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Alphabet Man

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apparently the Australian Football League (AFL) and National Football League (NFL, USA) have entered a deal to create a hybrid version of both games..... following thesuccess of International Rules Football (played between AUS & Ireland each year- and is probably the best sport)

From a leading AFL football fan forum

you may recognise me (saints-2004) and rmered (Mero) registered on there...

It is a fan forum but the guy that posted this is the brains trust behind International Aussie Rules......making it even more credible (er,yeah right)

it would seem a bit alright i reckon (Lance 'Fatboy' Whittnal may come in handy for something )


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I'll only believe it if I see a legitamite article on it. I can't see any AFL player tackling an NFL running back, even if he ahs to bounce the ball.

Has any NFL player tried to play Aussie rules? I thought one person tried that.

I saw, I came, I left.

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thanks for the laugh...i could see a hybrid of American and Canadian football, despite the fact that only Canada plays teh latter. a rugby/Aussie hybrid would be workable. this, however, would be like mixing mario party with chess. basically, two worlds too different to do anything except collide and explode.


A strong mind gets high off success, a weak mind gets high off bull🤬

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As a kid I made up a combination of hockey and baseball, with a bit of lacrosse & soccer thrown in... I even got to try playing it one time, until we broke a window...

Comic Sans walks into a bar, and the bartender says, "Sorry, we don't serve your type here."

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