this reality) I went with the statewide Longhorns as the nickname for this relocated Rams. because a Ram isn't associated with the state of Texas, especially not Fort Worth. Fort Worth is quite literally the main cattle city of Texas, so it made so much sense for the staff of the Rams to rename themselves the Bulls.

If this team does end up existing, the Cowboys do still exist. The Bulls and Cowboys would then be in an intra-metro, interconference (I would have the Bulls in the AFC) rivalry, similar to how the Giants and Jets have one.


Anyway onto the uniforms and what I changed.

Like I said up top, the only thing that's the same is the use of burnt orange (or something close to it). I flipped the second color to instead be brown since That probably would have been much more fitting when dealing with Bulls. Darker colors mean more ferocity to me, so I went with a darker brown.

Primary Logo: Loosely based on Wyoming's logo but with a bull instead of a horse. It's also purposefully that simplistic to reference the Longhorns name I threw out.


Secondary B is a similar idea to what I did for the Dallas Texans primary, but instead with a rope going around where Fort Worth would be.

This is a relocated Rams team, so I had to do something similar with the helmet. I decided to do a bullhorn instead. Maybe I should have done this for the Eagles relocation...

It does say home and away on the picture for the uniforms, but for all effectiveness, the "away" is actually an alternate I had in mind (hence why I did two helmets). I'll call it the "Cowboy's Reckoning", and is meant to illustrate the contrast seen in some western tuxedos. I probably should have done white pants instead of orange for the alternate though.


C+C is much appreciated for this, and up next (officially) is the Eagles relocation team. However, I do need help deciding on the nickname to use for it. I'm stuck between Mockingbirds (for continuing the bird theme) and Bluebonnets (symbolism of the Eagle to Philly and America) and can't decide on which one to use. I am leaning towards Bluebonnets for now, but I want to see what you guys think I should go with. If you guys could help, it would be much appreciated.

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  • BlueMoon18 changed the title to (VIEWER PARTICIPATION REQUIRED!) Into the DFW-Verse! (Team #2 (REDO) - Fort Worth Bulls (1946))

VOTE #1: CONCEPT #3 and #11 NAMES

Well, today is the day. The day of the eclipse. And I did say I'd put up the nicknames to a vote today earlier this week. So here we are. Last day to vote will be this Thursday (Apr 11).


CONCEPT 3: Philadelphia Eagles relocation

Texas Mockingbirds - this is TX's state bird. I pick this one to continue with the literal meaning of an eagle.

Texas Bluebonnets - this is TX's state flower. Not as literal as the last one, but still on the theme of nature.

Texas Warriors - this references the symbolic aspect of the eagle, that being freedom. With that, I reference the Texas Revolution for the nickname Warriors although most of the fighting was done WAY CLOSER to the Mexican border. Hence why it's statewide.


CONCEPT 11: proposed KC Chiefs relocation

Dallas Trinity - The Trinity River is the river that passes through Dallas. This one isn't that intimidating though...
Dallas Pegasus - The Pegasus statue in Dallas, which opened in 1934
Fort Worth Wranglers - This was a different suggestion by @MJWalker45, which I could see working well for Ft. Worth, considering their history in the rodeo industry
Fort Worth Rodeo - Same reason as above, but with my idea
Dallas Masters - DFW is the largest urban art district in the entire country. This HAD to be an idea considering I visited a couple of the area's art museums for my 16th.

Dallas Scouts - Also suggested by @MJWalker45


The first name for both that gets to 10 votes will be chosen. The winning entry must also win by at least four votes (i.e. 10-6 would work). With that, get voting people!

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So far it's 1 for the Mockingbirds (Ex-Eagles) and one for the Wranglers (ex-Chiefs).



I'll extend the vote to April 14 to allow you guys to vote more, but I'm not extending it anymore after that because I have to get a name for the Eagles concept before I start on it.

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Well....that's it for the vote. 

2 votes for the Mockingbirds, so the Eagles become the Texas Mockingbirds in the 50s.


We are at a tie for Wranglers and Rodeo.

I decided to do a coin flip to decide (heads is Fort Worth Wranglers, tails is Fort Worth Rodeo)....and I got heads. The Chiefs relocation, if it happens, will become the Fort Worth Wranglers.

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Also, I should say I FINALLY got my other computer back. But due to that, it'll be a while before I get the Texas Mockingbirds concept out, as I will go ahead and re-digitize the previous two concepts alongside making the digital third concept.


For now, I'll say the Mockingbirds DO NOT use the Eagles green. The blue associated with Dallas will not be used either.

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41 minutes ago, BlueMoon18 said:

Also, I should say I FINALLY got my other computer back. But due to that, it'll be a while before I get the Texas Mockingbirds concept out, as I will go ahead and re-digitize the previous two concepts alongside making the digital third concept.


For now, I'll say the Mockingbirds DO NOT use the Eagles green. The blue associated with Dallas will not be used either.


So when you say "re-digitized"?, Do you imply that the concepts going forward will be fully digital like V1 of the NFL's Dallas Texans? 


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1 hour ago, maxwasson said:


So when you say "re-digitized"?, Do you imply that the concepts going forward will be fully digital like V1 of the NFL's Dallas Texans? 

That would be correct. I hopefully shouldn't encounter another mishap that'll force me to sketch the concepts again. Boy did that end up being a nightmare...

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15 minutes ago, BlueMoon18 said:

That would be correct. I hopefully shouldn't encounter another mishap that'll force me to sketch the concepts again. Boy did that end up being a nightmare...


I would think the digital versions of the Fort Worth Bulls and Dallas Texans (AFL) V2 should be next


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6 minutes ago, maxwasson said:


I would think the digital versions of the Fort Worth Bulls and Dallas Texans (AFL) V2 should be next

Well I could say right now that the NFL/AFL Texans I combined into one concept, hence why two dates were there when I did the entry. But if you do want me to do a 1960 colorway of the Texans then I can.

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